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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

RU has his muslim allies with the Shia bloc... US want to stay and get more Muslims in his side with the sunnis. US/Israel are allies, therefore who ever close an eye or have relations with one or another or share strategic ideas are allies... US intervention alone is not important but it's intention is... When the one stronger than us do something, those under will be thinking it's ok to do the same as the one who hold power...

What's coming next could be a more active position in this conflict by those around, meaning don't be surprised if you find few Arab/ Turkish boots on active ground... And more openly/official support of rebels, and not just few ammo dropping in secret time to time...
Syrian airforce officials said they have targeted a Daesh munition depot and factory, and the latter was hiding chemical weapons in there.. this sounds like a Daesh booby trap for air attacks, since for sure the chemical agents will spread all over the area and civilians will be affected and killed.. Strange enough, but one should not be surprised from all these surprises, we all know that the US was dropping weapons to Daesh a few times..thus everyone should come to his own conclusion of what is going on, but the terrible thing is that it is always the Syrian civilians that are paying the price.. a bit too much in my opinion..so this whole drama should be stopped by all means and by avoiding civilian areas..
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Personally I applaud this development. The US is getting stuck in yet another war. LOL so much for isolationism. Not to even mention the friction it is going to create with Russia. Trump is trapping America bigly. Keep going Trump because only remote missile strikes won't cut it.

There is saying in Urdu: jab geedar ki maut aati he to woh shehr ki taraf bhaagta he.

Folks, get ready for fireworks. Russia is going to return the favor one way or the other.
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You contradict yourself a bit too much in your post, take a breath, relax and think clearly about Russia the second most powerful military on earth, that you try to depict as some third world country subjected to US and Usraeli will..i am not defending Russia or Bashar or anyone, but pointing out to the ground realities you talk about without understanding them thoroughly..
Oh, another fanboy raving.

Just because Russia sits on 2nd spot in strictly statistical rankings, doesn't implies that it gets to dictate what US wants to do outside Russian borders. Russia can ensure security of its homeland only. It cannot ensure safety of an entity outside its borders. This is my point.

And I have elaborated what kind of cooperation it is. If US decides to attack a region in Syria, it may inform Russia in advance that this is going to happen so you make sure that your assets are out of harm's way. This is an SOP for conducting an operation in a region where several states are involved to avoid unnecessary hostilities. However, if US knows in advance that Russian forces are not in that region, than they don't feel the need to take Russia into confidence about it. Another thing is that if US decides to topple Syrian regime today, Russia will have to abort. Point is that Russia has no power over American moves.
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Oh, another fanboy raving.

Just because Russia sits on 2nd spot in strictly statistical rankings, doesn't implies that it gets to dictate what US wants to do in a region and US doesn't needs Russian permission to conduct a strike in a region outside Russian borders. Russia can ensure security of its homeland only. It cannot ensure safety of an entity outside its borders. This is my point.

We'll see. In the bigger scheme of things, this missile strike proves nothing. We don't even know what it has achieved apart from sending a message to Russia and Assad. Until Assad isn't gone which is the end goal it is just useless muscle-flexing. The real question is how Putin will respond to this development. A tit for tat is on its way. This latest attack jeopardizes the Putin Trump axis.
Oh, another fanboy raving.

Just because Russia sits on 2nd spot in strictly statistical rankings, doesn't implies that it gets to dictate what US wants to do in a region and US doesn't needs Russian permission to conduct a strike in a region outside Russian borders. Russia can ensure security of its homeland only. It cannot ensure safety of an entity outside its borders. This is my point.
You point is good enough but flowed..next time try to avoid getting personal, because you do sound like a fanboy more than others here..The point is Russia has bases in Syria and its troops are all over the place alongside the Syrian army..You kill Russians they will kill you.. it already happened in Syria after the US killed some Russian troops "by mistake", the Russians responded by killing US special forces "by mistake too" or you are not aware of these ground realities..
Syrian airforce officials said they have targeted a Daesh munition depot and factory, and the latter was hiding chemical weapons in there.. this sounds like a Daesh booby trap for air attacks, since for sure the chemical agents will spread all over the area and civilians will be affected and killed.. Strange enough, but one should not be surprised from all these surprises, we all know that the US was dropping weapons to Daesh a few times..thus everyone should come to his own conclusion of what is going on, but the terrible thing is that it is always the Syrian civilians that are paying the price.. a bit too much in my opinion..so this whole drama should be stopped by all means and by avoiding civilian areas..

