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PM to Attend D-8 Summit in Pakistan

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Lovey Bhai when she comes...please can you give her back the Jute Dhotiii that you wear to work every day ! Lets start by giving back all that we stole ? I'd TCS my Jute Kachaaa alongside it too ! :rofl:

For 22 yrs you kept on stealing our Jute Dhoti. For the next 22 years we remained a dirt poor country without a dime to invest in any industries. Now during the last 20 years we have built up our Textile Dhoti with very hard labour. We export $25 billion per year and our hard working road cleaners and date tree watermen in the ME remit another $13 billion every year, which is no more to be stolen by the west.

When in the next 10 years you lose all your advantage because of sheer negligency on the economic matters, we will gain back our position of 1947 when west Pakistan was 80 and ours was 120. So, in the meantime let Pakistanis talk about their $210 billion GDP against our $130 billion.
I request Iajdani and Captain Planet to send a post(s) with regard to the changes in economic indexes if the base year is moved to 2005 from 1995. I have very little knowledge about this matter. I want to know how calculations of indicators will be revised. Please give one or two examples.
For 22 yrs you kept on stealing our Jute Dhoti. For the next 22 years we remained a dirt poor country without a dime to invest in any industries. Now during the last 20 years we have built up our Textile Dhoti with very hard labour. We export $25 billion per year and our hard working road cleaners and date tree watermen in the ME remit another $13 billion every year, which is no more to be stolen by the west.

When in the next 10 years you lose all your advantage because of sheer negligence on the economic matters, we will gain back our position of 1947 when west Pakistan was 80 and ours was 120. So, in the meantime let Pakistanis talk about their $210 billion GDP against our $130 billion.
Great, good luck, we wish you the very best, as far as Pakistan is concerned, economic up and downs are very usual in this world but we want a welfare/educated state where everyone has equal rights and everyone is safe.
I request Iajdani and Captain Planet to send a post(s) with regard to the changes in economic indexes if the base year is moved to 2005 from 1995. I have very little knowledge about this matter. I want to know how calculations of indicators will be revised. Please give one or two examples.

Well this is what IMF has said regarding changing of base year of Bangladesh as a side note.


11 The estimated overvaluation of the taka may be exaggerated to the extent that per capita GDP is
underestimated. Bangladesh’s national accounts are based on an outdated base year (1995/96) and structural
changes that have taken place since then are not adequately reflected in GDP estimates.
The national accounts
base year was last updated in April 2000, from 1984/85 to 1995/96. At that time, the level of GDP was revised
upward by about 30 percent.
Higher per capita GDP would cause a shift to the right and move Bangladesh
closer to the regression line, implying a smaller overvaluation or even some undervaluation of the taka.

Muhith also indicated such in present time...

Muhith finds flaws in GDP calculation

Muhith finds flaws in GDP calculation

FE Report

Finance minister AMA Muhith Saturday claimed that the gross domestic product (GDP) of Bangladesh was "terribly underestimated".

"The base-year is 15 years' old. Many products are kept away from the lists of the GDP calculation. It has to be updated," he said.

More detail about the change you can find in the following articles...

UNBconnect... - Government mulling revising GDP base year to 2005-06

New GDP base in the offing

With the upgradation of base year I believe per capita GDP will be close to in between 1000-1200 usd and iajdhani indicated earlier total GDP could be close to 180 billion usd. Though I do not know the source. Hope that is helpful.
What if Pakistan did not help to rebuild Bd military with traning and supports including arms after 75?
ok! My post simply means 6 of them are having good growth! 2 of them are having domestic turmoil which is affecting their growth! 95% export of nigeria is petroleum, so they still have a good growth, however for pakistan this is not the case!

ok its nonsense and baseless. Please show me logic, prove me wrong, i am open to reasonable answer

The reason why i gave a knee jerk response to your comment was because you generalized your response on such a limited fact. Pakistan has way more resources than Nigeria or Bangladesh. If it isn't exporting them, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. For that you need socio-economic development.

I still have US and Pakistan Geological Survey maps, original ones (as printed) from 60s,70s,80s and 90s.......you would be surprised to know the minerals that were discovered in Pakistan, not to mention the resource rich Afghan-Pak borderlands, as envisioned by the remote laser surveys recently conducted by USGS.
For 22 yrs you kept on stealing our Jute Dhoti. For the next 22 years we remained a dirt poor country without a dime to invest in any industries. Now during the last 20 years we have built up our Textile Dhoti with very hard labour. We export $25 billion per year and our hard working road cleaners and date tree watermen in the ME remit another $13 billion every year, which is no more to be stolen by the west.

When in the next 10 years you lose all your advantage because of sheer negligency on the economic matters, we will gain back our position of 1947 when west Pakistan was 80 and ours was 120. So, in the meantime let Pakistanis talk about their $210 billion GDP against our $130 billion.

that time pak BD was together. n majority of that money was used in kashmir war. pakistan still has many problems while we

dont have much of problems rather than some bone head politicians. yes they were arrogant but they wanted pak together.

dont compare to common pakistanis with those elite businessmen. common pakistanis dont know what was happening here.
pakistan and Nigeria both are having domestic sectarian violence!! Nigeria has oil to bail their economy out, but pakistan is very unfortunate. However, rest 6 countries are on great course of development!!!!
agreed. :tup:
What if Pakistan did not help to rebuild Bd military with traning and supports including arms after 75?

