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Post Graduate Talib was forced to pick up gun: Mother

You worry about insult when you know someone has enough material and juice to insult you, and for Islam nobody has that so no worries :enjoy:
Hmm. True. :( We will run out of fanatical non Muslims faster than the other. But that's changing. :D
This is a lesson for all those people who take wrong path in their life.
There is no difference between getting freedom from infidels and killing infidels. You need to kill infidels to be free from our impurity. He was just a pure and out an out Muslim without the civilizational and diplomatic baggage that dilutes most of them. He wanted to kill non Muslims. And he died trying to do it. If India was a Muslim country, he would not have fought against it.

There is a hell of difference between killing infidels without any reason and fighting against their oppression.

And naah we don't need to kill you to be free of impurity..........................wrong this way the ultimate goal of saving humanity from what is to come hereafter is not achieved, though we do need to direct you misguided souls to light. :D

And for Talib I don't buy this he wanted to kill non Muslims, if he did he would have struck some place full with infidels to achieve that goal.

Hmm. True. :( We will run out of fanatical non Muslims faster than the other. But that's changing. :D

No you got this wrong buddy.................................. I need Islam, Islam does not need me, so whatever anybody says to hurt me targeting Islam, that does not in any way harm or insult Islam. It is not about us humans, how many us are on that side and how many on this side, Islam is not for groups or parties it is for humanity and the ONE who takes care of the humanity is the ONE also too take care of Islam.

OT: how do you stop these popups and new windows opening everytime I click anything on this forum?

He never fought bravely. He was like a coward used to move here and there to escape from J & K Police. ultimately he got surrounded and killed.

This guy @doppelganger yesterday was calling accountants cowards. :mad:
I said no such thing.

Are you going to go to war with a 7 kilo ledger in one hand and a P&L account rolled up like a fly swatter in the other?

Accounts was my 6th subject in the 10th ...

Debit what comes in Credit what goes out

That 7 kilo ledger may contain the reasons why you would get bullets and armour and guns :D

And its paperless age you ignorant soul, IT age who needs ledgers on paper. :D

By the way perfect definition of Dr and Cr :D
I said no such thing.

Are you going to go to war with a 7 kilo ledger in one hand and a P&L account rolled up like a fly swatter in the other?

Accounts was my 6th subject in the 10th ...

Debit what comes in Credit what goes out

Add credit the giver and debit the receiver. Debit the expense and credit the income.

Asset less liabilty = capital etc.
I was actually pretty good for it, considering I had decided pretty early to go for medicine. I liked it too, and had a knack for it.
He was forced to pick up gun against the occupying terrorists . RIP

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