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PM forms 4 member committee to negotiate with TTP

All these are old videos. This one is of 2012. In pashto on loudspeakers, they are talking about taking revenge from army.
This is happening since 2007, one can understand why locals preferred to stay neutral in the war between taliban and army.
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This proves how big jahil he is and how much you have read Quran and Hadees Mr yes we are facing azab and when ALLAH destroyed previous nations don't you they think they didn't had pious people and children among them but when GOD wrath came ever one died Orya is right and this corrupt Yasir is an idiot and one of the Azab which ALLAH promised in the Quran and RASOOL SAW also often told in Hadees is that Muslims will get divided and will kill each other and the so called incident happening after Imam Hussian RA half of it is fabrication and lies because both Army were led by Sahabas and under Sahabas never such thing can take place so this idiot needs to study Islam before barking like Abu Juhal and Abdullah Bin Ubai and ALLAH destroyed nations for one corruption we have all of the combined and yet this idiot and some others doesn't want to admit we are facing Azab of ALLAH because they are sold materials his father wanted to be governor he is nothing but sold SOB

@Informant There is a great lesson in this post for you O hypocrite traitor, kuffar passport holder, liberal secular scum :D. You need to study Islam ;)

All these are old videos. This one is of 2012. In pashto on loudspeakers, they are talking about taking revenge from army.
This is happening since 2007, one can understand why locals preferred to stay neutral in the war between taliban and army.

So after giving shelters to foreign,local terrorists, they try to stay neutral and if someone tries to apprehend those terrorists, these innocent tribals starts to get anxious Wah!
Would be ironic genuinely, me trying to save people from suicide attacks, get blown myself.
@Informant There is a great lesson in this post for you O hypocrite traitor, kuffar passport holder, liberal secular scum :D. You need to study Islam ;)

Hmm let's see this kuffar passport holder is right now in a jacuzzi with warm water caressing my jimmies, smoke in one hand and chilled coke in the other. Good life, ney HARAM life :D
Quite possibly the most counter-intuititve, stupid, reckless and dangerous decision to undertake. They fooled us once in 2008, they will fool us again if these ridiciulous "peace talks" go through

the fact that it's even an option is a slap on the faces of victims of terrorism, as well as our military that is fighting these people and has seen casualties fighting them

the govt. should shove this peace talks up their azz...what an insult. Honestly, who needs enemies when you have people talking about peace talks with the enemy; and that includes that idiot Amir of Jamat Islami (terrorist sympathizer)

as far as i remember a recording, TTP consider the imam-e-kaaba as agent of west! because he considers suicide attacks as haram.

and they use facebook and twitter (creations of kaffirs) to spread these messages :laugh:

All these are old videos. This one is of 2012. In pashto on loudspeakers, they are talking about taking revenge from army.
This is happening since 2007, one can understand why locals preferred to stay neutral in the war between taliban and army.

nothing materialized....the Frontier Corps and the Army had (and still have) the upper hand

sorry to disappoint you! :)
Just a couple of days back, the COAS was pressing for a military op and PM was principally in agreement, and now this...

Did COAS gave any statement to that effect??? I don't remember COAS saying anything on topic.! Unless i missed.

Such decisions are not made without Army's consultation & approval. If NS is going for so-called "talks" then behind the scenes it's Military who's pushing for it. Military must have made it clear to NS that there's no use of operation, especially an announced one... "Talks" is just an umbrella term. It does NOT literally means "Just-talks". It refers to non-combative approach. Criminals are playing at the hands of foreign agencies, we have to break them away. Irrational bombing will only provoke them more.*** We just air-bombed & then we have MORE terrorist attacks in a row.!!! Bombing achieved nothing.

Their front-line attackers are already spread all over Pakistan waiting for instructions from handlers. An announced-operation in N-Wazir would be useless, they won't find anyone there, only media faces who don't have any real organizational powers. What we need is more intelligence work, track calls, track movements, uproot chain-of-command thru which attackers receive instructions, find their handlers. One handler transports MANY suicide bombers over & over again. He's the real expert, along with those technicians who build jackets. Once a handler is busted the whole supply of wanna-be-suicidals will be rendered useless... Attackers, jacket makers, handlers themselves are already sitting in our neighbourhood, they are not sitting in N-Wazir.

What we need is more of this: (LINK) And this:-
"In a daring raid, the security forces apprehended Tehreek-e-Taliban Operational Commander, Shariq Haqqani alongwith his aides from Nowshera. Shariq Haqqani is the brother of Khalid Haqqani, TTP second in command. This arrest was made hours after the announcement of negotiation team by PM Nawaz Sharif." 29-Jan-2014

... they are talking about taking revenge from army.....

Involving Pak Military into too many PANGAAAS is exactly what enemies of Pak want. They want a civil war like situation in Pak. A Pakistan-Spring.

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@Informant There is a great lesson in this post for you O hypocrite traitor, kuffar passport holder, liberal secular scum :D. You need to study Islam ;)

So after giving shelters to foreign,local terrorists, they try to stay neutral and if someone tries to apprehend those terrorists, these innocent tribals starts to get anxious Wah!
Mr go and study Quran and Study Hadees please tell me one sin on which ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW promised his wrath is not found in Pakistan and please tell me if many of them are not officially backed by governments too than come and talk to me MR

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Nothing will happen, Nawaz is scared sh!t. Talks only gives to rented terrorists to re group & set targets to attack in Pakistan.
Sharif announces committee to assist on talks as army prepares for new Waziristan offensive

Author:Farhan Bokhari, Islamabad

Last posted:2014-01-29

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has appointed a four-man advisory committee on 29 January to assist his government with a new peace initiative with the Taliban, although senior Pakistani officials and Western diplomats said the Pakistan Army-run security establishment was already preparing to step up operations against the militants.

