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Post Graduate Talib was forced to pick up gun: Mother

@MilSpec you can kill me but you cannot suppress my voice. You Indians are mocking our martyr and you don't give me rights to answer you in a very same kind. Do it, I won't mind...Ragda ragda tera tiranga ragda, ragdo ragdo modi ragdo,ragdo ragdo bharat ragdo. Your rating does not matter to me. You hindus don't have guts.
On a forum you can do that in a civilized language... or you are more than welcome show similar enthusiasm, and cross the border, rest assured will have the same fate. He might be whatever to you, for the state of India he was a terrorist and he met his fate. For us this is no different than the way you rejoice when you gun down a militant in Baluchistan.

For us, Kashmir as a country you Indians and your country India is terrorist. If you mock our martyrs then I have a right you to call by name and for god sake we are not a part of your filthy country and this is what we are fighting for.
you can do all this at your home, on the forum you abide by the forum regulations....I am not stamping a rating on your face , just on your post.

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In an encounter in South Kashmir’s Kakpora area, one militant was killed on Thursday.

Police sources said that after receiving inputs about the presence of two Lashkar-e-Toiba militants present in a house at Astan Mohalla Kakapora, a huge contingent of Army personnel from 50 RR, CRPF personnel from 182 and 183 Battalions and SOG Pulwama cordoned off the house of one Ghulam Muhammad. “The house of Ghulam Muhammad in which the two militants were present has been located in the middle of Army and CRPF camps and it was hard to believe that militant could hide there. As the Army zeroed in on the house, the militants in a bid to escape from the house resorted to indiscriminate firing. The retaliation from our part resulted in the killing of a militant,” an Army official told CNS. He identified the slain militant as Talib Ahmed Shah son of Muhammad Afzal Shah, a local resident of Astan Mohalla Kakapora Pulwama.

“Talib was active in the district from quite some time and he was the district commander of banned militant outfit LeT,” he said.

The official said that all efforts are on to either capture the associate of Talib alive or neutralize him. “He is still fighting but we have closed all the escape routes,” he said.

A police official said that it may take a long time to deal with the hiding militant as the protesters in large number have been making attempts to move towards the encounter site. “The situation in the area is tense but under control,” he said.

Talib Afzal Shah (22) was a post graduate student who had joined militant ranks in 2012. “Talib had completed his Master’s Degree in Physical Education from Kashmir University.”

“My son had been arrested several times on charges of stone-pelting and even after his release the security agencies used to raid our house, always looking for him. He finally decided to join Lashkar-e-Toiba,” said her wailing mother.

She said that last time when forces raided her house, she was so agitated that in front of Army officer she set all the educational degrees of Talib on fire. “Time and again forces harassed my son and forced him to pick up the gun. I blame them for everything. My son was very intelligent and being religious commanded great respect in the area,” she said.

As the news about the death of Talib spread in the town, hundreds of people from adjoining areas of Kakapora including Patalbagh, Lelhar, Naman, Aloochibagh, Samboora, Hathwara and other areas rushed towards the spot of incident. Since the encounter was going, so forces did not allow them to proceed resulting in the violent clashes, that left many protesters injured.

In a bid to disperse the protesters government forces bursted several tear-smoke shells and resorted to aerial firing. The situation, according to a police official, was tense but under control.
@Samandri @Zarvan @DESERT FIGHTER @rockstar08 @Shamain @fakhre mirpur @waz @Umair Nawaz @Akheilos @WAJsal @Sage @Jungibaaz @SrNair @ranjeet @levina @FaujHistorian @Bratva @Armstrong @Horus @Imran Khan @Side-Winder
Talib, a PET Graduate, was ‘Forced’ to Pick Up Gun, says His Mother | Kashmir Life

