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PM Imran Khan will ask for vote of confidence

He should had let it go now see he pissed of Tareen and at the same time there is no action taken against the sugar mafia. Sugar price has now crossed 100 yet again

IK has nothing to loose - people of Pakistan do if he goes and the corrupt leaders take seats again.

I recall the late Gen Hameed Gul's assessment - dash of hopes and then a new system.
I agree with you. To catch a thief you need a thief. PMIK needs to shed his high morals and for the sake of millions of voiceless, poor Pakistan's justify doing things with "ends justify the means" outlook.

And land in Hell! You seem to be clueless on the Judgement Day! Islam doesn't teach us to fight corruption/theft/lies with corruption/theft/lies.

Deception, in Islam, is only allowed in Warfare!
This is chaiwallah's strength.


This is PMIK weak hold

Unless IK has clear majority, than you can't do much about it. This has again proved to be true.
I envy India. 1.4 billion people. Dozen ethnic groups, dozen languages, from Indo-European Sikhs to Dravidian Tamil Hindu to Tibeto-Burman Ladakhi. Such a huge region, almost a continent. No fcukin talk of idealogies or religion cementing it or god holding it.

Yet that pathetic chaiwallah is sat in awe of India with solid power at his finger tips to get things done .....
India never had military coups. Election Commission is completely independent. Judiciary is not subservient to army generals or corrupt politicians.
Its fair and simple now, go for vote of confidence and once that is out of the way - go full throttle on electoral reforms to ensure this mafia is properly dealt with in the next elections.

If PTI fails in this then we are doomed.
Another rather jarring irony. Apparently PMIK is selected and has the establishment including the army and much vaunted ISI behind him. Yet PMIK is just about clinging to power with skin of his teeth. The media lambasts him every day, the courts go out of thir way to make running the country difficult. Then this disaster which frankly leaves his government now just a decorative fixature.

On the other hand in India can somebody please tell me what attribute does Modi have? Is it his puffed 57 inch chest that has all of Indian in awe including media that jumps at his glance.

Like I said before I feel sorry for 10s of millions of Pakistani's who have no voice but live trapped in poverty and suffering. I guess the truckloads of migrants from Pakistan heading to the West will continue rest of this century ....
i wish Zia was alive.

Yh, he would be utterly disgusted in us Pakistanis traitors who never loved his bastard son [MNS] like he did, I should be banging my head against the wall...:hitwall: in utter shame, but I can't bring myself to do it. When did us Pakistanis become so selfish that we prioritized the country before his primadonna.. all he ever wanted was the entire nations wealth and then the worlds...

Zia's legacy should be remembered as: he gave our enemies both internal and external entire Pakistan on a silver platter.. the curse of the Bhutto and Nawaz clan that our beloved military dictators gave us must be exterminated if Pakistan has any chance seeing another day.. accountability must be consistent across the board, where these past king makers should also follow Oliver Cromwell's 'post morthem' justice.
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Did the cabinet debate on this discussion or the political party PM heads?

What is the purpose of this exercise?

These shenanigans can be left for another day. There are matters parliament need to decide which are bigger than symbolic premiership.
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