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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Reporting now on U.S T.V channels.

Trump is an idiot to get us involved with that mess there. China and Russia don't care if they get gassed- why are we ...moron.

Update : http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/06/politics/donald-trump-syria-military/index.html?adkey=bn

(CNN)The United States launched a military strike on Syrian government targets in retaliation for their chemical weapon attack on civilians earlier in the week, CNN is told.

On President Donald Trump's orders, US warships launched 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles.
With Trump being president its no surprise.but unfortunately Syria is totaly different than afghanistan and iraq and he has no idea what outcome the americans shall face for his stupid actions.
What happened today proves what I've said before, Our Mullahs are stupid cause they got us involved in Syria in the first place.
absolutely fantastic post.

great insight to the current work affairs. WW3 is already taking place in the middle east and the end goal is a greater Israel. They believe in the maps of pre Jesus christ
I hope whatever they're up to, they get it over sooner.
West has killed many children in wars and sanctions, 500.000 children in sanctions during the 90's alone.
Americans have the technology to record an entire operation in real-time and they can show you what really happened.

Okay, after all the 'Murica strong blabbering, where is the U.S proof? I won't conclude anything here unless I see enough evidence. Unlike U.S, Russian forces and journalists did visit the airbase after attack, there is no reason to lie. If U.S insists on other figures, they should present proof and we will all accept it if it's logical.
Of-course, Syrian (terrorist) regime will deny its involvement.

Do you ever get tired of your fanboy-ish ravings?

Syrian regime had to worry about rebels in this conflict earlier. Now, it has to worry about American attacks. It is logical for this regime to be scared. However, nobody boasts about being scared.

Russians can do whatever they want but they are powerless to stop the Americans and they know it. Your inflated projection of Russian power is a just a fantasy.

Learn to differentiate propaganda from facts.

Americans have the technology to record an entire operation in real-time and they can show you what really happened.

Russians should be explaining why they chickened out from that base.

The US also has highly advanced orbital imaging capabilities. The US knows exactly what was hit on that base. An given the long history of success using the Tomahawk in warfare, 30+ Tomahawks missing their target is a laughable number. It's clearly Russian propaganda at work.
The US also has highly advanced orbital imaging capabilities. The US knows exactly what was hit on that base. An given the long history of success using the Tomahawk in warfare, 30+ Tomahawks missing their target is a laughable number. It's clearly Russian propaganda at work.
I fully understand that.

However, some people are too gullible or biased to grasp such realities.
Having a monkey with a gun in his hand is dangerous, but having an unstable monkey with mental issues with a gun in his hand is a whole another thing.

Another reason indicating why this chemical attack was a false flag attack: If U.S truly believed and knew that Syrian gov was responsible, instead of blabbering only few hours after the extremely suspicious chemical attack that Syrian gov is behind the attack without presenting any proof (while the only ones benefited from such attack were armed terror groups supported by U.S and allies), U.S would allow a fair international inspection to the site of attack to reveal who is actually responsible. But they didn't, and they rushed to bomb Syria based on totally unproven allegations with their lapdogs in region and the world jumping up and down from joy like monkeys.

It's amazing how only after 14 years that U.S started Iraq war, self-admittedly based on a huge hoax and lies, some idiots fell into the very same trap, perhaps a smaller one now.
1) Assadists admitted there was a chemical attack.
2) Asadist explanation of chemical attack is an obvious lie.
3) Thus the only one who could carry it were Assadists.

No worries, US attack was merely symbolic. You can continue with daily murder of civilians. But in the end u will miserably lose. Actually u already lost (check how ur economy looks like).
Those same members also claimed trump is anti-war :rofl: now they can eat sh*t .
The same members are having a meltdown now lol

How did it go? Ah , I remember.

"Trump will not go to war with Assad, and side with Russia. "
Let's just blame Hillary for this. lol
The painful aspect in all this, which can also be seen in this thread, is that some Muslims still find in them the evil motivation to defend indefensible heinous crimes of a war criminal like Assad. They are more worried about their hero Putin's reaction than right and wrong, good and evil. DO they believe in doing justice and fairness that Allah (swt) commands us to do?

Many of these shameless Muslims who are defending Assad , whine everyday about evil Modi or Yogi Adityanath in india. or what Netanyahu is doing in Palestine. But If you defend genocidal war criminals like Assad what right do you possibly have to cry on what Indian islamophobes are doing? if anything, Hindutvadis in India killed less muslims in 70 years than what maniac assad killed in 7 years. Your whining about kashmir, India or Palestine is absolutely hollow since your motivation for that is purely materialistic ego driven and NOT based on truth & justice. Be ashamed of yourselves.
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Okay, after all the 'Murica strong blabbering, where is the U.S proof? I won't conclude anything here unless I see enough evidence. Unlike U.S, Russian forces and journalists did visit the airbase after attack, there is no reason to lie. If U.S insists on other figures, they should present proof and we will all accept it if it's logical.
1. American authorities stated that they deliberately toned down the effectiveness of cruise missiles. Agenda was to send a message to Syrian regime, not to topple it.

2. Tomahawk cruise missiles are incredibly accurate and advanced. They won't miss a target unless it is deliberate.

3. It is very easy to post faked images on the web and use them to fool the masses. Wait for American account to become clear.
It's history repeating itself:

God says in the Qur'an about the Roman lose to the persians in the earlier days of Islam:

"غُلِبَتِ الرُّومُ ﴿2﴾ فِي أَدْنَى الْأَرْضِ وَهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ غَلَبِهِمْ سَيَغْلِبُونَ ﴿3﴾فِي بِضْعِ سِنِينَ لِلَّهِ الْأَمْرُ مِنْ قَبْلُ وَمِنْ بَعْدُ وَيَوْمَئِذٍ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ ﴿4﴾"


"The Romans have been defeated * In the nearer land * and they, after their defeat, will be victorious * Within three to nine years * The decision of the matter, before and after is only with Allah * And on that Day * the believers will rejoice."

