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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

The US states that 58 out of the 59 missiles hit their target.Obvious Russian propaganda is obvious.

Because the US never lies...

Russia already provided drone footage of the airfield after the strike. There is also pictures.

The damage is minimal, a few hardened aircraft bunkers were hit, some fuel depots and a number of those cruise missiles hit nothing. Westerners and euros sound ignorant when they constantly throw around the words "Russian propaganda". Clearly many of the ubber western wounderwaffen cruise missiles fell out of the sky.

Hey @500 I recall you bashing Russian cruise missiles when a few missed their targets. So how much better are those ubber western cruise missiles that managed to hit open fields? With 59 of them you would think there would be nothing left of the airfield :lol:

When can Israel provide some more close air support to Isis? They arnt doing too well...
Because the US never lies...

Russia already provided drone footage of the airfield after the strike. There is also pictures.

The damage is is minimal, a few hardened aircraft bunkers were hit, some fuel depots and a number of those cruise missiles hit nothing. Westerners and euros sound ignorant when they constantly throw around the words "Russian propaganda".

Hey @500 I recall you bashing Russian cruise missiles when a few missed their targets. So how much better are those ubber western cruise missiles that managed to hit open fields? With 59 of them you would think there would be nothing left of the airfield :lol:

When can Israel provide some more close air support to Isis? They arnt doing too well...
Yet no images of the 36 who missed like we saw kalibrs all over the place,besides 5heir intended target.A few Russan photoshoped pictures and doctored videos are not trustworthy.
so you think that Syrians cannot transition to democracy if given support for couple of years
democracy is just the right of few countries and rest should rote under dictatorship..

if syria is freed and left in hands of elected govt it will succeed, the only reason why iraq failed was because the govt formed was extremist shia backed govt, read about it, why did sunni areas fell only, there was a crisis for many years in Iraq before the terrorist took over with many previous sunni leaders initially welcoming them
Who has given any country or right to decide who should be leader of certain people or not Trump is an immigrant from Syrian prespective
60 cruise missiles and only two jet destroyed wow.
1cruise missile cost 12million dollars. 60 cruise missiles= 960million dollars and what objective was achieved?

Russia suspends military communications with US over Syria

Russia has announced that it will suspend a communications channel with the United States - which had been set up to avoid midair incidents between Russian and US planes over Syria.

The move comes after the US conducted air strikes on a Syrian airfield, in response to the alleged chemical airstrike carried out by the Syrian regime in Khan Sheikhoun, according to The Hill.

Russia has claimed the US decision to launch airstrikes was an "act of aggression" and has condemned the bombing.

In a statement about the suspension, the Russian Foreign Ministry said: “Russia suspends the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents in the course of operations in Syria signed with the US."

The communications channel had been set up in 2015, when Russia started to intervene in Syria.

Before this line was established US and Russian aircraft had a few near-misses in the sky.

That is a foolish argument. US can disengage from Syria right this instant. However, their are additional realities to consider. American defense industry needs business and a conflict in any part of the world is a welcome development for it. American military and other parties buy arms and American defense industry flourishes, stimulating American economy alongside. On the bright side of it, this industry is facilitating innovation and progress in a number of areas.

US is embroiled in conflicts since its inception. This is a component of its foreign policy and economic design. A conflict is a welcome development for it, something to take advantage of.

Russia will do squat. They are not keen to fight a war they cannot win.

You are only highlighting one side of the story. You know that this is the Cold War reloaded. The US is a country that is always looking for enemies to remain united. Without enemies the US will resort to infighting.

The US conveniently selects weak opponents as its adversaries. Iraq, Libya, Vietnam and Afghanistan can hardly be termed as strong adversaries. Times have changed. The likes of Russia and China belong in a different league and you don't want to antagonize such strong emerging powers. The US has already found out the hard way during Obama's term.

