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PLA rehearsing India attack

Yes we failed in 2 days during 1962

Yes you did indeed in fact my friend. Else why would you give up the gains. It was a simple case of shoot and scoot because the party knew that they could not hold to the gains and any further escalation would have pushed India all in to the war while the party wanted to keep it localized.

Do you not really know that it is that fact which is worrying the current party leadership the most? The fact that next skirmish will lead India to open another front and there is a huge risk of an all out war. And that war China will have to fight itself :) and not through a proxy. So there is really no comfort for Communist party in what happended in 1962. Just additional worries that the strategy doe not have a surprise element anymore.
best weapon in PLA's arsenal


Major General Mao Xinyu
Oh,he looked like his grandpa so much when he smiling.Photoshoped?
LoL, I could bring up several such links which seek to prove via such personal accounts that Chinese products are fakes with zero reserach and of trash quality including the military products. Some of these can be blocked in China so we can post the actual text here. Will you then take those personal experience as evidence?

Come on, you ought to know better than that. You have been doing this for much longer than most here. :)

Go ahead. Please.
Bottom line is:

China is best of the best, China also sit on top of the top. End of discusion.
We are the longest continuous civilization in the world. When we are strong, we absolutely dominate East Asia. Even when we are weak, our culture still makes its mark on other countries like Japan, Korea, Vietnam. We were down for 150 years because of Western power, but now we are back.

The only civilization close to our greatness is the West. Soon, we will be kicking the West out of East Asia and reimposing our domination.
Sino challenger - you are false flagger pakistani, a fox is always a fox even it is under sheeps skin ( no chinees will say about religion like hindu or muslim)

Secondly the topic was chinees preparing for a war, why is the people going of topic of india attacking china

No sain country (apart from pakistan or any other country who doesnt have capable govt) would attack its neighbours

And I would appreciate if all people could abstain from humilating the brave people of all country who fought for their mother land without knowing the International politics or propoganda mechanism, but just to protect their homeland

Yes 1962 was bad for india we do understand and even now I think a war is always nice to see in a film but not to be a reality
Why should it spoil our mood?

We know how hindus were slaughtered and enslaved for 800 years, and then the humiliation was revisited again in 1971.

Bangladesh Genocide Archive

And the worse thing is Republic of India was so afraid of US forces it did absolutely nothing about it! :)

Of course, I feel really bad for all the hindus slaughtered by its neighbors over centuries.

1962 was obviously not quite enough to teach the indians a lesson, they've been taught so many already.

LoL, you really took the Nanjing fun to your heart it seems or it is the Genghis Khan genes working around too much. Damn the Mongolians :)

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 PM ----------

We are the longest continuous civilization in the world. When we are strong, we absolutely dominate East Asia. Even when we are weak, our culture still makes its mark on other countries like Japan, Korea, Vietnam. We were down for 150 years because of Western power, but now we are back.

The only civilization close to our greatness is the West. Soon, we will be kicking the West out of East Asia and reimposing our domination.

Maybe that is why today the communist party is just left to gassing around when even a nation like Phillipinnes shows it the finger. Boy, you are really scarred somewhere somehow. :)
Do you not really know that it is that fact which is worrying the current party leadership the most? The fact that next skirmish will lead India to open another front and there is a huge risk of an all out war. And that war China will have to fight itself :) and not through a proxy. So there is really no comfort for Communist party in what happended in 1962. Just additional worries that the strategy doe not have a surprise element anymore.
LOL.......... China fought 1962 using a proxy? Tibetan yaks?

Sino challenger - you are false flagger pakistani, a fox is always a fox even it is under sheeps skin ( no chinees will say about religion like hindu or muslim)

Secondly the topic was chinees preparing for a war, why is the people going of topic of india attacking china
Go ask any Chinese member if I'm a Pakistani. :)

India deployed 100,000 troops to the border. It's clearly preparing for a war as revenge for its humiliation in 1962.

LoL, you really took the Nanjing fun to your heart it seems or it is the Genghis Khan genes working around too much. Damn the Mongolians :)
LOL........ unlike ancient hindu kingdoms, China was never totally destroyed and enslaved. That's why today's hindus all have paternal lineage from central asian conquerors. It is actually the Mongols who have Han Chinese blood because Inner Mongolia is a part of China.

Maybe that is why today the communist party is just left to gassing around when even a nation like Phillipinnes shows it the finger. Boy, you are really scarred somewhere somehow. :)
Yeah, even india was "showing China the finger" until PLA mobilized along the border. And now you are wetting yourself.

Chinese navy and coast guard are already patrolling the South China Sea, and cutting cables from Vietnam and Philippines ships!
China woul'd attack india from mountains? Where does indian ocean located?.... Let starv chinese by blocking indian ocean. Let chinese fight over bowl of NOODLES.... anyway to attack india any country needs B*lls. Pakistan did it and lost one.... China aint got any.... China is big mouth NO ACTION....
China woul'd attack india from mountains? Where does indian ocean located?.... Let starv chinese by blocking indian ocean. Let chinese fight over bowl of NOODLES.... anyway to attack india any country needs B*lls. Pakistan did it and lost one.... China aint got any.... China is big mouth NO ACTION....

how can you block indian ocean with your tiny backward navy,your navy cant even block a river

India no match for China: Navy chief

Should war break out between India and China, we are doomed. Navy chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta publicly admitted on Monday that India was no match for China and there was no way New Delhi could bridge the yawning gap in its capabilities against China. He said it would be foolhardy to compare the two nations as equals.

Mehta, who retires on August 31 at the age of 62, warned: “In military terms, both conventionally and unconventionally, we can neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force…”

It is rare for service chiefs in India to articulate their concerns loudly. The government disapproves of it. But when a chief makes such a prophesy, he has to be taken seriously.

His remarks come barely two months after former IAF chief Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major said China was a greater threat to India than Pakistan as little was known about the communist nation’s combat capabilities.He said Beijing was in the process of consolidating its comprehensive national power and creating formidable military capability. “Once that is done, China is likely to be more assertive on its claims, especially in the immediate neighbourhood,” said Mehta, who as the Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee, is the country’s senior most military commander.

His remarks come barely two months after former IAF chief Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major said China was a greater threat to India than Pakistan as little was known about the communist nation’s combat capabilities.

He saw ominous signs everywhere while delivering a talk on India’s national security challenges on Monday. “Whether in terms of GDP, defence spending or any other economic, social or development parameter, the gap between the two is just too wide to bridge (and getting wider by the day).”
Mehta backed his claims with figures. He said India’s annual defence expenditure of roughly $30 billion paled in front of China’s defence spending. He said the Americans pegged China’s defence budget between $70 billion and $200 billion.

“Our trust deficit with China can never be liquidated unless our boundary problems are resolved…Coping with China will certainly be one of our primary challenges in the years ahead.”
how can you block indian ocean with your tiny backward navy,your navy cant even block a river

For Chinese presence in India Ocean our Cost guard ship is more than enough leave Navy ships.. Heck Vietnam boat butchered your naval ship LOL..:rofl:
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