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Policeman caught slamming woman carrying baby into ground in video

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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The Police seems to be the same - world over



A video showing a policeman forcefully wrestling a woman holding a child to the ground has sparked outrage on Chinese social media.

The altercation is said to have happened during a row about a parking ticket in a suburb of Shanghai.

In the video, a policeman can be seen arguing with a woman holding a young child.

As she approaches him and appears to push him, the policeman violently throws the woman to the ground, sending the toddler crashing down hard on the pavement.

Witnesses then rush in to assist the crying child as police restrain the woman.

A second video shows the woman being handcuffed and appearing to have bruises and swelling to her face.

Shanghai police have confirmed the incident happened at 10.30, local time in Songjiang District of the city, and reportedly said the matter is under investigation.

The woman and child have both been taken for medical examination, according to Chinese News outlet news.163.com.

Responding to the video, Chinese Twitter users condemned the brutality of the arrest.

“No matter what she does you also can't do this to a child,” said one comment.

“Police have a problem,” said another.
Wow these commies dont care about even babies.
This is what happens when u live in a dictatorship and have no rights.
No wonder a 1000 chinese are executed every year without trials and no one blinks.
China needs a revolution for human rights.
Imagine a country of 1.4 billion people living like animals without any rights.
If the west was not so obsessed with the chinese market , they would realize that china, north Korea, all are same

I know u have to support china but think for a moment if the kid was related to you and was thrown on the hard pavement like a inanimate object.

Modi should raise democracy and human rights issues in China during the BRICS summit.
Except for china , Brazil ,India, south Africa and Russia are all democratic countries.

The officer was suspended. The woman slapped and bit the police in the arm before being knocked down on the ground.

China needs a revolution for human rights.
Imagine a country of 1.4 billion people living like animals without any rights.
If the west was not so obsessed with the chinese market , they would realize that china, north Korea, all are same

I know u have to support china but think for a moment if the kid was related to you and was thrown on the hard pavement like a inanimate object.

Modi should raise democracy and human rights issues in China during the BRICS summit.
Except for china , Brazil ,India, south Africa and Russia are all democratic countries.
In US she will be shot on the spot and in Kashmir...

The officer was suspended. The woman slapped and bit the police in the arm before being knocked down on the ground.
How can a human even fling a baby on the ground like in the video ?
Because he knows nothing is going to happen to him.
The police officer was suspended and openly apologized to the public. The government says the investigation is underway. The child was sent to a hospital to receive a thorough checkup. It is the headline news on all Chinese major media.
Atrocity like this hit China's headline news the very next minute after it happens and people demand for justice and government has to take immediate actions to the damage control work. A life example against claims made by western media that China never reports negative news.

U might be feeling ashamed as a Chinese guy for what your race is cap of but look at this cheerleader @jase , who is defending the act.
When u sell your soul , u are not worth being called a human.
It happens everywhere, US and India are the worst in this regard.
U might be feeling ashamed as a Chinese guy for what your race is cap of but look at this cheerleader @jase , who is defending the act.
When u sell your soul , u are not worth being called a human.
Simply put, You're not worth the bandwidth.
You can try to slap and bite US police officer and see what will happen. search youtube police atrocity and find it out. As for India, their police kill children ,even toddlers in Kashmir and there are tons of bloody pictures about funerals of those children, too bloody and graphic to be reposted here, google to find them out if you like to know.
Atrocity like this hit China's headline news the very next minute after it happens and people demand for justice and government has to take immediate actions to the damage control work. A life example against claims made by western media that China never reports negative news.

It happens everywhere, US and India are the worst in this regard.
USA and India are not the worst but the most vocal.
Even with all the problems in Kashmir , international and national media still covers all the incidents .
Old democracies try to set such high standards for themselves that you feel like a failure with every incident.
But dictatorship s like china and Pakistan , control info flow to a trickle , and are more worried about image building since the leaders are not elected.
In pakistan , we know the actual leaders are the defence forces.
USA and India are not the worst but the most vocal.
Even with all the problems in Kashmir , international and national media still covers all the incidents .
Old democracies try to set such high standards for themselves that you feel like a failure with every incident.
But dictatorship s like china and Pakistan , control info flow to a trickle , and are more worried about image building since the leaders are not elected.
In pakistan , we know the actual leaders are the defence forces.
You can imagine if vigilante brutality happens here in China the public uproar will shake the whole nation. India's caste persecution, lynching lower caste people and police brutality is the worst in the world. Human rights in India is like hell cause the country has different humans and each human group enjoys different kinds of rights. that's crazy.

If that happens in China, that cop could get a instant ticket to the jail.
USA and India are not the worst but the most vocal.
Even with all the problems in Kashmir , international and national media still covers all the incidents .
Old democracies try to set such high standards for themselves that you feel like a failure with every incident.
But dictatorship s like china and Pakistan , control info flow to a trickle , and are more worried about image building since the leaders are not elected.
In pakistan , we know the actual leaders are the defence forces.

At least they are not Corrupt like Indian Supa Powa Police :D

Indian Supa Powa Corrupt Police








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