All the Pakistan military purchases and all the US military aid to Pakistan should have been divided equitably between the two wings aftyer 1971. So, what is your idea about that? Did Pakistan ever utter a word about splitting military assets? How about also returning 80% of the military budgets they have used in the west for a long 22 years?

Remember, that wing were having all the three HQs of PA? While we provided more than 50% of total expenses, they used more than 80% of it. Do you think, it is a Islamic brotherhood when one brother steals money from the other? What the govt spends in a region becomes the earning of people living in that region.

So, it was essentially the people of west Pakistan who benefitted financially from these expenditures. This huge money never returned to the east. Now, are you so blind not to see the obvious and come here and talk of a few military junks that country has given us after 1975? It was probably only 5% of our total purchases in 1975.

But, they have used more than (80% - 50%) = 30% of our money for each and every year of the 22 years that we lived with them. So, would you like to ask Pakistan to return that money, please?
Well this is what IMF has said regarding changing of base year of Bangladesh as a side note.

Muhith also indicated such in present time...

More detail about the change you can find in the following articles...

UNBconnect... - Government mulling revising GDP base year to 2005-06

New GDP base in the offing

With the upgradation of base year I believe per capita GDP will be close to in between 1000-1200 usd and iajdhani indicated earlier total GDP could be close to 180 billion usd. Though I do not know the source. Hope that is helpful.

I was expecting an explanation of what the upward revision of base year from 1995 to 2005 means. How this will change the calculation of our GDP to upward? Say something a novice can understand and not the links. Links only says about the neceassity of change, but do not expalin the process that will make a change in the GDP figure.
All the Pakistan military purchases and all the US military aid to Pakistan should have been divided equitably between the two wings aftyer 1971. So, what is your idea about that? Did Pakistan ever utter a word about splitting military assets? How about also returning 80% of the military budgets they have used in the west for a long 22 years?

Remember, that wing were having all the three HQs of PA? While we provided more than 50% of total expenses, they used more than 80% of it. Do you think, it is a Islamic brotherhood when one brother steals money from the other? What the govt spends in a region becomes the earning of people living in that region.

So, it was essentially the people of west Pakistan who benefitted financially from these expenditures. This huge money never returned to the east. Now, are you so blind not to see the obvious and come here and talk of a few military junks that country has given us after 1975? It was probably only 5% of our total purchases in 1975.

But, they have used more than (80% - 50%) = 30% of our money for each and every year of the 22 years that we lived with them. So, would you like to ask Pakistan to return that money, please?

You belong to 71 generation so I understand your concerns but I don't think Pakistan will comply with your demands. Pakistan has it's internal problems to tackle in 2012 so it has no time for 71.
They are more interested to build relation on real time.

If you are happy discussing about the past then you are better of spending time in Bangla and Indian forum where you will have amble of audience.

I born much after 71 and I would love to move forward based on 75 revolution. I am follower of Zia and he already established a brotherly relation with Pakistan along with China and Muslim worlds. So for me and many other, it's better choice to seal the past and leap to future.

You have choice to either jump in future train or stuck in horse carriage and die with misery.
I think the main threat was at the western border, so the discrepancy in military expenditure was normal.
I think the main threat was at the western border, so the discrepancy in military expenditure was normal.

It is a completely wrong idea to use 80% of military budget in one wing at the expense of the other. Bangalis always wanted the central govt to build at least the Naval HQ in the eastern wing, but it was not complied with. If Kashmir in the west was the issue, it was cunningly used by the Indian Muhajir dominated civil and Punjabi dominated military bureaucrats to deprive the east.

These marvellous (?) brains kept the east unarmed and used it as just a bait for an Indian attack. What a silly theory it was! Let India attack a defenseless east and the troops in the west would take over Kashmir as well as Delhi! This childish theory was used only to deprive the east, nothing else.

This is why the then Pakistan Awami League threw a 6-point programme in front the population of the east. Pakistan military junta rejected it as well as the 1970 election results, and imposed an unfair war against the east. So, finally that PA itself got a lesson in 1971 December. This attack made the desparate east to seek independence from the west.

Today's BD has become much much stronger comparing to its military strength before the 1971 war. And today, our strategists are using west as a BAIT to defend itself till we build up our military more in line with the reality of a sovereign country in the neighbourhood of a big DADA.
Did FM Hina R Khar went to all D-8 countries for invitation? If not why she had to spend money on this useless trip to Bdsh & hear all this apology rubbish:hitwall:. Clearly PPP will loose more in upcoming election, it is cuz of useless foriegn policy of PPP that countries like A'stan & Bdsh are showing their eyes, countries like india are coming more inn & brotherly countries like US, Iran, Saudi Arabia are distancing from Pakistan.

Currently Pakistan should do whatever it can to accelerate/boost it's economy & eliminating terrorists who had done too much harm to Pakistan & also strengthen it's relationship with countries like China, US, Great Britain, Turkeye, Iran, Russia & S-Arabia.
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