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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Alhamdulillah. One satan attacking another satan. Though between trump & that bastard assad, trump is the lesser of the 2 evils. Scumbag assad already killed 1 million syrians. You have to be a degenerate low life to blindly defend this genocidal maniac after what he has done to syria openly over the last 7 years.

P.S - I don't think trump is an angel or that he cares for syrian Muslims. The noe-cons are most likely firmly back in washington power circle OR trump may be trying to establish himself as a strongman and differentiating himself from obama. But either way anyone opposed to that bastard assad has my support.
Yeah, lets all support the satanist rebel groups beheading children and running them over by tanks.
Alhamdulillah. One satan attacking another satan. Though between trump & that bastard assad, trump is the lesser of the 2 evils. .


There is no end to it.
Iraq war was started by mythical chemical weapons, here Chemical attack is the basis of the attack however there was no investigation carried out but rather strikes launched that according to some news has given isis a upper hand in that region! Now is this another attempt to strengthen isis?

You have to be really blind to NOT see that assad has been using chemical weapons. That bastard has absolutely nO qualms about syrian and this simple fact should be clear after how he slaughtered 1 million syrians and bulldozed aleppo. This bastard regime raped syrian women and gassed opposition activists in concentration camps. NOT everything is a conspiracy and paddling ludicurous theories in defence of a low life oppressive genocidal maniac is equal to taking part in oppression for which you will have to answer to Allah (swt) on the day of judgement.
Sadly Muslim countries should have taken this step instead of a person like Trump. Let's see what his next step is going to be. According to the report they informed the Russians before the attack so the base must be empty.
You have to be really blind to NOT see that assad has been using chemical weapons. That bastard has absolutely nO qualms about syrian and this simple fact should be clear after how he slaughtered 1 million syrians and bulldozed aleppo. This bastard regime raped syrian muslims and gassed in concentration camps. NOT everything is a conspiracy and paddling ludicurous theories in defence of a low life oppressive genocidal maniac is equal to taking part in oppression for which you will have to answer to Allah (swt) on the day of judgement.
Who is innocent in this war? No one. Secondly you don't mention isis and those quarterbacking them? are they the saints in all of this? Is this a conspiracy?
It was finally time to punish Bashar's genocidal regime,great step taken by Trump. Hope more will follow. @F-22Raptor

It wasn't approved by the UNSC which means it was illegal and a show of brute force. First creating lunatics to de-stabilise the country which was peacefully chugging along. And then sending troops in to solve the problem.

Don't you guys in NATO have anything better to do than ruin countries?

And then Europe complains about refugees.
Russia Iraq Iran and Syria have condemned the Missile attack on Syria
Sadly Muslim countries should have taken this step instead of a person like Trump. Let's see what his next step is going to be. According to the report they informed the Russians before the attack so the base must be empty.

I am surprised why Saudi forces didn't enter Syria along with Turkish special units.

Didn't expect Trump to be so unpredictable.. more than usual.
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