In recent weeks Pakistan has faced a rising number of Taliban attacks on both army and civilian targets. The attacks, according to a senior intelligence official, convinced the Pakistan Army leadership, included recently appointed chief General Raheel Sharif, that the door had effectively closed on a negotiated settlement.

"This committee is to prove that the government did everything possible to end this conflict without going to war," said the intelligence official.

A Western defence official in Islamabad said Gen Sharif and the army appear to be gearing up to target the Taliban ahead of the US troop drawdown from Afghanistan in December 2014. "They [the army] have probably calculated that a further delay in launching an operation will only make the Taliban increase their attacks on Pakistani targets," he said. "Right now, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan are under pressure due to the US presence. Once US operations are scaled down, the Taliban will gain confidence".

Sharif's government faces the risk of a Taliban backlash in response to more intense attacks on targets in north Waziristan - a region considered the centre of the Taliban presence. But analysts say a delay in striking the Taliban will also intensify their attacks and allow them the space to make more demands in future such as the enforcement of their interpretation of sharia across the country.

@Informant There is a great lesson in this post for you O hypocrite traitor, kuffar passport holder, liberal secular scum :D. You need to study Islam ;)

So after giving shelters to foreign,local terrorists, they try to stay neutral and if someone tries to apprehend those terrorists, these innocent tribals starts to get anxious Wah!
No one likes shelling and bombing of their houses even if it is at the hands of holy cow pak army. Lets say some terrorists attack a security check post in your lahore and then disappear. Faujis retialate by shelling in the direction from which they attacked. The mortar and shell drops on your house, killing your family members. I dont think you would dance with joy and congratulate those fauji jawans.....or lets say some terrorists are hiding in your mohallah, lets say gulburg, F-16 comes and bomb the hell out of your mohallah. I am sure you wont do bhangra on air strikes.
But dont worry these jets, tanks, gunship helicopters are for pashtuns not civilized folk like punjabis, mohajirs and sindhis. I think our reputation of being brave and tough warriors is costing us, if we were like kashmiris then may be pak army might not have used jets, tanks, gunship helicopters and drones on us like indian army.
This is guerrela warfare, taliban attack army check posts and then disappear. Army is told not to chase them so retialate by randomely shelling as part of collective punishment. Few civilians die and their family members are now thinking about badal. On the other hand taliban stretagy is to not kill a single non-combatant in waziristan, which is a fair game in tribal areas. These shellings, bombardments, search operations, humiliations, disappearances in tribal areas always help the taliban in recruitments....this is a fcking gurrella war, not indo-pak war. It should be war of winning hearts and minds.
Quite possibly the most counter-intuititve, stupid, reckless and dangerous decision to undertake. They fooled us once in 2008, they will fool us again if these ridiciulous "peace talks" go through

the fact that it's even an option is a slap on the faces of victims of terrorism, as well as our military that is fighting these people and has seen casualties fighting them

the govt. should shove this peace talks up their azz...what an insult. Honestly, who needs enemies when you have people talking about peace talks with the enemy; and that includes that idiot Amir of Jamat Islami (terrorist sympathizer)

and they use facebook and twitter (creations of kaffirs) to spread these messages :laugh:

nothing materialized....the Frontier Corps and the Army had (and still have) the upper hand

sorry to disappoint you! :)
Lol what? Faujis have locked themeselves at the FC camp in miranshah city , in rest of miranshah TTP is openely operating beside haqqani network. Your brave soldiers do not believe in interacting with locals or afraid to do have a walk in miranshah bazaar. Where were these faujis when funeral of hakimullah mehsud in miranshah was openely attended by TTP fighters?. Its so rediculous that in recent aerial bombardment, they also targeted suspected TTP hideouts in the miranshah city despite of the fact that in the same city there is large fauji camp. You can not lock yourself in army camp due to fear and instead rely on jets, faujis need to show some bravery and guts.
Lol what? Faujis have locked themeselves at the FC camp in miranshah city , in rest of miranshah TTP is openely operating beside haqqani network. Your brave soldiers do not believe in interacting with locals or afraid to do have a walk in miranshah bazaar. Where were these faujis when funeral of hakimullah mehsud in miranshah was openely attended by TTP fighters?. Its so rediculous that in recent aerial bombardment, they also targeted suspected TTP hideouts in the miranshah city despite of the fact that in the same city there is large fauji camp. You can not lock yourself in army camp due to fear and instead rely on jets, faujis need to show some bravery and guts.
Let this war end and when independed tribunal will do inquiry they would know that Army operations killed more innocent people than were killed by so called TTP operations and TTP came into existence in 2006 who Army was killing from 2003 to 2006 so called 60 and 70 Al Qaeda terrorists for which they used Air Force and Tanks and Artillery which force in the world tries to do these blunders and than expect people to not to react
This commitee is a joke Taliban would never listen to them only solution is to bring forward Ulemas of Deoband and Ahle Hadees and ask Imam E Kaba to lead if Nawaz is so desperate to do operation he should go ahead and soon this dumbo will realize that Taliban would strike more than ever before and this war will never end
this is a show just to please the religious nut jobs,
inshallah pakistan army will crush you and your friends zarvan.
all the taliban will be lined up and shot inshallah.
its time to bring an end to fundamentalism.
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