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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Trump is in appeasement mode. He is trying to look tough on Russia to appease the domestic audience. It won't work. Let's wait for the Russian response.
) Russia does not come even close to US, its vaunted S-300 and S-400 are worthless in front of USAF and US Navy.
That's Why they Needed To notify Russian From Proper military Channels before strikes:pleasantry:Did Russian Notify US before taking over cremia or Shooting Down Passenger Aircraft Over Ukraine
Are we looking at the renewed US sanctions on Russians?
Probably Stolichnaya drinking Trump wont.
But the fact is that Russians are prone to American sanctions.
Rubble was humbled 2 years ago - 45% down.
SWIFT code is the best tool that the US may wield over Russia - weapons not needed.
Iraq war was started by mythical chemical weapons, here Chemical attack is the basis of the attack however there was no investigation carried out but rather strikes launched that according to some news has given isis a upper hand in that region! Now is this another attempt to strengthen isis?
Putin believes US attack on Syria violates international law – spokesman

President Putin “regards the strikes as aggression against a sovereign nation,” his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, noting that the president believes the strikes were carried out “in violation of international law, and also under an invented pretext.”

Peskov also insisted that “the Syrian army doesn’t have chemical weapons,”saying this had been “observed and confirmed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a special UN unit.”

Putin sees the US missile strike on Syria as an attempt to distract attention from civilian casualties in Iraq, Peskov added.

“This step deals significant damage to US-Russian ties, which are already in a deplorable state,” Peskov said.

source: RT
Which is a blatant lie, since OPCW reported on October 2016 that Assad was behind several
attack using Chemical Weapons.
Why do You spread easily checked lies?
JUST IN: Russian Foreign Minister says Trump Administration's strikes on Syria remind him of the US invasion of Iraq

The question is still there whether this latest episode is going to have any sort of meaningful output or not? Why is US on the back foot wherever Russia is involved?
There were 5 ships in the area not 2

Reports say that 2 ships fired on the airbase.

There were more ships but I'm talking about ships which fired the missiles at Syrian Airbase
Israel backs 'strong message' sent by US Syria strike:

That's Why they Needed To notify Russian From Proper military Channels before strikes:pleasantry:Did Russian Notify US before taking over cremia or Shooting Down Passenger Aircraft Over Ukraine
There were no US soldiers stationed in Crimea. Stealing land from poor Slavic brothers makes u so proud?
Whoever did that, was fucking stupid.

Almost everyone did lol

US foreign policy is bigger than Trump

Indeed. Anti-Americans hate to admit it though.

This was a long time coming, and is a major warning to Assad, as well as Russia.
Don't know about being a major warning to Russia...we shall see I suppose.

but that all depends on how Assad and Russia react.
They won't do much. just my feeling.
UK government 'fully supports' US air strike in Syria


UK government 'fully supports' US air strike in Syria

Media captionMichael Fallon: "Limited and appropriate action against the airfield... action we fully support"
The UK government says it "fully supports" the US missile strike against an air base in Syria over a suspected chemical weapons attack.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the PM had been "informed throughout" but the UK was not asked to take part.

He described the strike as "limited" and "wholly appropriate".

Fifty-nine Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from two US Navy ships in the Mediterranean. Six people were killed, the Syrian army said.

The attack comes days after dozens of civilians, including children, died in a suspected nerve gas attack on the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun in north-western Syria.

US President Donald Trump said the US missile strike targeted the base which was the launch point for this attack.

US launches missile strikes against Syria

LIVE: Latest updates and global reaction to Trump strike

Sir Michael told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that the UK government had had close discussions with the US over the past few days "at all levels" and had "reviewed the various options they were considering".

US Defence Secretary General James Mattis contacted the UK to give "advance notice of the President's final decision".

Sir Michael said the US strike had "targeted the airfield, the aircraft the support equipment that were involved, the Americans believe, in this gas attack and is designed to deter the regime from planning similar gas attacks".

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionUS President Donald Trump has called on "all civilised nations" to help end the conflict
He said the US "hasn't declared war" on Syria and the UK had not been asked to get involved: "The Americans have made it very clear the attack last night was limited, was narrowly focused, they did everything possible to minimise Syrian casualties, indeed to involve Russian personnel on that particular airfield."

Sir Michael said there would have to be a vote in Parliament before the UK got involved in any military action.

MPs rejected strikes against Syrian government forces in a 2013 vote, but Sir Michael stressed that the UK had not been asked to join the US action.

"We are not committed to military action in Syria, our Parliament considered that before back in 2013 and turned it down. But we are involved in trying to get a political settlement in Syria and we will all be working harder to do that now."

Asked about the lack of a UN resolution backing the US strike, Sir Michael told the BBC: "The Americans tried very hard to get United Nations support but it became very clear that these resolutions would simply be vetoed and in any case the Syrian regime has ignored United Nations resolutions."

He added that Russia could stop the regime and "use its influence against Assad to bring this slaughter to a stop".

'We must act'
President Trump called on "all civilised nations" to help end the conflict in Syria and branded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a "dictator" who had "launched a horrible chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians".

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron supported the US action and said the UK should be prepared to become involved militarily as well.

He said: "The British government, rather than just putting out a bland statement welcoming this, should now follow it up and call an emergency meeting of the Nato alliance to see what else can be done, be that more surgical strikes or no-fly zones.

"Evil happens when good people do nothing. We cannot sit by while a dictator gasses his own people. We cannot stand by, we must act."

The UK government has made renewed calls this week for diplomatic action in response to the chemical attack.

The US, UK and France had brought a resolution before the United Nations Security Council, demanding an investigation.

But on Wednesday, Downing Street had played down the prospect of military action, insisting "nobody is talking" about an armed response to the atrocity.

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