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PM forms 4 member committee to negotiate with TTP

this is a show just to please the religious nut jobs,
inshallah pakistan army will crush you and your friends zarvan.
all the taliban will be lined up and shot inshallah.
its time to bring an end to fundamentalism.
Yes your master USA has tried to do this and failed and also NATO you will be defeated far more brutally than even USA and NATO go ahead Mr and do your idiot actions that will result in more brutal backlash
That is not Imam e Kaba genius wrong reporting he is head of that Nimra Mosque where Khutba is given on Hajj that blind Imam is the one who gave this fatwa
zarvan you are a kafir, you are the shaitans child.
you are evil, you stand with evil.
if you really are a muslim then give up your fundamentalists preachings and leave your evil friends.
otherwise i fear you will go to jahanam along with hakimullah mehsud and baitullah mehsood and osama.

Yes your master USA has tried to do this and failed and also NATO you will be defeated far more brutally than even USA and NATO go ahead Mr and do your idiot actions that will result in more brutal backlash
zarvan you have forgotten one thing.
we are muslims.
you are fighting muslims and allah is on our side. you think allah will forgive you and your friends for bombing masjids? coming schools? bombing bazaars!? do you really in your right mind think that god will give you jannat after you pigs do these acts of evil? inshallah i will pray everyday that any member of the talibban burn in the deepest pit of jahanam, also any shaitan ka bacha that supports that evil group.
the USA can turn all of afghanistan into dust within a couple of minutes if they please but they are not savage fundamentalist pigs like you and the ttp.
Hmm let's see this kuffar passport holder is right now in a jacuzzi with warm water caressing my jimmies, smoke in one hand and chilled coke in the other. Good life, ney HARAM life :D
stop putting fuel in the fire. these pigs are brainwashed.
we need to unwash their ***.
Mr go and study Quran and Study Hadees please tell me one sin on which ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW promised his wrath is not found in Pakistan and please tell me if many of them are not officially backed by governments too than come and talk to me MR

stop with the bullshit zarvan.
who ever is your teacher is lying to you and brian washing you.
if you don't change your ways pakistan army will have to kill every single taliban pig.
@qamar1990, your intense hate for zarvan bhai is disturbing, dont be consumed by hate....neither he is wearing suicide jacket nor you are sitting in F-16......
Zarvan is not evil, kafir, shaitan and pig just because you say so......
contineously bombarded mehsud villages for 3 months. God knows how many mehsuds they killed in relentless bombardment. Richard pink was awarded medal for subdueing "rebels". After 2 years of apparent peace, mehsuds carried out a large attack on british forces in tank, killing hundreds of them.....punishment didnt work on mehsuds.
You want to punish people of north waziristan for presence of taliban among them...go on. Bomb the hell out of them. But dont expect that they could be crushed into submission. Pak army shouldnt make the blunder of making wazirs their enemy, they are twice the number of mehsuds. Rahimullah yousafzai was saying that tribal elders of north waziristan have requested karzai to give them refuge in afghanistan if operation takes place. Waziristan has history of involvement in kabul, the politics and wars of afghan rulers. Dont expect that taliban would always stick to their pakistaniat. They are in touch with kabul governament and you know very well what is their stance on durand line

The difference between tribesman's and Taliban is honor one will defend you with his life other will wear a burqa to escape and use his kids as shield.

When you talk about 1925 you discuss.">talk about men of honor fighting for their rights and comparing them to today's Taliban's is a insult to real tribesman.
Did COAS gave any statement to that effect??? I don't remember COAS saying anything on topic.! Unless i missed.

No, not in the public at least AFAIK.

The COAS was pressing for it in private meetings.
No one likes shelling and bombing of their houses even if it is at the hands of holy cow pak army. Lets say some terrorists attack a security check post in your lahore and then disappear. Faujis retialate by shelling in the direction from which they attacked. The mortar and shell drops on your house, killing your family members. I dont think you would dance with joy and congratulate those fauji jawans.....or lets say some terrorists are hiding in your mohallah, lets say gulburg, F-16 comes and bomb the hell out of your mohallah. I am sure you wont do bhangra on air strikes.

But dont worry these jets, tanks, gunship helicopters are for pashtuns not civilized folk like punjabis, mohajirs and sindhis. I think our reputation of being brave and tough warriors is costing us, if we were like kashmiris then may be pak army might not have used jets, tanks, gunship helicopters and drones on us like indian army.

This is guerrela warfare, taliban attack army check posts and then disappear. Army is told not to chase them so retialate by randomely shelling as part of collective punishment. Few civilians die and their family members are now thinking about badal. On the other hand taliban stretagy is to not kill a single non-combatant in waziristan, which is a fair game in tribal areas. These shellings, bombardments, search operations, humiliations, disappearances in tribal areas always help the taliban in recruitments....this is a fcking gurrella war, not indo-pak war. It should be war of winning hearts and minds

The analogy you have presented has multiple flaws. In Lahore, People don't shelter terrorists by choice, neither consider weapons as their "Zaywar", nor do they are warriors like tribes in FATA. That's why Such thing doesn't happen in Lahore

There was simple demand from GoP from 2004 and put in to every other agreement. Don't shelter Foriegn terrorists, how much Tribes have honored those demands? Let alone do they have enough IQ to put aside their honor for the sake greater of good and to understand they would not had get bombed in 2004, If Naik Mohd, had abided by the agreement regarding foreign Al Qaeda, Arabs, Uzbeks? Do you see Waziri territory getting bombed like this ever since Mullah nazir evicted those Uzbeks? If TTP is living among civilians whose fault is this? The Tribe who is hosting them there!. Why that tribe hosted TTP on their lands in the first place and then cry about bombings latter? I never seen Tribal's protesting against TTP presence among them, do they?

