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Please respond to the content of the post, without insulting the poster

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Jan 18, 2009
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Lately we have seen that members instead of responding to the content of the topic, be it an original article or linked from the net on which the thread has been started, resort to personal attacks on the poster. Please don't start shooting the messenger.

Please let the op know if there is already a thread running on the topic. If the thread breaks forum rules let the admin/mod team know but don't take matters in your own hands.

Members who derail the thread or insult/mock the OP will be dealt with.

Lately we have seen that members instead of responding to the content of the topic, be it an original article or linked from the net, resort to personal attacks on the poster. Please don't start shooting the messenger.

Please let the op know if there is already a thread running for the topic. If the thread breaks forum rules let the admin/mod team know but don't take matters in your own hands.

Some posters are also throwing insults on basis of country.
Just yesterday and today I have negatively rated few posts because of using the term denailistan and terrorist nation for Pakistan
@Manticore @Emmie @Aeronaut can we have some form of "punishment" for idiots who laugh at security breeches of any form! Aik country ki security is threatened and someone comes over with a lol or a troll comment...I found a number of immature sick people!

And then they cry foul when the citizens of that country get enraged and want to cut their guts out!

Please dont allow immature sick people to pollute this forum! just a request and a suggestion to add in your rules! How can immature people come to talk about defense when they find security problems laughable?!
@Manticore I tagged you in a thread, i would like your feedback on that, (disclaimer: i agree that at the end of the discussion i did go a little over board but only before the phrase "shooting from behind" was used)....
Please let me know if my behaviour was within limits and if possible please let me know if my ideas were more of a fantasy rather than reality, thanks!
@Manticore I tagged you in a thread, i would like your feedback on that, (disclaimer: i agree that at the end of the discussion i did go a little over board but only before the phrase "shooting from behind" was used)....
Please let me know if my behaviour was within limits and if possible please let me know if my ideas were more of a fantasy rather than reality, thanks!
I am busy going through reports - probably wont have time to read any thing else for today
How about this from a TTA? Why not answer to the content of the posts rather than resorting to such petty and personal comments?

I do not mind whether you are God or paria. I find your posts pathetic and based on childish logic. Excuse me, I have to take that back. There is no logic. I am pretty sure you do not have MSc or experience in military aviation. If you call that discussion then you are the dumbest poster here. 9.000 posts and you still think you do contribute on a technical level or is it just personal opinion? See this as my personal opinion. You find JF17 worthless. There is nothing wrong in me telling you that you are worthless. Don't take it personal.
@Manticore @Emmie @Aeronaut can we have some form of "punishment" for idiots who laugh at security breeches of any form! Aik country ki security is threatened and someone comes over with a lol or a troll comment...I found a number of immature sick people!

And then they cry foul when the citizens of that country get enraged and want to cut their guts out!

Please dont allow immature sick people to pollute this forum! just a request and a suggestion to add in your rules! How can immature people come to talk about defense when they find security problems laughable?!

If action is going to take against those people, then many Think Tanks and Jn TTs are going to be missed..
Lately we have seen that members instead of responding to the content of the topic, be it an original article or linked from the net, resort to personal attacks on the poster. Please don't start shooting the messenger.

Please let the op know if there is already a thread running on the topic. If the thread breaks forum rules let the admin/mod team know but don't take matters in your own hands.

Members who derail the thread or insult/mock the OP will be dealt with.


Good. Can we also look at such threads based on some tweets? unreliable ones ?

Pakistanis & Chechens along with Iraqi Tribal are ISIS fighters who took over Mosul :BBC | Page 3

can we ban opening of threads based on TWEETS from people ?
Lately we have seen that members instead of responding to the content of the topic, be it an original article or linked from the net, resort to personal attacks on the poster. Please don't start shooting the messenger.

Please let the op know if there is already a thread running on the topic. If the thread breaks forum rules let the admin/mod team know but don't take matters in your own hands.

Members who derail the thread or insult/mock the OP will be dealt with.


Good move.....

But if you look at it you can see a pattern...... Most of the cases the insults a op get is on social issues related to India and Pakistan, and there are few posters (from both sides), their search engines some how shows only news which has negative content about opposite country.....some of the cases they don't even bother to read the date of article or content of the article....some cases the articles are irrelevant.... and in few cases it is based on tweet and blogs, and some cases they change the title of the thread to suit their purpose..... OP also has a responsibility too....

But i agree with you one should not shoot the messenger......

Good advice is not for everybody. It needs brain to understand the importance of it.

Oyeeee Kisko bol raha hein????? :P
@Manticore How about this piece of gem from your colleague Oscar

Really? You mean INSAS in Karachi?!? Please bro,post a pic or source!

I live in the city, you want me to go running around to ranger HQ and get you a damn picture?
Go to hell. I did not just end up with respect here that every mai ka lal asks me for a link or source. You have no reason to believe it, then dont. Ill stick with my statement.

Stop being a cynical asshole and try to actually understand the crux of the post instead of trying to score brownie points like every other dumbass internet hindu.

If you had even 1/4 of the useful capacity of your brain or honestly from your family values active, you would have realised that the post referred to the ANA taking the Afghan Taliban as hostile and assisting the TTP when possible. It has little to do with how I view the taliban you dumb Indian shit.. stop trying to score points to suck your own dong. Arseholes only multiply the bloody headache this heat brings with it.

And that happens because @acetophenol called for source of his claim. But then since he is respected, he dont need to provide any source for all his statements and they must be taken as it is. Any point for debate then? Just call Oscar, ask him, and debate ends.

Or is it that Mods do have privilege which they can use to figure out arseholes and then abuse them to the fullest using words like dumb indian shit, arseholes, dumbass internet hindu?
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@Manticore How about this piece of gem from your colleague Oscar

And that happens because @acetophenol called for source of his claim. But then since he is respected, he dont need to provide any source for all his statements and they must be taken as it is. Any point for debate then? Just call Oscar, ask him, and debate ends.

Or is it that Mods do have privilege which they can use to figure out arseholes and then abuse them to the fullest using words like dumb indian shit, arseholes, dumbass internet hindu?

That happens because mods did not come out of the proverbial angels womb. There is the limit to the total BS one can take from posters the likes one sees from both across the border and in country. We do this job as a privilege, and not paid for it. So if at the end of the day people are going to ask idiotic questions or come up with idiotic parroted replies.. then they can have the finger from me.
@Manticore @Emmie @Aeronaut can we have some form of "punishment" for idiots who laugh at security breeches of any form! Aik country ki security is threatened and someone comes over with a lol or a troll comment...I found a number of immature sick people!

And then they cry foul when the citizens of that country get enraged and want to cut their guts out!

Please dont allow immature sick people to pollute this forum! just a request and a suggestion to add in your rules! How can immature people come to talk about defense when they find security problems laughable?!

Would calling Mumbai terrorist attack of 2008 a Drama qualify for the same punishment. Asking since that would put some think tanks and Mods of the forum into the docks :)
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