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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Assad denies using barrel bombs too yet there are hundreds of evidences says otherwise. He is a pathological liar and cannot be trusted.
I also remember when USA said that there were Chemical weapons in Iraq and an entire Muslim Nation was destroyed. Please help me here because history has suggested other wise.
One more thought to add here. Just wait a month and there will be tomahawk strikes on Saudia by Yemen. USA has just given Tomahawk technology to Iran there are also reports of 6 not detonated tomahawks in the strikes and who will get their hands on the technology first. lol


BREAKING: French President Francois Hollande calls for continuation of American military operation against Assad regime

The Western world has a special fascination and fetish for Syria. Particularly the conservative Christian segment. Their biblical scriptures also talk a lot about Syria and its importance. These people have been seeking a puppet regime for a long time.

You also have the likes of Saudi Arabia who oppose Alawite/Shia rule and influence in the Middle East. Anyone can do the math.
Sadly Muslim countries should have taken this step instead of a person like Trump. Let's see what his next step is going to be. According to the report they informed the Russians before the attack so the base must be empty.

Yup. That's the biggest regret. Countries like Turkey, Qatar and KSA were suppose to be in the lead here. Muslim world has been burdened with weak defeatist mentality leaders but to be fair to them I can find some reasons for the inability of the countries mentioned above to react decisively:

- Erdogan's did have the intention and will to act decisively and it threw its full support behind Syrian people BUT lets NOT forget AKP goverment has been fighting an internal sabotage by western oriented kemalist+FETO and liberals. Gezi park protest, the corruption allegation and finally the coup attempt all forced Erdogan's hands to retreat.

- King Abdullah screwed it KSA IMO. His administration were paraniod and unnesesarily obsessed with the MB and Islamic movements in Egypt and arab spring. This is what is called is tunnel vision that most Muslim governments have. Rather than thinking long term that guy went ballastic over MB and gifted Egyptian people a maniac like SISI who btw is open to collaboration with Assad.

- Qatar is too small to do anything.

- NOW KSA is bogged down in yemen while Turkey needs to get its own house in order. I just hope Erdogan can get his way in 1^ aprial referendum and build stronger institutions independent from the West.

In short Muslims goverments/leaders are either beholden to foreign nations for their power OR those that are NOT beholden are bogged down by internal chaos and sabotage. ME monarchs with tunnel vision and 0 long term thinking on the other hand are obsessed with their throne and would do anything to placate that paranoia.
OPCW also reported all Syrian Chemical stacks were destroyed.

Destruction of declared Syrian chemical weapons completed
Monday, 04 January 2016

Veolia, the US firm contracted by the OPCW to dispose of part of the Syrian chemical weapons stockpile, has completed disposal of 75 cylinders of hydrogen fluoride at its facility in Texas.

This completes destruction of all chemical weapons declared by the Syrian Arab Republic. The need to devise a technical solution for treating a number of cylinders in a deteriorated and hazardous condition had delayed the disposal process.

Commenting on this development, the Director-General of the OPCW, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, said: "This process closes an important chapter in the elimination of Syria's chemical weapon programme as we continue efforts to clarify Syria's declaration and address ongoing use of toxic chemicals as weapons in that country."

Just saw a video of the air base the missiles left almost all fighter jets and hangers intact on the base and just killed 6 soldiers and on barraks building with 60 tomahawks lol. USA is a real drama.
Just saw a video of the air base the missiles left almost all fighter jets and hangers intact on the base and just killed 6 soldiers and on barraks building with 60 tomahawks lol. USA is a real drama.

LOL I heard something similar. You wonder where the missiles went.

Perhaps the Syrians moved their assets out?
Destruction of declared Syrian chemical weapons completed
Monday, 04 January 2016

Veolia, the US firm contracted by the OPCW to dispose of part of the Syrian chemical weapons stockpile, has completed disposal of 75 cylinders of hydrogen fluoride at its facility in Texas.

This completes destruction of all chemical weapons declared by the Syrian Arab Republic. The need to devise a technical solution for treating a number of cylinders in a deteriorated and hazardous condition had delayed the disposal process.

Commenting on this development, the Director-General of the OPCW, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, said: "This process closes an important chapter in the elimination of Syria's chemical weapon programme as we continue efforts to clarify Syria's declaration and address ongoing use of toxic chemicals as weapons in that country."


ISIS Used Chemical Arms at Least 52 Times in Syria and Iraq, Report Says


Who is giving ISIS Chemical weapons?

LOL I heard something similar. You wonder where the missiles went.
I just saw another video missiles traveling to Iran on trucks lol. What a noob strike.
ISIS Used Chemical Arms at Least 52 Times in Syria and Iraq, Report Says


Who is giving ISIS Chemical weapons?

I just saw another video missiles traveling to Iran on trucks lol. What a noob strike.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a coordinated attack from all sides. We know Trump has a soft spot for Russia. Such a U-turn in a matter of days is frankly a little suspect.
It's called invasion of a sovereign country.

No its just one thug killing another thug. Invasion happened when iranian militias and army officers barged into syria to slaughter syrian muslims and defend macho man putin's girlfriend assad. DO NOTE your little pet assad did NOT called it act of war but an act of aggression. Syria ceased to be a country to worry "sovereignty" the day that bastard assad started killing innocent protestors.
Just saw a video of the air base the missiles left almost all fighter jets and hangers intact on the base and just killed 6 soldiers and on barraks building with 60 tomahawks lol. USA is a real drama.
can u post the video here??
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