"I have an important update: based on Russian sources, including video footage and the reports of one Russian journalist on the ground, Evgenii Poddubnyi, it has become clear that the US strike was largely symbolic. Here is the evidence:

  1. The Russians were given a warning which they, of course, passed on to the Syrians. The Americans must have assumed that this would happen.
  2. The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged: a few number of aircraft were damaged or destroyed, but many of these were in repairs and could not fly. Fuel storage tanks were destroyed. A number of aircraft bunkers were damage or destroyed. A few barracks were also destroyed.
  3. There were 6 or 7 casualties, which is very little.
  4. Crucially, the runways did not suffer.
Now here is the really intriguing thing: it appears that only 23 out of a total of 59 US cruise missiles hit the base. The rest are unaccounted for. This could be due to all sorts of reasons, including Syrian and Russian air defenses or Russian electronic warfare. I tend to believe that the latter is the cause. But then, this begs another question: why did the Russians let 23 of the cruise missiles through? Possibly to appease Trump and not force him to re-strike. Other possibility, to make sure that the political fallout from this stupid and reckless attack still come back to hurt the United States (had they destroyed all the cruise missiles this would not happen).

As for the Russian political reaction, I find it rather flaccid: Russia has condemned the attack and suspended the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents in the course of operations in Syria signed with the US.

Meh, I am rather unimpressed.

Here is the full Russian MoFA statement:

The United States conducted strikes against Syrian government troops in the early hours of April 7, using chemical weapons attacks in Idlib Province as a pretext.

The US opted for a show of force, for military action against a country fighting international terrorism without taking the trouble to get the facts straight.

It is not the first time that the US chooses an irresponsible approach that aggravates problems the world is facing, and threatens international security. The very presence of military personnel from the US and other countries in Syria without consent from the Syrian government or a UN Security Council mandate is an egregious and obvious violation of international law that cannot be justified. While previous initiatives of this kind were presented as efforts to combat terrorism, now they are clearly an act of aggression against a sovereign Syria. Actions undertaken by the US today inflict further damage to the Russia-US relations.

Russia has expressed on numerous occasions that it was ready to cooperate on resolving the most urgent issues the world is facing today, and that fighting international terrorism was a top priority. However, we will never agree to unsanctioned action against the legitimate Syrian government that has been waging an uncompromising war on international terrorism for a long time.

Seeking to justify military action Washington has totally distorted what had happened in Idlib. The US could not have failed to grasp the fact that the Syrian government troops did not use chemical weapons there. Damascus simply does not have them, as confirmed a number of times by qualified experts. This was the conclusion reached by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Over the recent years this organisation inspected almost all the facilities linked or possibly linked to Syria’s chemical weapons programme. As for Idlib, the terrorists operating there used to produce toxic land mines intended for use in Syria and Iraq. These manufacturing facilities were put out of operation in a military operation carried out by the Syrian air force.

The US pretends that it does not understand obvious things, turning a blind eye to the use of chemical weapons in Iraq, officially confirmed by Baghdad. The US refuses to believe the evidence provided by certified documents confirming the use of chemical weapons by terrorists in Aleppo. In doing so, the US is abetting international terrorism and making it stronger. New WMD attacks can be expected.

There is no doubt that the military action by the US is an attempt to divert attention from the situation in Mosul, where the campaign carried out among others by US-led coalition has resulted in hundreds of civilian casualties and an escalating humanitarian disaster.

It is obvious that the cruise missile attack was prepared in advance. Any expert understands that Washington’s decision on air strikes predates the Idlib events, which simply served as a pretext for a show of force.

Russia suspends the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents in the course of operations in Syria signed with the US.

We call on the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the latest developments.

Again, I am very underwhelmed to put it mildly.

I hope that the outrage inside Russia will force Lavrov to cancel his planned meeting with Tillerson. The usually sleepy Duma seems to be uncharacteristically outraged.

On a personal note, I will be gone all day and most of the week-end I will be attending Church services for the feasts of the Annunciation and the Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem.

You can expect an analysis by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

The Saker

PS: needless to say, no chemical weapons or chemical weapon storage facilities were damaged: we know that since NOBODY, including the Russian reporters, were even carrying, nevermind wearing, any gas masks or, even less so, full chemical protection suits. This is hardly surprising since, of course, they never existed in the first place.

PPS: just for the record, this attack was a direct and clear violation of

  1. US national law (Trump never got Congress to authorize this attack)
  2. International law (Trump is now a criminal guilty of the crime of ‘aggression’)
  3. The UN Charter
In other words, Trump is now a war criminal and the USA a rogue state (again)."
How funny to see Iran talking about second gulf war, you are the one who have fight with the americans against saddam:-). And now talking about fake chemical weapons ahahaha, is ther any iranian deads in that airbase?
Now here is the really intriguing thing: it appears that only 23 out of a total of 59 US cruise missiles hit the base. The rest are unaccounted for. This could be due to all sorts of reasons, including Syrian and Russian air defenses or Russian electronic warfare. I tend to believe that the latter is the cause. But then, this begs another question: why did the Russians let 23 of the cruise missiles through? Possibly to appease Trump and not force him to re-strike. Other possibility, to make sure that the political fallout from this stupid and reckless attack still come back to hurt the United States (had they destroyed all the cruise missiles this would not happen).
Is this a joke?

Provide evidence that Russians managed to jam/counter Tomahawk cruise missiles. Russians evacuated that base before the attack. They won't do that if they could counter American salvo. Use common sense.
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