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Post Strike on Indian Army Ammo & Supply Depot


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Google has updated it's pages and finally we can see where the bomb impacted when Indian army ammunition and supply depot along with six other targets was struck by Pakistan air force on the morning of 27th February 2019. As the PAF had already explained the aim was not to destroy the chosen targets but rather to send a message to the enemy that ''we can hit you where ever and when ever we want''. Hence the sights were shifted to the close proximity of the designated targets. It's also interesting that since the videos that PAF released of weapons heading being guided, cut off before the impact, the Indian authorities claimed that the bombs failed to detonate, but the latest google images clearly prove otherwise.

Indian Army ammunition depot at Narian, IOK 28-10-2018

Supply Deopot photographed on 17.6.2020 Showing scars of bomb impact.



How deep is this location into Indian territory?
Can you share the coords?
Google has updated it's pages and finally we can see where the bomb impacted when Indian army ammunition and supply depot along with six other targets was struck by Pakistan air force on the morning of 27th February 2019. As the PAF had already explained the aim was not to destroy the chosen targets but rather to send a message to the enemy that ''we can hit you where ever and when ever we want''. Hence the sights were shifted to the close proximity of the designated targets. It's also interesting that since the videos that PAF released of weapons heading being guided, cut off before the impact, the Indian authorities claimed that the bombs failed to detonate, but the latest google images clearly prove otherwise.

Indian Army ammunition depot at Narian, IOK 28-10-2018
View attachment 659339

Supply Deopot photographed on 17.6.2020 Showing scars of bomb impact.

View attachment 659341


Oh by the way, that reminds of a long debate on one of the oldest threads where armchair generals were debating that nothing hit at all & those supposedly pictures were from different areas and whatever. You guys keep coming with something new with reminders but I can only hope if it makes any sense to a specific lot. Back then, those were same words as nothing happened in Laddakh recently.
Oh by the way, that reminds of a long debate on one of the oldest threads where armchair generals were debating that nothing hit at all & those supposedly pictures were from different areas and whatever. You guys keep coming with something new with reminders but I can only hope if it makes any sense to a specific lot. Back then, those were same words as nothing happened in Laddakh recently.
And it is said that the second H-4 strike at Brigade HQ is even more clearer which PAF is yet to release.
I will certainly try, any specific reason why not! I normally use red like some other posters to make a strong point on an issue.

YOu can still make a strong point without Red/Bold my friend otherwise, every thread will be turned into a drawing board like that and there are very few with a mindset that not every post is a strong point. Secondly, Red colour is mostly used for Thread Titles/Highly Interesting Information from Credible Source like a statement or some references, if drafted with interesting topic and secondly Mod(s) are suppose to use it. A repeated and often posting as such and then making it Bold is not going to make the point strong unless worth it. Posting criteria is clear and uniform pattern helps to maintain the decorum as well as quality drafting of posts.
Oh by the way, that reminds of a long debate on one of the oldest threads where armchair generals were debating that nothing hit at all & those supposedly pictures were from different areas and whatever. You guys keep coming with something new with reminders but I can only hope if it makes any sense to a specific lot. Back then, those were same words as nothing happened in Laddakh recently.

That is why my father always say most of the military disaster were caused by "drawing room generals" armchair generals, Americans call them paper pusher generals. Thank goodness Pak Army has a strong tradition of having Army Chiefs with strong "command" experience and the only time a paper pusher was enforced in Pak Army it was thwarted. We can ask Noora about it.
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That is why my father always say most of the military disaster were caused by "drawing room generals" armcharir generals, Americans call them paper pusher generals. Thank goodness Pak Army has a strong tradition of having Army Chiefs with strong "command" experience and the only time a paper pusher was enforced in Pak Army it was thwarted. We can ask Noora about it.

Classic isn't it? good to hear from you though. That wasn't just N but Z however tried best to eat it from inside. He had few like minded but then again, we have a strong syllabus and then faith helps a lot as well. However, I wouldn't go down in details otherwise a specific brigade will be on push and @Windjammer may report for derailing. :P
And it is said that the second H-4 strike at Brigade HQ is even more clearer which PAF is yet to release.

I am literally blaming myself because, there was a leak in some article or at some place where it shows a kind of disaster at the top of a hill... I mean a click of an aftermath but can't find it. I am sure that could be the point of impact but unfortunately, not everyone is able to trace coordinates of second impact.
And it is said that the second H-4 strike at Brigade HQ is even more clearer which PAF is yet to release.
I don't get it why PAF tempts our little brains and hide such an interesting information from us.
I don't get it why PAF tempts our little brains and hide such an interesting information from us.
On the point of IAF personal waving a piece of AMRAAM wreckage which they obviously recovered from their downed SU-30, some Indian members in denial, questioned, ''if that is the case, then did Pakistani personal recovered any AMRAAM wreckage from the MiG-21 that crashed inside Pakistan''.?...well, who says it was an AMRAAM that brought down Abhinandan !!!....it could have been an SD-10 or PL-5 or AIM-9L.......similarly contrary to the claims, PAF is not going to let Indians know what really hit them that day. :D
On the point of IAF personal waving a piece of AMRAAM wreckage which they obviously recovered from their downed SU-30, some Indian members in denial, questioned, ''if that is the case, then did Pakistani personal recovered any AMRAAM wreckage from the MiG-21 that crashed inside Pakistan''.?...well, who says it was an AMRAAM that brought down Abhinandan !!!....it could have been an SD-10 or PL-5 or AIM-9L.......similarly contrary to the claims, PAF is not going to let Indians know what really hit them that day. :D

For the scratching heads, abhinandan tried to sneak through mountains and was seen as soon as he ducked in and tried to rise from behind in classic but old conventional move though, someone on CAP at relatively good height saw him making the first move but let his prey to fall for it and then a hit without an iota as what happened. We should have asked Amerikans that look, we are going to promote your baby; what do you have in return.... alright... those Viper upgrades could be a starter so let's promote as after all, not letting them understand as what hits IAF will still help us in long run. A confused enemy in the end that keeps struggling to not to acknowledge Thunder if it has done it but still fears what it can do in future.
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