I am quit skeptic about this Syrian Govt regime claim that ISIS were hiding chemical weapons which were targeted by them resulting in chemical gas leak. If ISIS had chemical weapons than why were not that used before against pro Syrian regime civilians. The only party which has such weapons are Syrian Govt and they already used them against civilians in 2013.
You point is good enough but flowed..next time try to avoid getting personal, because you do sound like a fanboy more than others here..The point is Russia has bases in Syria and its troops are all over the place alongside the Syrian army..You kill Russians they will kill you.. it already happened in Syria after the US killed some Russian troops "by mistake", the Russians responded by killing US special forces "by mistake too" or you are not aware of these ground realities..

That is exactly the point. Trump has made his move, but Putin won't sit idle. No doubt we can expect a radical counter move by Russia to prove that it controls the situation in Syria. This has all the hallmarks of an escalating war.
Where was the Russian S400 air defence system while 60 missiles hit the targets?
Even one tomahawk was not captured by S400?
There are humors : Russian helis and soldiers was destroyed?
How did Russians allow that?
Its the first USA -Russia contact.
I am quit skeptic about this Syrian Govt regime claim that ISIS were hiding chemical weapons which were targeted by them resulting in chemical gas leak. If ISIS had chemical weapons than why were not that used before against pro Syrian regime civilians. The only party which has such weapons are Syrian Govt and they already used them against civilians in 2013.
I fully understand your point of view, but weren't all Syrian chemical weapons destroyed under UN supervision..? that alone in 2013 took almost a year or more to gather all the Syrian chemical weapons stock and send it to the US where it was destroyed !?
I fully understand your point of view, but weren't all Syrian chemical weapons destroyed under UN supervision..? that alone in 2013 took almost a year or more to gather all the Syrian chemical weapons stock and send it to the US where it was destroyed !?

Ofcourse not all. Or it can be assembled/built all over again.

P.S. we have to wait and see how much US are actually in this war now. If this is just one limited strike than we shouldn't go into much conspiracy theories coming out from Syrian govt and Iranis. Also Russians+Assad+Iran just might want to test Trump that how much interested he is in their war. Obama held himself back which consolidates position of Assad with the support of Russia and Iran.
That is exactly the point. Trump has made his move, but Putin won't sit idle. No doubt we can expect a radical counter move by Russia to prove that it controls the situation in Syria. This has all the hallmarks of an escalating war.
The game will continue on a diplomatic level..The UN security counsel is trying to find a solution , one proposal was already vetoed by Russia, but the others are studying some alterations to suite the Russian demands the thing is they all want to finish Daesh off first and then try to find a suitable replacement for the actual regime..that too will be complicated, since it has to suite both the US and regional allies interests as well as the Russian ones.. can you imagine the scope of this quagmire..

Ofcourse not all. Or it can be assembled/built all over again.

P.S. we have to wait and see how much US are actually in this war now. If this is just one limited strike than we shouldn't go into much conspiracy theories coming out from Syrian govt and Iranis. Also Russians+Assad+Iran just might want to test Trump that how much interested he is in their war. Obama held himself back which consolidates position of Assad with the support of Russia and Iran.
For Obama it was a deal, chemicals against US attack, now Trump attacks and says it is limited..also note that there was a 24 hours reports on every move and sayings by the very senior members of the Trump close advisory board about the attack and even pointing out to its location and type of target which gave the Syrian army ample time to vacate the base.. so it is clearly limited in scope and had a message behind it, at least saying that Trump will not hesitate to use force.. but still the message is ambiguous to say the least..
That is exactly the point. Trump has made his move, but Putin won't sit idle. No doubt we can expect a radical counter move by Russia to prove that it controls the situation in Syria. This has all the hallmarks of an escalating war.
Even if it escalates that much, they will use their proxies witch happen to be mainly Syrians, so the real causality again will be Syrian civilians and military population..
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