Do you see Salarzai Qabeela complaining against PA during Bajaur Offensive? They sided with PA despite their territory being bombed during offensive yet they were rehabilitated but did Mehsud's, ahmedzai waziri's, tribes of Orakzai (except Turi's) ever revolted against TTP like salarzai's???? There lies your answer, If you don't clean up your mess, someone else will. The war of heart and minds were won in Bajaur agency. If there are tribes willing to mend there ways, then there will be option of winning hearts and minds, How PA can single handedly initiate that strategy when other tribes are hostile to winning heart and mind thingy?

About second part of your post, This insurgency is being fought in mountainous areas. What do you expect, every soldier of PA is a superman that it can fought in mountainous without aerial or artillery help?
Mr go and study Quran and Study Hadees please tell me one sin on which ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW promised his wrath is not found in Pakistan and please tell me if many of them are not officially backed by governments too than come and talk to me MR


So what, Multiply those sins found in pakistan by 100 and then look at Dubai and Turkey. There are more sins in Dubai and Turkey than Pakistan. Do we see such Allah Ka Azab there?

Hmm let's see this kuffar passport holder is right now in a jacuzzi with warm water caressing my jimmies, smoke in one hand and chilled coke in the other. Good life, ney HARAM life :D

Buwhahaha. A Kafir sitting alone in Jacuzzi without earthly hoor and Jhonny walker. Seems Halal :D
Have you heard about pink war of 1925?. In this war royal air force contineously bombarded mehsud villages for 3 months. God knows how many mehsuds they killed in relentless bombardment. Richard pink was awarded medal for subdueing "rebels". After 2 years of apparent peace, mehsuds carried out a large attack on british forces in tank, killing hundreds of them.....punishment didnt work on mehsuds.
You want to punish people of north waziristan for presence of taliban among them...go on. Bomb the hell out of them. But dont expect that they could be crushed into submission. Pak army should make the blunder of making wazirs their enemy, they are twice the number of mehsuds. Rahimullah yousafzai was saying that tribal elders of north waziristan have requested karzai to give them refuge in afghanistan if operation takes place. Waziristan has history of involvement in kabul, the politics and wars of afghan rulers. Dont expect that taliban would always stick to their pakistaniat. They are in touch with kabul governament and you know very well what is their stance on durand line.

So if they are not terrorists then they are definitively traitors for talking to a foreign government and worthy of death none the less.
So if they are not terrorists then they are definitively traitors for talking to a foreign government and worthy of death none the less.
It might be shocking for you but tribals have always maintained close links with Afghanistan, in military operations of bajaur, mohmand and khyber, they even migrated in thousands to afghanistan to seek shelter among their tribes living on other side of durand.
Full fledge North waziristan operation would destroy the region and would earn the hostility of not only wazir militants but also common tribesmen and their malaks. If you harass them for requesting refuge in kabul, their anger might flare up to the extent that they would actually start thinking about joining afghanistan and afghan governament backed by india would gladly extend their help to them.

Bro why give me negative ratings.

Yes i wish that that ttp sympathizer should've died in the suicide blast in rwl instead of that innocent 14 year old.

Do you really think that i'm wrong in doing so ???
Mr go and study Quran and Study Hadees please tell me one sin on which ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW promised his wrath is not found in Pakistan and please tell me if many of them are not officially backed by governments too than come and talk to me MR

Astronomically absurd ! Something that is exclusive to the evil state of Islamic republic of Pakistan if I may know ? :azn:

Wake up , smell the coffee , look at the world around you and try to get in touch with the ground reality , yes it isn't 6th century anymore , at the moment one is better off talking to a wall rather than you , always irrational and acting like a broken tape with nonsensical comments in almost every thread here . Stop doing this " read Quran and Hadith " , because you do not even understand them properly yourself seeing your " single digit IQ " comments and thought patterns everywhere on this forum praising and supporting the murderers of 64,000 Pakistanis !

@mafiya @Informant 101 Mullah Logic : Lets kill Muslims to take revenge from America for killing Muslims !

Full fledge North waziristan operation would destroy the region and would earn the hostility of not only wazir militants but also common tribesmen and their malaks. If you harass them for requesting refuge in kabul, their anger might flare up to the extent that they would actually start thinking about joining afghanistan and afghan governament backed by india would gladly extend their help to them.

There's just one little thing , you need to understand . The religiously seduced terrorists and their supporters/sympathizers will not be allowed to make Pakistan another graveyard " Afghanistan " if that is what you are thinking opposing any actions to tackle them , take all your nationalism , tribal cultures and traditions to hell for all we care because national security and integrity of the state comes first .


Bro why give me negative ratings.

Yes i wish that that ttp sympathizer should've died in the suicide blast in rwl instead of that innocent 14 year old.

Do you really think that i'm wrong in doing so ???

I hope you die in a suicide attack.
It might be shocking for you but tribals have always maintained close links with Afghanistan, in military operations of bajaur, mohmand and khyber, they even migrated in thousands to afghanistan to seek shelter among their tribes living on other side of durand.
Full fledge North waziristan operation would destroy the region and would earn the hostility of not only wazir militants but also common tribesmen and their malaks. If you harass them for requesting refuge in kabul, their anger might flare up to the extent that they would actually start thinking about joining afghanistan and afghan governament backed by india would gladly extend their help to them.

So then what is your solution sir?
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