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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Important question is what are these children doing in a top secret airbase? May be they are kidnapped by Syrian forces?
60 Tonahawks for just one base which Air base is still being used to conduct air strikes. First please tell me why was the base not destroyed by 60 tomahawks and Why the hell 60 cruise missiles? Those missile hit the civilian population in the surrounding as well.
They will be annoyed at any thing which stops them from killing children.

Yes, so much concern about Syrian children specially from Trump whose first executive order was to stop immigrants and refugees from Syria entering United states

Funniest thing about this chemical attack is that whole American machinery was ready for reaction before it even happened, go figure that one, but then again people who knew about WMD in Iraq are the ones saying Syrians made these attacks why wouldn't we believe them; right!
Their claim was that they controlled half of syrian airspace from system in latakia... its a long range sam... any how
Syrians were previously given control of S-200 systems but now they are been given S-400 systems and there are also reports coming in that Syrian will be given New fighter Jets under the control of Syrian Air force.
Dear friend this has been reported on BBC so please condemn UK media not me. BBC just said the 4 Children have died in these strikes till now.

This is the BBC summary, which does not mention civilians at all.
so the s400 turns out to be a dud can't even stop tomahawk missiles. the airbase has definitely covered from s400
This is the BBC summary, which does not mention civilians at all
US strikes on Syria: UK backs Donald Trump's attack that 'kills four children' as Russia condemns 'aggression'


Less than half of US missiles hit Syrian airbase
Only 23 of 59 cruise missiles launched by the US reached their target on a Syrian air base, the Russian military has said.

It is unclear where the others landed.

Soon Iran will do a New cruise missile test Successfully.
So s 400 did not shoot any down??

Interesting isnt it? Considering how the trolls from east are constantly reminding us how their "yet to be" sanctioned purchase of S400 will make our missiles redundant. Food for thought, Babur is a derivative from Tomohawk and use the same terrain hugging mechanism.
60 Tonahawks for just one base which Air base is still being used to conduct air strikes. First please tell me why was the base not destroyed by 60 tomahawks and Why the hell 60 cruise missiles? Those missile hit the civilian population in the surrounding as well.
See....they are precision weapons designed to take out high value targets...cnn reports that they have destroyed multiple radars...oil dumps...runways aircraft's and hardened air craft shelters!!
May be by seeing in movies you may think that a single missile with a conventional war head can take out entire Air base!!
To give you a perspective...the MOAB which largest conventional ordinance has a blast radius of On mile and the war head weighs 15 tons!! Now you do the math...then you'll see the number of 59 believable!
4 Children have died in USA cruise missile attacks.

Immediately after the massive missile strike on the Syria air base Daesh and al-Nusra Front terrorist groups started a large-scale offensive against the Syrian positions," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov

Its almost like they were told to get ready:buba_phone: that can't be, Americans are fighting Al Qaeda :rofl:
Saddam neutralised》Shia gov in Iraq》atrocities on Sunnis》Iran fully involved with US》ISIS form in the Sunni vacuum》Syria +Iran+Russia fight ISIS》innocents die in cross fire》when everyone fatigued eith war》US jumps in

In all this Saudis +gulf states help create ISIS but if you look closely the driving forces in the conflict are Iran and US hand in hand who will benefit most from it.

Saddam attacked kuwait》Arab + US topple Saddam 》Shia gov in Iraq》ISIS created》ISIS form in the Sunni vacuum》Syria +Iran+Russia fight ISIS》innocents die in cross fire》when everyone fatigued eith war》US jumps in

Here you go. Corrected few parts :)
How many of you think the Syria flash point is gonna be a tinder-box on a world war scale?

The US-Russia Hotline is active though.
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