Russia will own the US in Syria like it did during the Obama era. If you think that the US is the only country that can play dubious games you are sorely mistaken. You'll see.
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Not cluster.... f....

>It is a calculated move , disable armed forces bearing nations around Israel
>Once the core is gone , arm various factions
>The factions fight each other , we supply weapons from outside (Taking turns supplying factions)
>No one from that region gets to enter our region , our C130 drop weapons overthem
>When the groups kill each other silly , so a Massive sweep bombardment and takeover or install proxy Man
>Trump already stated he wants to keep all oil

Countries that have this "arming rouge factions" policy have no interest in welfare of general population of that country

All being done to Expand and create greater Israel, Trump is Jewish

The strategy is , shake hands and hugs with 8 out of 10 nation and target 1-2 nations at time once the job is done with 1-2 nations then rinse and repeat destruction of infrastructure in other nation , destroy government institutes and stability

Other provisions that look a bit "Planned"

You may note before this recent strike
  • Turmp had met SISI 1-2 days prior to show his love for "SISI"
  • Our General Sahib was invited to have meeting with UK/US delegates I am sure something was dislcosed in private high level discussion
  • Similarly to help develop a divide between China/Russia Trump made sure he was in scheduled meeting with Chinese delegate 2-3 hours after the missile strike
  • Russia was strategically bombed , few days prior to divert their focus to local security


  • When Afghanistan was attacked , other regional countries were told they are safe (including iran / Iraq)
  • When Afghanistan was well destroyed , moved to Iraq as they had a sufficient force and miliatry , infrastructure was destroyed , economy was destroyed and weapons stases were left for various factions in aftermath . Other military forces were told they will not be harmed it is only this "Saddam" guy trouble maker
  • After Saddam was gone then the war become againsts unknown faces and factions but the end goal was same "Destroy" military / central government
  • Same formula used in Libya (The excuse was that it is just 1 guy Qadafi who is problem) the rest of population is not the issue , well country was nicely destroyed and destabalized
  • In Egypt , there was resistance so there was Democratic government there for 2 years after which it was also Toppled
  • In turkey same type of coupe was attempted
So the Pattern really is

For Other people's country:
  • Find factions
  • Arm these factions/ groups
  • Start regional war
  • Display certain videos (in own country to only show selected parts of war)
  • Keep supply of weapons going to arm local factions C130 airdrops
  • Take out the Airports of one side / so the Factions do maximum damage to local governments. Airports are targetted to cause maxium damage from ground war as local government has trouble maintaining order due to lack of Airforce
  • While the countries get destroyed by war , look the other way for 2-4 years let that country weaken on its own
  • If 100,000-500,000 people due to this "artificially sustained" war its is ok because our local media will not cover it , only we will show some fotage when it will be in our interest (i.e false flag operation to discredit Russia etc or Syria)

For own country:

  • All sort of checks and scanners and visa bans

Origins of this Strategy:
"This strategy is quite old and was used with Native Indian tribes in USA , where certain tribes were given immunity if they fought against the other Native Indian tribes who did not cooperate with Immigrant colonies. Initially treaties were formed to consider these friendly tribes friends but as soon as the need was over these groups were also "pushed" out to desert areas to die off. The friendly tribes initially thought that the Immigrant colonies would be sparing them off and giving them equal status which is why they cooperated with US general to pick up arms against other Indian tribes. And in return these tribes were given some property or guns or horses. However when this strategy was implemented over 100-150 year period the end result is quite obvious what happened

There is a reason why there are only 0.05% Native indians in USA now

  • Next what you will see is "Group" of friendly Muslim countries that will come and support these actions , as these few countries have been told in private immunity just like the friendly "Indian Native Tribes" back in day :coffee:. They will meet few representaives and shake hands and promise some gifts or rugs or few consessions on trade deals , promise the eternal love with the friendly tribes. Then the "instigators" will do a press release and smile and say He loves Muslims and they are doing this for benefit for Muslim families and their children

When all the countries in region will be well weakened by regional wars , then the little Israel fully armed with F-35 / Other WMD will expand its borders then even these friendly tribes will be pushed to desert , and luckily Saudia has a big desert as we all know very convinent place for the "friendly tribes"
absolutely fantastic post.

great insight to the current work affairs. WW3 is already taking place in the middle east and the end goal is a greater Israel. They believe in the maps of pre Jesus christ
60 cruise missiles and only two jet destroyed wow.
1cruise missile cost 12million dollars. 60 cruise missiles= 960million dollars and what objective was achieved?

