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PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

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well the difference Is Even if China and india go to war this war more will be naval , air , and missile war Because of the border which india and china have You cant deply a very massive invasion force instantly

actually,it'll be a land war than anything.even when we can't deploy a huge force instantly,PLAN will never risk to fight a naval battle in IOR,nor they'll risk an Air war,where they can face a significant air loss due to IAF being a capable Airforce(even Chibots ranting will be upon us soon,even they will accept it).plus,PLAAF will be in disadvantage due to short number of airstrips and load restriction due to height of Tibet.but IAF willn't experience that kind of problem as we've so many operational Airbase/Airstrips around the border while we're making more and more operational.

China always rely on their brute force technique(of PLA) than some smart move to overwhelm enemy.and unless they change their tactic overnight,you'll neither see a Naval,Missile or Air Battle.actually,you'll not see any battle at all,few handful of skirmishes maybe.cause,what China really lacks is war hunger.they might love to bully around,but a war,well,hell no.
USNavy will enjoy its position for another 10-15 years over PLA ... lets open this thread agian then !!!!
actually,it'll be a land war than anything.even when we can't deploy a huge force instantly,PLAN will never risk to fight a naval battle in IOR,nor they'll risk an Air war,where they can face a significant air loss due to IAF being a capable Airforce(even Chibots ranting will be upon us soon,even they will accept it).plus,PLAAF will be in disadvantage due to short number of airstrips and load restriction due to height of Tibet.but IAF willn't experience that kind of problem as we've so many operational Airbase/Airstrips around the border while we're making more and more operational.

China always rely on their brute force technique(of PLA) than some smart move to overwhelm enemy.and unless they change their tactic overnight,you'll neither see a Naval,Missile or Air Battle.actually,you'll not see any battle at all,few handful of skirmishes maybe.cause,what China really lacks is war hunger.they might love to bully around,but a war,well,hell no.

Stop **** in your pant when you wrote this comment, lol.
You and yours, the indian upper casts are a virus to humanity, india is holding back the human race.
Virus for humanity :lol: But still population growing at steady pace , it seems you are really pissed at Upper cast Indians disowning you ancestors . :rofl:
Stop **** in your pant when you wrote this comment, lol.

and you're a defence enthusiast... :omghaha: PDF has become a circus due to you guys..contribute if you have something to,or else,you can play 8 ball pool in fb in spare time.. :lol:
lol....in your dreams kid....

@ topic - we are talking about the consequnces if China ever sinks the US carrier..

so you are sure that you will fire your DF-21 at the US carrier and it will just go and sink it? Chinese made in HK dreaming while sitting in the US!

Can Indian stop day dreaming and BS? When in total war who cares about US carriers, will US risk to dies with China? That the question, lol. If china invade India again, china sure will destroy india for real so Indian won't BS anymore cheers.

and you're a defence enthusiast... :omghaha: PDF has become a circus due to you guys..contribute if you have something to,or else,you can play 8 ball pool in fb in spare time.. :lol:

Yup includes your Dumb idiot Indian this PDf all full of BS flying.
lol....in your dreams kid....

@ topic - we are talking about the consequnces if China ever sinks the US carrier..

so you are sure that you will fire your DF-21 at the US carrier and it will just go and sink it? Chinese made in HK dreaming while sitting in the US!

you itself is nothing but a dream, you and lot of indians in this forum are live in dream ,talk dream, the opening article itself are full of dream words.
USNavy will enjoy its position for another 10-15 years over PLA ... lets open this thread agian then !!!!

It would not happen anytime sooner than 30 years, that is already a very generous figure as I am assuming China progress steadily and constant as of now, and US stayed in the same situation without any progress.

Give you a hint, US build a single aircraft carrier every 4 year and you cannot even begin to compare the ship building tech with the US, and china currently have 1 carrier and US have 10, it will be 11 next year, carrier alone would take china 40 years to catch up with the number in the US, then you got to train sailor, support ship, new dock for extra repair capacity and finally bases to host such vessel, 30 years is quite generous, the fact may take you more than 50 years.
Can Indian stop day dreaming and BS? When in total war who cares about US carriers, will US risk to dies with China? That the question, lol. If china invade India again, china sure will destroy india for real so Indian won't BS anymore cheers.

Yup includes your Dumb idiot Indian this PDf all full of BS flying.

it is you daydreaming that you can support Muslim Pakistan invade non-Muslim India and the world will forgive you. you being the allies of Muslims, you know what will happen to you.

when did you last show support for North Korea, your longest standing ally and which saved millions of Chinese during the Korean War which China fanned just like you backstabbed Vietnam during the Vietnam War???

you are playing proxy war against India by supporting Pakistan. India has not yet began by supporting East Turkestan Muslims torture and kill inhuman Chinese communists.

since you show so much love and support for Muslims..... and no love for North Koreans and other non-Muslims.....
war on words only.

china has DF-21, one DF-21 or it's variant can sink one carrier, us has 11 carriers, 11 DF-21 got them all. chinese navy lost nothing.

Do you have idea how much satellites over SCS and how large network you will require to do so? at least 24-30 providing continuous coverage of movements in SCS.

And this is is just about SCS, what about Pacific?
US is even afraid of taking on DPRK , forget they would risk war with China. US takes on only those countries who are not able to take the war back to their own land. China has many Missiles capable of destroying US cities.

India is not Brunei , we have land area in exceess of 32,00,000 km^2.

India is not Brunei , we have land area in exceess of 32,00,000 km^2.

in some sense, or let say in indian's sense, or the vast emptiness that exited in some indian's fancy brains, india and brunei are the same.

Do you have idea how much satellites over SCS and how large network you will require to do so? at least 24-30 providing continuous coverage of movements in SCS.

And this is is just about SCS, what about Pacific?

anything you talk, it's cheap word

Do you have idea how much satellites over SCS and how large network you will require to do so? at least 24-30 providing continuous coverage of movements in SCS.

And this is is just about SCS, what about Pacific?

anything you talk, it's cheap word
actually,it'll be a land war than anything.even when we can't deploy a huge force instantly,PLAN will never risk to fight a naval battle in IOR,nor they'll risk an Air war,where they can face a significant air loss due to IAF being a capable Airforce(even Chibots ranting will be upon us soon,even they will accept it).plus,PLAAF will be in disadvantage due to short number of airstrips and load restriction due to height of Tibet.but IAF willn't experience that kind of problem as we've so many operational Airbase/Airstrips around the border while we're making more and more operational.

China always rely on their brute force technique(of PLA) than some smart move to overwhelm enemy.and unless they change their tactic overnight,you'll neither see a Naval,Missile or Air Battle.actually,you'll not see any battle at all,few handful of skirmishes maybe.cause,what China really lacks is war hunger.they might love to bully around,but a war,well,hell no.

Few things China and India wont go to war Unless Situation gets worse
Few things you forget you Underestimate china
China has 1600 + Combat air crafts
While on the other side India has 500 - 600 Air crafts which and and even if india use half of its forces and lets just say China Keeps 1000 air craft for all other enemies and Put 600 On indian side it still has 2 - 1 and Chinese forces are growing at faster peace than any other nations india dsnt have French Fighter nor the Super sukhoi So India is in huge disadvantage Same advantage will china have what indian enjoys which Pakistan and Bangladesh and China will get its stealthier air crafts earlier than india
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