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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

BREAKING: EU will work alongside the United States to end brutality in Syrian civil war - EU Council President.
New reports of fighter jets still taking of from Khan Shaykhun even after the cruise missile attacks and attacking the same region where the reported Chemical attack took Place. No confirmation the Aircraft belonged to Russia or Syrian Airforce.

Warplane carries out the first strike in Khan Shaykhun area after the US missile strikes that destroyed al-Shayrat airbase

Idlib Province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights:
A loud explosion was heard in Khan Shaykhun in the southern countryside of Idlib, where the activists of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights observed a warplane (it is not known yet whether it was Russian or it belongs to the regime) flying in the atmosphere of Khan Shaykhun, and it carried out one raid with one missile on area near the main road north of Khan Shaykhun at 10:41 am on Friday the 7th of April 2017, and the strike caused material damage but no information about casualties yet, and this is considered the first raid targets Khan Shaykhun after the US missile strikes which targeted Shayrat airbase dawn of today, and killed 7 Officers and members of the regime forces, including a colonel in the Syrian air defense.
LOL where is the American flag?

You Americans are a laughable bunch. I can only laugh at such patriotism.

These airstrikes changes nothing on the ground...merely of symbolic nature!!
And also...Russia might have also given its consent they have moved the air defence batteries well in advance...which shows that Syrian govt has indeed used those chemical weapons against civilians.
Good work trump. We Need to demolish assad government, it is becoming threat for peace. Greedy asad need to go.

what abt russia
Russia will see its own interest. I don't think putin will continue asad support.
Putin will support trump. Both have good relation.
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Russia have condemned the missile strikes on Syria.

Russia Providing Assad with latest Air defense systems. Reports coming in.
A declining superpower will try everything to stay relevant.. Sadly it is the World Peace which is going to suffer
Kind of predictable that Trump would do something like this.

Anyway for everyone in the thread, here is the Aftermath of the missile strike,

More footage,

Also Russian media is reporting that the attack by the U.S didn't have much effect, and that only 23 out of the 59 Tomahawk missiles actually hit their target.

"The Russian Defense Ministry says the US missile strike on a Syrian airfield wasn't very effective, with only 23 out of 59 Tomahawk missiles reaching their target. The locations of the remaining 36 missiles’ impact is now unknown, the ministry added. “According to our sources, only 23 of them reached the Syrian airbase,” the Russian Defense Ministry said, adding that the points of impact of the other 36 cruise missiles remain unknown.

According to their sources, The strike on the Shayrat airfield in Syria’s Homs Province destroyed a material storage depot, a training facility, a canteen, six MiG-23 aircraft in repair hangars and a radar station.

The runway, taxiways and the Syrian aircraft on the parking apron remained undamaged, the ministry said in a statement.
The ministry also slammed the US actions as “a gross violation” of the memorandum of understanding signed by Moscow in Washington back in 2015 to prevent flight incidents in Syrian airspace.

All justifications for the strike are “groundless claims,” the ministry continued. “Russia made an earlier statement that the Syrian forces did not use chemical weapons. We are waiting for clarification from the US on undisputed – as they claim – evidence that it was the Syrian Army that deployed chemical weapons in the town of Khan Sheikhoun.”

Hopefully the remaining 36 missiles did not hit civilians, if this is true.
OPCW also reported all Syrian Chemical stacks were destroyed.

So what, Sarin is a binary chemical weapon.
One of the components is something You can easily buy in your local pharmacy (isopropenol).
If Assad want to create more, there are really not a lot of inspectors to stop him.
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