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PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

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in some sense, or let say in indian's sense, or the vast emptiness that exited in some indian's fancy brains, india and brunei are the same.

anything you talk, it's cheap word

anything you talk, it's cheap word

I have an advice for you....grow up.
It would not happen anytime sooner than 30 years, that is already a very generous figure as I am assuming China progress steadily and constant as of now, and US stayed in the same situation without any progress.

Give you a hint, US build a single aircraft carrier every 4 year and you cannot even begin to compare the ship building tech with the US, and china currently have 1 carrier and US have 10, it will be 11 next year, carrier alone would take china 40 years to catch up with the number in the US, then you got to train sailor, support ship, new dock for extra repair capacity and finally bases to host such vessel, 30 years is quite generous, the fact may take you more than 50 years.

As if you cute little bunnies have what it takes to fight a fair fight anymore ! :whistle:

You're not the same men from the two Great Wars - The men who stormed the beaches of Normandy had nuts of steel you on the other hand would probably run-off at the mere mention of 'kabooom' ! :unsure:

And had I not held a certain beautiful & kind Swedish lady in such high regard I'd kick your buttt just to prove it ! :P
As if you cute little bunnies have what it takes to fight a fair fight anymore ! :whistle:

You're not the same men from the two Great Wars - The men who stormed the beaches of Normandy had nuts of steel you on the other hand would probably run-off at the mere mention of 'kabooom' ! :unsure:

And had I not held a certain beautiful & kind Swedish lady in such high regard I'd kick your buttt just to prove it ! :P


Fighting a war is always messy, I did many thing my wife would not ever know about it, nor would I ever tell her
But you know what's funny?

I believe if my wife, as kind hearted and tender she may, would do the exact same thing in the same situation in order for her to survive.

Anybody and everybody are capable of doing anything, even the coward of the coward can do extraordinary thing under an extraordinary circumstance. War have that kind of power, in the end, we, everyone in this planet, were an animal...
I'm surprised that the Russians think so highly of the PLAN that it believes Chinese navy ships can sink one USA carrier. It is far too early to match up the PLAN with the US navy. China can only hope to keep the USA at bay (DF 21d, mines etc) in order to fight pesky island grabbing neighbors. Unlike our superpower neighbour to the south west, we Chinese have to remain cautious, humble and realistic - fighting the US navy is suicidal, even just including their 7th fleet.
Half a century from now is a much better time to consider fighting the USA.
I think they fail to say that the F35 and unmanned vehicles can be destroyed

And to destroy the launch sites, they must make a perfect plan, otherwise the answer will be deadly for them
if it were that easy, the US should take 4 ac and wipe out PLAN? Writing easier than doing.

US had 100 years to conquer China but could not when China was weaker than india.
Few things China and India wont go to war Unless Situation gets worse
Few things you forget you Underestimate china
China has 1600 + Combat air crafts
While on the other side India has 500 - 600 Air crafts which and and even if india use half of its forces and lets just say China Keeps 1000 air craft for all other enemies and Put 600 On indian side it still has 2 - 1 and Chinese forces are growing at faster peace than any other nations india dsnt have French Fighter nor the Super sukhoi So India is in huge disadvantage Same advantage will china have what indian enjoys which Pakistan and Bangladesh and China will get its stealthier air crafts earlier than india

WHAT YOU FORGOT IS defender use 70-80% of its force while aggressor use around 30-40%.plus you completely undermine Indian Air Defence,SAMs etc..its not easy for China to muster that kind of force using only handful of air strips in Tibet while India has quite a lot.plus,if you take into calculation of pre-emptive strike to disable Airstrip,then PLAAF couldn't fly from unconventional airstrip.now,if you calculate modern 4th gen jets and not some 3rd gen crappy jets both IAF and PLAAF is using,IAF too is consistent in this sector.we don't need Super Sukhoi or Rafale right now to prevent an PLA invasion.even present force is enough to deter that.the question is if its enough to deter both Pakistan and China.remember,neither China deploy majority of its strength at Indian Border,nor India does so.on paper,even Chinese force can look good against USA,but is that enough??neither battle can be won on these strength which looks good on paper,nor using fancy toys..its strategy which generally wins it.

one example..against Vietnam,Chinese force had massive superiority.but they couldn't even force Vietnam to pull out their main force from Combodia,let alone defeat it.so,thats your clue.
if it were that easy, the US should take 4 ac and wipe out PLAN? Writing easier than doing.

US had 100 years to conquer China but could not when China was weaker than india.

actually USA protected China then,not to mention other countries who protected China then(during both war against Japan)... :rolleyes:

if it were that easy, the US should take 4 ac and wipe out PLAN? Writing easier than doing.

US had 100 years to conquer China but could not when China was weaker than india.

actually USA protected China then,not to mention other countries who protected China then(during both war against Japan)... :rolleyes:
actually USA protected China then,not to mention other countries who protected China then(during both war against Japan)... :rolleyes:

actually USA protected China then,not to mention other countries who protected China then(during both war against Japan)... :rolleyes:

US never protected China. Maybe your definition of protection is wrong or you studied Chinese history written by indians. china was invaded decades before US entered ww2.
What if PLA target US instead of carrier? Any analysis there?

Swift retaliation... Not very in-depth analysis I realize, but its what would happen.
WHAT YOU FORGOT IS defender use 70-80% of its force while aggressor use around 30-40%.plus you completely undermine Indian Air Defence,SAMs etc..its not easy for China to muster that kind of force using only handful of air strips in Tibet while India has quite a lot.plus,if you take into calculation of pre-emptive strike to disable Airstrip,then PLAAF couldn't fly from unconventional airstrip.now,if you calculate modern 4th gen jets and not some 3rd gen crappy jets both IAF and PLAAF is using,IAF too is consistent in this sector.we don't need Super Sukhoi or Rafale right now to prevent an PLA invasion.even present force is enough to deter that.the question is if its enough to deter both Pakistan and China.remember,neither China deploy majority of its strength at Indian Border,nor India does so.on paper,even Chinese force can look good against USA,but is that enough??neither battle can be won on these strength which looks good on paper,nor using fancy toys..its strategy which generally wins it.

one example..against Vietnam,Chinese force had massive superiority.but they couldn't even force Vietnam to pull out their main force from Combodia,let alone defeat it.so,thats your clue.

And You Overestimate your air forces way to much Currently the 4th generation aircraft are not even 300 272 sukhoi of which 171 are only operational and around 50 mirage 2000
and on the Chinese Side Only j 10s are around 300
and about preemptive strike what if China does that who starts 1st will have a advantage for a little time after that all hell will lose on both sides
and we are talking about current Chinese army not the 70s or 80s
You are not fighting with swords Fancey Toys Gives a huge boost
One example US forces vs Iraqi forces they were updated but US Forces had a huge tech on their side
SAMS and troos transport china can deply way faster than india
You cant Deply 70 to 80 of your forces Because around 500000 is only in kashmir if you deply that on the Chinese side you will give pakistan and fighters in kashmir a golden chance to attack
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