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PM Imran Khan - DO IT. Hunt them DOWN

I think they are. and if they are not. He needs to direct and open because under current situation one has the ability to do anything. So he has more sufficient cards to play. It is the test of his mettle and brain power if he can or not. He don't need a spineless leader. He has to show the same spine which he showed us during his movement.

Tell him to get the nails pulled out for a starter.
Thoughts, gentlemen? What advice you guys will give to Imran Khan and his 9 months old government?
Well, you asked for thoughts so here it is...

A long, boring post i did in some threads about MBS model for Pakistan, a version of it that may be acceptable to courts, a legal and constitutional way to achive getting back a large chunk of looted wealth.

The Pakistan version of MBS solution is staring us right in the eyes, all be it at the expense of, the financially corrupt including any political leadership of any party and their aiders and abetters...so be it, who cares.

The solution is to make the jail and trial conditions extra tough and consequences of not plea bargaining so politically and physically horrific for convicted financial pirates and their aiders and abettors that it forces them to plea bargain and return their loot in exchange for some carrot as in any carrot and stick scenario.

The carrot could be reduced sentence, reduced disqualification period, possibility of bail and better jail conditions etc etc that at the moment they enjoy and take for granted such luxuries like A,B,C class jail cells as their birth right.

The Government should sit with the concerned civil and military stakeholders i.e. judiciary, legal and military minds to work out and bring an ordinance against the economic pirates, their aiders and abetters so the looted wealth could be brought back.

The posters here are requested to give their input as to how we can come up with some better laws than the ones suggested below...Something along the lines of the following off the cuff:
  • In case of such financial crimes involving public money or public property in excess of a hundred million rupees (more or less), the case shall be Fast tracked in courts. Three months in trial court and one month each for appeals and review.
  • The punishment for such white collar financial and public money embezzlement crimes and jail terms from now onwards shall be double of earlier.
  • Once convicted: the criminals shall be put in common jails and common jail cells. (No option of "home arrest" or "rest house" sub jail luxuries)
  • If the convict opts for plea bargain then they shall be eligible for the following possibilities:
    • Right to engage personal legal council.
    • Right to appeal for reduced sentence of 1 year jail term.
    • The benefit of early plea bargain shall entitle the convict to get relevent A,B,C class cell in jail for the remainder of their sentence (which could be aforementioned 1 year reduced sentence.)
    • The plea bargaining convict shall stand disqualified for only 10 years (instead of life DQ for non plea bargaining criminal)
  • If the convict does not do plea bargain then following strict restrictions shall apply:
    • Government appointed lawyer for defendant. No private legal council.
    • Disqualification for life
    • All asset confiscation
    • Two generations of his/her blood line (of the economic pirate) shall be disqualified to hold any position of power or title in Government or any political party (the two generations still can enjoy fundamental right to run for elections and become common members but not hold any title of power in government.)
    • The convict shall not get any class but common jail cell, nor any special treatment in jail.
    • There shall be no bail allowed to such convict at any stage unless plea bargaining is done.

To simply put it in so many words; If the financial terrorists don't plea bargain then they can rot in common jail cells without any facilities for the rest of their useless lives...

The nature of affluent, white collar, elitist criminals is such that they will not be able to spend a week in any of our common jail cells. If they still develop guts and dont pay up, then good for them to live like those they looted - like majority of Pakistan - instead of ever be able to enjoy their looted wealth.
Without shred of doubt. West or east, north or south IK status looms large. He is best known Pakistani in the world. And even more importantly he invokes positive response. Meaning IK actually helps in bringing respect to Pakistan.

This positive image he engenders is global, from Russia to Japan to UK to USA. Pakistan has never had a better marketing 'prodct' then the Khan. Right now there has been deluge of vloggers from across the world heading to Pakistan and praising it. The catalyst for this is PMIK.

Spot on..He is the kind of leader who brought a perceptional change in its leadership from Pakistan..He is nationalistic, western educated and having a background tobecome successful in his previous profession...Judging his performance in 10 month for the mess of 70 year, is bit harsh for him..
Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Kal ko kaho gai kai agr mulk hi amreeka hota, tou dekhtai wo kitna acha chalata.

The guy is a cricketer, surrounded by all the corrupt of PMLN and PPP. He is incompetent, likes to run his mouth way too much, has high ambitions, no check of reality, and no action.

Shut up..just shutup

Tell him to get the nails pulled out for a starter.
I would if I could. But anyways, I convey. I hope someone reads my posts.
If he had 2/3 majority.....You would have seen how fast he would have had made country run.

Bare with him, man....5 years are not much compared to 30 - 40 years of loot and plunder.

Its stupid thought that i trust again. :lol:

No excuse if he have not a real statistics of country even had a strong Opposition.
Why i trust him again

1- His political force consist on old thugs.

2- His ministers doing fake promise again that we will eradicate the entire loan in next five yerars , Ali Amin Khan Gandapur I.e

3- Dollars coming in pakistan.

4- Resignation from beautiful ministers is the biggest treat from inside of PTI, what a loyalty.

5- And what about Madni Raysat :chilli:
ریاست مدینہ

If he had 2/3 majority.....You would have seen how fast he would have had made country run.

Bare with him, man....5 years are not much compared to 30 - 40 years of loot and plunder.

So you wanna say Imran Khan Is a superman who will setup every thing, with this logic you are child. Why public bear extraordinary tax, public did not done fraud. Recover it from Nawaz & Zardari. Public is not responsible. He promise for relief not for burden.

Actually IK is dummy

which is operated from Dictators, he don't have knowledge:lock:, he is just moving on directions.

bro we just need economy to be fixed . ask him make dollar 40 rupees and rule us next 20 years

For you he will set it at 35 :omghaha:

I, by and large, agree with you. Though, I don't consider IK a very good leader; but he is the best out of the current lot and, at present, the only choice. All the others are patent thugs, scoundrels and rascals, of the first order, without any iota of doubt.

As for the current economic crisis, IK and PTI are not at all responsible for it. It all is doing of PPP and Noon League. I am quite certain that this government will bring a lot of improvement in it, with time.
Imran khan main vision has been completed you don't believe me? see below

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You said the truth that IK vision is completed.

Panama scandal emerging before elections, right.

Its not IK effort but this scandal provide more mercy for IK.

Don't show us old pic, its not verified.

Its called politics, we need our national money back.

petty petty vision.

He is just try to give us Lollipop:smokin:
He is just try to give us Lollipop:smokin:

Both Nawaz and Imran along with most politicians are of the same age group and are only battling out their egos knowing full well that all of them are safe in the system.

Its the awam who are just quarreling over them. Most of the elite intermarry and have good terms with each other even beyond the border to Afghanistan, Iran and India.
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