tht some lame excuse, even my family has suffered ,extorted, abused during terrorism in punjab , so by going this story my whole family should take arms and became a terrorist group , tht some bullshit , even his mother is giving lame excuse , thr must alteast crores people in this world who suffered, abuse they should all take arms and become a terrorist , why she didnt controlled her son , tht answer she will not be able to answer , bcos she knows if she would had done tht her son would have been alive today
@MilSpec you can kill me but you cannot suppress my voice. You Indians are mocking our martyr and you don't give me rights to answer you in a very same kind. Do it, I won't mind...Ragda ragda tera tiranga ragda, ragdo ragdo modi ragdo,ragdo ragdo bharat ragdo. Your rating does not matter to me. You hindus don't have guts.
Ask Talib about the bolded part . Oh w8 u can't :(
You dogs can come in hordes only. He is our soldier, soldier of Allah (May Talib bhai be blessed with jannah). We will fight for our freedom. No matter how many life we have to lose. InshaAllah we will get our freedom one day,
I really hate trolling man I really do. Don't put words in my mouth do what you wanna do but one world will get over with this circus business and then all you people gonna do is to count the dead and grief .
But I do feel bad for her mother I'm sure she must have tried to help him choose the right path and not of militancy but some kids can be hard. But my grief is with her mother alone Talib educated or not was a terrorist who needed to be dealt with.
If you really feel bad then answer me. This is not about any individual, this is about life in Kashmir. What will you do when Army pick up your brother who is below 10 ? What will you do when your sister will be teased day and night whenever she step out ? What will you do when your father will be picked up anytime (when he is not at fault at all) and your mother move from one city to another to find out her husband and no one answer her ? What will you do when someone is dying at your home and your paramilitary force does not allow us to come out of our home to take him/her to hospital ? What will you do when your sister is raped by oppressors ? What will you do when you are stopped in every100 mtrs and asked to provide your identity card ? You are killing our generations, raping our mothers and sisters and asking us to stay out of it. What will you do, answer me simply ?
Kashmir is in a sorry state and whatever you are claiming here if its true then its not just India's fault but of Pakistan's and Kashmir's too. But joining outfits like LeT will only gonna escalate your problems.But things can be done by Kashmiris like
1.Start by not raising Pakistani flags .Remember our northern command is not there for militancy alone but the threat china and pak possess there and raising their flag not gonna help. The day their claim goes to garbage only paramilitary CRPF will assist local police with whatever militancy J/K has. Well its not just Kashmir who hates the army, army hates Kashmir too its an defending force which is principally made to counter external threats an professional army not miltancy.(naxalism is a good example of this .
2. Kashmir govt can also ask Indian ppl some NGO or any other body like that to actively be present in Kashmir and examine if any kind of crime is being committed by our forces. India is a democracy Demo-people cracy-power there is nothing stronger in India than people itself but prob with Kashmiris is that they don't have the supp of Indians.

I feel bad for you I really do but If Kashmir keep on gonna popping up Pakistani flags and raise further prob for Indians then I'm srry U have to live like this.
I asked you something and you are giving me lecture. What would you have done if you were in our place ? Answer that. We know what we have to do. For point 2 we did that and you always label them traitors. Your own Arunditi roy told you about suffering of Kashmir. Did you trust her ?

I am not lecturing you I telling you the solution but you just want me to tell you how to react . Well you already do protest for unjust arrests but thanks to your idiotic govt who can't back you properly and it turns bloody but its your issue not ours vote properly.
Calling yourself more pakistani and less Indian ain't gonna help you much in the public support front cut your threads don't be a puppet . Arundhati Roy did the same mistake though she did pointed out at some crimes but she supported separation and everything went down hill from there.
In the end Kashmiris might have faced all sort of problems but they need to be part of the solution and not further increase problem. Your choice.
Ok Sir if we all are wrong then why don't you go according to promises of Nehru sahab or was he also a fool ? See you people also dodge a question and this is not going to serve your purpose. Kashmir was independent before 1947 and it is our right to decide the fate of our country called Kashmir.

Nehru Promised alot of things one of his greatest traits but failed time and again to fulfill them he promised Sikh people with a bright future in India , promised us our share of Tibet before our forward policy but we all know how these situations ended. But back to Kashmir , please tell me you want freedom or just freedom from India? And do you really think Kashmir has good chance of freedom if at one hand you are supporting Pakistan and at another ask for a independent Kashmir.
Well its not 1947 anymore alot has happened in Kashmir and if Kashmiris do want freedom its fate should be decided by citizens of India all of them and not just Kashmiris. If we let Kashmiris to decide on their own and you people decides to be free what stops other state actors from not pursuing this same dream? You like it or not Kashmir's and India's fate is tied to each other.
@Wani Ainan I have two elder brothers in the valley. Well one is not anymore, but was till recently.

I don't think I need to tell any Indian what he should do. You are not a kid right? Neither is what is happening there something new.

I can however tell you what you should not do. And that is pick up a gun. Let me tell you frankly, it might save your life. You guys are not fighting men. And yes, you would be killed even if you were.

Peace brother. Grow some apples. Marry a pink cheeked Kashmiri beauty. Or four. Have cute kids.

Don't end up like Talib with the top third of your head torn away.
I like you bro..you seem to be one of a kind sane Pakistani poster....I don't dig pakistani double standards though...I have been in this forum long enough..right when each and every pakistani declared the americans enemies and rejected each and every claim of the americans when it came to pakistani terrorist activities...may it be OBL claims or double dealing along with the taliban and haqqani.

1971 India attacks militarily a sovereign country, helps the miscreants, creates a chaos and nearly half a century later still celebrates it and boasts about it. The reason given to help stabilise and stop killing and avoid influx of refugees. This is how your compatriots look at 1971 and boast about it every time, but when Pakistan tries to avoid the same situation in its neighborhood its double standards, talking of double standards with different definition I guess.

Regarding OBL let us not forget the woman also agreed that it was our fault to leave Pakistan alone to clear the mess we created in Afghanistan, and OBL was their favorite during that period. So lets not go into those details, anyone with a head on his shoulder would realise who is to blamed in the first place. And then expecting Pakistan to work in interest of others is foolish.

Believe me when I say that I probably analyse the situation more than you..."pakistani army" is trying to give a safe exit to the americans in exchange for dollars (because that's how the pakistani army operates - $$$$), and the americans are playing along with the so called peace talks. ..