Russia suspends military communications with US over Syria

Russia has announced that it will suspend a communications channel with the United States - which had been set up to avoid midair incidents between Russian and US planes over Syria.

The move comes after the US conducted air strikes on a Syrian airfield, in response to the alleged chemical airstrike carried out by the Syrian regime in Khan Sheikhoun, according to The Hill.

Russia has claimed the US decision to launch airstrikes was an "act of aggression" and has condemned the bombing.

In a statement about the suspension, the Russian Foreign Ministry said:
“Russia suspends the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents in the course of operations in Syria signed with the US."

The communications channel had been set up in 2015, when Russia started to intervene in Syria.

Before this line was established US and Russian aircraft had a few near-misses in the sky.


One tomahawk is 1.5 mil not 12 and even Russian sources give 6 fighters destroyed.Stop drinking the kool aid

West has killed many children in wars and sanctions, 500.000 children in sanctions during the 90's alone.
The regimes of the sanctioned states killed them
Russia has suspended Air Safety agreement with USA and NATO forces over Syria. Reports of possible Russian Jet being deployed in Syria.
Russia has suspended Air Safety agreement with USA and NATO forces over Syria. Reports of possible Russian Jet being deployed in Syria.

Expect more Russian air strikes against American sponsored rebels groups.
Russia just suspended key military agreements with the US -- raising the risk of war

So now the US has jets flying missions against ISIS in eastern Syria mere miles away from Russian jets in western Syria supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Without channels and agreements to communicate, the risk of accidental conflict between the world’s two largest nuclear powers grows.

Yet no images of the 36 who missed like we saw kalibrs all over the place,besides 5heir intended target.A few Russan photoshoped pictures and doctored videos are not trustworthy.

Talks about Russian propaganda, resorts to conspiracy theories and western propaganda.

Show a single photoshopped Russian photo depicting a fake cruise missile strike. While you're at it explain how you doctor a video and then show those supposed doctotlred videos.

Russia showing drone footage of Russian cruise missiles, zero editing:

Here is Russian drone footage of aftermath of US cruise missile strike, clearly one would have to be a fool and sipping western propaganda to believe that 58 cruise missiles hit the airfield.

Even jihadists filming a cruise missile strike:

In today's day and age of smart phones and drones it's difficult to spread propaganda about western superiority. The Leopard, Abrams, Merkava and these cruise missiles are overhyped. It's a hard pill to swallow for Western stronk fanboys.
a country with dignity would have declared a war.

Speaking of declaration, it will be interesting to see if the nasty bipartisanship that really took off during the Obama administration and has reversed roles with this admin. rears its ugly head in full scale within Washington since supposedly, based on the US constitution, the president can take unilateral measures in striking or declaring war on another country ONLY if it is in the defense of the United States. This strike is far from that and already some Democrats are screaming that this was an unconstitutional act by the president. Apparently he only called a few members of congress but he's required, under the constitution to at least make an official declaration/request for congressional approval for a military strike that's not in defense of the US. Tim Kaine has already made a big stink about it but will others? We'll have to see that side of the twist. Technically the US is already at war with Syria if it has troops within the country carrying out operations at any level. Nancy Pelosi has already requested a senate hearing lol to start the bipartisan war. So far it seems more are approving this move than not. More likely to benefit Trump internally IMO.
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