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PLA rehearsing India attack

Yeah right it was believed by 4/5 anonymous posters in online forum, so it must be true.
The evidence is convincing enough the non-chinese, non-pakistani members who saw the thread think it's legit.

Even an Indian who's honest enough to be self-critical.
I don't think its that tough...just go through the article..its written in such an amateur manner with hints and smell of hatred,but yeah cherry picking..why would you believe it.Anything like that on China is a western propaganda and for India its authentic..
I would like to know who that officer was?.. I am I am :blah:
Cherry picking...as i said..
I...am....scared...!!!! Shivvverrrrrr....

The Chinese are coming.....I'm screweddd....Heading for them hills...Before I soil my pants!!

CardSharp, thanks for posting Chinese propaganda. I hope you received your 50 cents for this post.
CardSharp, thanks for posting Chinese propaganda. I hope you received your 50 cents for this post.

Propaganda film it is, which makes Indian Brigadier General Dalvi's submissive behaviour on film that much funnier. I bet the propaganda team could have asked Dalvi to roll over and spread his legs and he would have done it.
Propaganda film it is, which makes Indian Brigadier General Dalvi's submissive behaviour on film that much funnier. I bet the propaganda team could have asked Dalvi to roll over and spread his legs and he would have done it.

Torturing and getting the PoWs to do things is always funny is n't it.
Quite amazing those nomads also slaughtered and raped the Han people in the form of Machurians and Mongols. Your b**tch slapping your own people.
LOL..... ancient hindu kingdoms were totally destroyed by the nomads and you were literally enslaved for 800 years before the Anglos came along and liberated you.

China was never destroyed by nomads, and never had a foreign culture imposed on us. Our ancient imperial system lasted from 300 BC until 1911! :D

And who do you think your also insulting along the way? What part of South Asia do these invaders pass when they plunder and slaughter?
LOL....... Pakistanis are Muslims. They have the blood of the central asian conquerors, not defiled by the blood of the indigenous hindus. That's why it's the Land of the Pure!

Even me, a Chinese, can understand the concept! :azn:

We ran away when US carrier showed up? in 1971? Then who liberated Bangalis? Somalia? LOL
:lol: After millions of hindus were killed and tens of millions of refugees arrived, you tried to attack, but ran away in fear after US carriers arrived. Showing the true nature of hindus.

Task Force 74 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still its nothing compared to the way Japanese raped your women, after raping them they put cranes and bottles into them. Heck, they even raped 60 year old Chinese women! They raped all day long for months! No one can beat that. I feel sorry for your women though.
The whole hindu population had this done to them. It was done in the "traditional" way like Timur did it to completely wipe out the ancient hindu kingdoms. Gotta respect tradition, you know.

Look in the mirror. Without the central asian conquerors like Timur, there would be no you :azn:
Propaganda film it is, which makes Indian Brigadier General Dalvi's submissive behaviour on film that much funnier. I bet the propaganda team could have asked Dalvi to roll over and spread his legs and he would have done it.

Thanks for pointing that out CS, I never did realized that the man was the legendary General John Dalvi.
@ 4:39 of the video, the man on his knees smiling is Brigadier General John Dalvi, Commander of the Indian 7th Brigade, the best unit in the Indian army at the time.

The crushing moment: China India 1962 war - Part 1 - YouTube

What a brave man he is.

Dont forget to include us Pakistanis next time so it can be a joint strike. China will attack from the east, and Pakistan will attack from the west.

Every Pakistani sees 1962 as a missed opportunity. Both China and Pakistan would've gotten all of their territories back from india in 1962 if we worked together.

:pakistan: :china:
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