Sorry my friend your analysis lacks a deep insight (may be you are hardwired to always see Pakistan Army at fault) but nothing these days happens for free and anyone expecting other to work in their interest at the cost of his own interest is an idiot. US and company's initial evaluation to invade and get done easily bit back, they did not listen at start they wanted a revenge, a revenge for world to see and remember, but in the end we are back to let us talk and resolve (which they refused initially), they want a safe exit and we want our concerns and interests to be addressed, so we have a deal. And please don't always make it sound like we are looting them, they are not idiots, in fact they got away with all this in very low price.

And, this game plan of taliban talks...isn't something new...its been in the rounds right when the taliban opened a qatari office a couple of years back. Pakistan since then has been under tremendous pressure to bring in the taliban top leadership into the discussion in the qatari rounds...the problem with pakistan is that the taliban do not trust the pakistanis...even though the talibani leaders live under the so called isi protection...but the obl incident..and the killing of one of the haqqani leaders in peshawar(?) added to the fact that pakistan is in no position to stop drone attacks, UNSF raids, or control afghan army raids makes the afghan taliban doubt the pak fauj and its motives for $$$...Pakistan thought that they made a master stroke by enlisting the chinese involvement into the "peace dialogues"...the aren't too smart and are playing ball according to the pakistani's for a while till they see some dollars in afghanistan for their factory workers.

The taliban expressively refused pakistani presence in the "peace talks" - either in muree or in beijing or anywhere else..because they do not trust you guys..period.

Come on are we that naive :D? Anyone involved thinking of acting on their own without Pakistan will achieve nothing, whether it is taliban, Afghanistan, US & Co, Saudis, India and Afghan intelligence or China (they are wise people they know how important this is for them as well and realise that only sincere party is Pakistan).

And to bring taliban to table can be hard but not impossible, their elders know us very well and let me be frank and honest if the need arises I am hopeful we can make them realise that if we want we will crush them too. So they will stick to what we say and not listen to their young generation of commanders who have zero idea and clue and think they can fight on their own. Their forefathers know who to look to when it comes to saving their a$$.

But..on the whole..expecting a jihadi force that is hell bent on having it's own islamic emirate similar to the isis's islamic state to talk peace is hilarious..you people are stupid and haven't learnt your lesson even after getting thousands of your country men and your armymen killed. These jihadis don't want to become a part of the civilized world..now will they bother listening to the "daal khor" pakistani's?.. unless the whole afghan govt and its whole army and its whole population and the pak fauj and the pakistani awaam bow and declare it obeisance to the islamic emirate and it's emir.

The biggest mistake Afghans commit is when they listen to "Sabzi khorz", they forget cow is meant to be eaten not to be worshiped. So let us be clear "Sabzi Khorz" can try their best but Cow eaters will remain with cow eaters in the end. Period.

And buddy decade long lecture to Afghans on benefits of eating "Sabzi" and quitting "Cow meat" is over, it did not suit their stomach well. So now it is time we start celebrating Cow Eating festivities.

Until that happens...wake me up when there is some sort of "real breakthrough" in your so called peace talks "drama". Funny that you still haven't learnt that the sunni wahaabi isamist scum aren't really interested to share power with anyone - Allah wouldn't agree with that (according to them).

You can call it a drama but let me tell you one thing if we don't succeed in this drama, you would forget Kashmir and worry about many other areas and towns. So sane thing to do is support us in this, resolve disputes, let people of Kashmir decide their fate according to their wishes, but if you still intend to keep going like you did then I think the little progress that you have seen will go down the drain. Act wisely and maturely. Because if a Cow Eater is enjoying killing a Cow Eater then imagine what he would do to a Sabzi Khor.
You dogs can come in hordes only. He is our soldier, soldier of Allah (May Talib bhai be blessed with jannah). We will fight for our freedom. No matter how many life we have to lose. InshaAllah we will get our freedom one day,
ohhoh ohoh ur soldier comes like a rat and get killed like a pig , then sing same old line inshallah we will get our freedom one day , man will all this prayer even allah will be frustrated tht they only brag but do nothing
As I said earlier your dogs come in horde to even face 2 mujahids and they cannot jack other than blowing up the place. 2 again 100 speak who run away like rats when Mujahideens fire. You don't know much about valley kid. Ask occupation force how do they shit in their pents when they come across Muajhids.

You are talking crap.

We lost a colonel recently because of our STUPID policy of talking to and trying to reform terrorist swine till the last moment.

Shot in the back.

There is a strong feeling within the forces to go Mongol on you guys. Pray. And behave.
First learn how to write properly you clown. It is difficult to understand you. I have nothing to do with FATA, Balochistan. I am a Kashmiri and I am talking about IOK here.

so i am clown if u cant read thts not my problem u clown , if u cant read then learn something ,just asking were u live in kashmir
So do you think that they first talk and then shoot ?. No worries, we don't give a shit what do they feel or what they are feeling. Being a citizen of country Kashmir it matters what we feel about oppressor. Do whatever you can do, you are doing it from last 68 years.

Man you have no idea what it means for a force to start thinking of you as a foreign occupied populace than their own people misbehaving.

PLEASE pray you never get to learn. You have been trying our patience for 25 years now.

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