No one likes shelling and bombing of their houses even if it is at the hands of holy cow pak army. Lets say some terrorists attack a security check post in your lahore and then disappear. Faujis retialate by shelling in the direction from which they attacked. The mortar and shell drops on your house, killing your family members. I dont think you would dance with joy and congratulate those fauji jawans.....or lets say some terrorists are hiding in your mohallah, lets say gulburg, F-16 comes and bomb the hell out of your mohallah. I am sure you wont do bhangra on air strikes.
But dont worry these jets, tanks, gunship helicopters are for pashtuns not civilized folk like punjabis, mohajirs and sindhis. I think our reputation of being brave and tough warriors is costing us, if we were like kashmiris then may be pak army might not have used jets, tanks, gunship helicopters and drones on us like indian army.
This is guerrela warfare, taliban attack army check posts and then disappear. Army is told not to chase them so retialate by randomely shelling as part of collective punishment. Few civilians die and their family members are now thinking about badal. On the other hand taliban stretagy is to not kill a single non-combatant in waziristan, which is a fair game in tribal areas. These shellings, bombardments, search operations, humiliations, disappearances in tribal areas always help the taliban in recruitments....this is a fcking gurrella war, not indo-pak war. It should be war of winning hearts and minds