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Polish diplomats were aware of US plans to strike Syria military base: spokesman
07.04.2017 11:23
Polish diplomats were aware of US plans to launch a strike at a Syrian military base from which Washington says a deadly chemical weapons attack was launched earlier this week, according to a Polish government spokesman.


So our diplomat where aware and ? What can our diplomat do when they cant even find allies in EU :closed:
And they like to know every thing about every thing and tell all they know all :omghaha: Recently our Great diplomat discovered new country it's called San Escobar :omghaha: I think San Escobar could stop the USA or even Russia ;p
Yes, we can expect both the US and Russia to exercise restraint against each other in Syria and/or in another region but Russia has no power over American moves outside its borders. Reality is a bit different from Fanboy fantasies thrown around this forum. I hope you can grasp them.

I am not the fanboy here; I like to call spade a spade.
Peacetime reality when nations look after their well being first fits this description, but in war calling situation even the US giant will try to avoid a direct confrontation with Mighty Nuclear Russia with its10 000 nuclear warheads and the potent means to deliver them anywhere in the world.. this is reality, but I do understand that you do put more emphasis on economical power too, such a power will work as long as it does not threaten the sought after well being vital interest and existence of Russia..
Are you aware that the main motive of the Russian intervention in Syria is to protect it OIL and GAS market shares in Europe by blocking some Western rival projects that want to have OIL and Gas pipelines from Iraq and most likely Iran too _after the sanctions are lifted_, and some GCC states go through Turkey and thus directly to Europe.. such pipelines can weaken the Russian economy many folds than what those US and EU sanctions did.. meaning a danger to the very existence of Russia as we know it.. hence again it is clear that Russia will go to war rather than lose completely its economical power.. do you see the main reason now and why the US can not push Russia too far..
So what, Sarin is a binary chemical weapon.
One of the components is something You can easily buy in your local pharmacy (isopropenol).
If Assad want to create more, there are really not a lot of inspectors to stop him.

You still need methlyphosphonyl difluoride to begin with.
Aint doing nothing with Isopropyl alcohol alone.
They will be annoyed at any thing which stops them from killing children.
4 children have been killed so far in these missile attacks and many of the civilians are still in hospital and the civilian death toll is rising.

Indonesia has also condemned these attacks.
Saddam neutralised》Shia gov in Iraq》atrocities on Sunnis》Iran fully involved with US》ISIS form in the Sunni vacuum》Syria +Iran+Russia fight ISIS》innocents die in cross fire》when everyone fatigued eith war》US jumps in

In all this Saudis +gulf states help create ISIS but if you look closely the driving forces in the conflict are Iran and US hand in hand who will benefit most from it.
4 children have been killed so far in these missile attacks and many of the civilians are still in hospital and the civilian death toll is rising.

Indonesia has also condemned these attacks.

Yes, spreading rumours without a source is your favourite mode of operations.
Yes, spreading rumours without a source is your favourite mode of operations.
Dear friend this has been reported on BBC so please condemn UK media not me. BBC just said the 4 Children have died in these strikes till now.
What part of "one of the components" do You not understand?

One of the components is something You can easily buy in your local pharmacy (isopropenol).

I know it, even as you mention the binary nature of this nerve gas agent.

But you are laying emphasis only on easily obtainable Pharma and leaving other vital ingredient out. The precursor must be very pure to last the long time in a storage. Impurity kills the shelf life.
Dear friend this has been reported on BBC so please condemn UK media not me. BBC just said the 4 Children have died in these strikes till now.
Important question is what are these children doing in a top secret airbase? May be they are kidnapped by Syrian forces?
S-400 was only deployed on latakia air base but now more units have been dispatched to the region and will be handed over under control of Syrian Forces.

Their claim was that they controlled half of syrian airspace from system in latakia... its a long range sam... any how
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