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PLA rehearsing India attack

Obviously the 100000 soldiers that indian sent to our border are for traveling. Maybe they do have a plan about going to Xizang but we'll kick their ath back.


BTW, missiles fly both ways. :rofl:
Beijingwalker ask that to your chinese navy. They know better what technology indian navy uses.... That's the reason your cowardly communist nation never took on our Airforce and Navy. They knew what our navy and airforce capable of. Even 1962 china never stretch the war fearing indian airforce and navy woul'd join in. You targeted indian army who even being low armed still gave a tough fight. Even 1 indian soldier against 9 chinese soldiers our army gave toughest fight and killed many chinese soldiers. Now its not 1962. India rules china's future. Your 90percent of supply passes by india. India holds china's future.... Your military knows it. They don't give sh1T what chinese arm chair warriors has to say.... Anyway who listens to chinese people in their own country? Your god is communist leader who decides your fate. You people ain't got no right to say a word. If u dare then always try to remember china has alot tanks. Not capable of war but surely it has capablity to crush its own people....
:lol: You are going crazy because you're wetting yourself now that PLA is coming down the Himalayas. Going to strike a fatal blow at the oversized india ego.

If you are victor in the war then Germany won the second world war and Pakistan had beaten India in 1971.Reversing history eh?
In case you haven't noticed. China occupies former Japanese territories like Manchuria. Taiwan is also occupied by "Republic of China."

This is the prize for defeating Japan and winning WW2 together with other allied nations. India was nothing more than a British servant.
haha,you Indian guys are trying to defy your navy and air force chiefs?ha
Big daddy has already begun oiling its guns .... causing sweating in Beijing.

The oil will be used to clean up big daddy's rear end, have no doubt about it this time. Perhaps the Talibans in Afghanistan will be given the responsibility to administer the ointment.

---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------

BTW, missiles fly both ways. :rofl:

Indian ones have the tendency to explode in midair. They become frightened just like their operators.:lol:
:lol: You are going crazy because you're wetting yourself now that PLA is coming down the Himalayas. Going to strike a fatal blow at the oversized india ego.

In case you haven't noticed. China occupies former Japanese territories like Manchuria. Taiwan is also occupied by "Republic of China."

This is the prize for defeating Japan and winning WW2 together with other allied nations. India was nothing more than a British servant.

Chine taking credit to beat Japan in Second world war is so funny. They had captured large area , killing your citizen and raping your women.You should thanks to Brits and USA soldiers in every morning prayed that they saved you in 1945. Either you will ripped off. Even commies failed to stop Japanese.Whole world knows your 'insignificant' contribution in the war.Some gratitude please.
If China attacks India it will be disaster for India because as Militarily India Can't afford war with China because there is hell of a difference among Armed Forces of Both Countries China is far more equipped and India's most Armed Forces is deployed against us that why they want to have 100000 new Soldiers to defend their China Borders :china:
1979? ummmmmmmm Vietnam.........I am trying to remember something...................................................Yes bravo I got it. China's humiliating defeat.....:cheers:
LOL....... go ahead and delude yourself. Sounds like you are enjoying it.

In some ways Vietnam 1979 was an even much bigger victory than 1962. We didn't kill any indian civilians in 1962, but we laid waste to northern Vietnam in 1979.
third party source on Sino-Vietnma war

Sino-Vietnamese War
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Chinese invaded Northern Vietnam and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. On March 6 China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved and retreated back to China. Both China and Vietnam claimed victory in the last of the Indochina Wars of the twentieth century; as Vietnamese troops remained in Cambodia until 1989 it can be said that the PRC failed to achieve the goal of dissuading Vietnam from involvement in Cambodia. China achieved its strategic objective of reducing the offensive capability of Vietnam along the Sino-Vietnam border by implementing a scorched earth policy. China also achieved another strategic objective of demonstrating to its Cold War foe, the Soviet Union, that they were unable to protect their Vietnamese ally. As many as 1.5 million Chinese troops were stationed along China's borders with the USSR at the time and were prepared for a full-scale war.Bruce Elleman "one of the primary diplomatic goals behind China's attack was to expose Soviet assurances of military support to Vietnam as a fraud. Seen in this light, Beijing's policy was actually a diplomatic success, since Moscow did not actively intervene, thus showing the practical limitations of the Soviet-Vietnamese military pact.... China achieved a strategic victory by minimizing the future possibility of a two-front war against the USSR and Vietnam."



To reduce Vietnam's military capability against China, the Chinese implemented a "scorched-earth policy" while returning to China, causing extensive damage to the Vietnamese countryside and infrastructure.[31] Although Vietnam continued to occupy Cambodia, China successfully mobilized international opposition to the occupation, rallying such leaders as Cambodia's deposed king Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian anticommunist leader Son Sann, and high-ranking members of the Khmer Rouge to deny the pro-Vietnam regime in Cambodia diplomatic recognition beyond the Soviet bloc. China improved relations with ASEAN by promising protection to Thailand and Singapore against "Vietnamese aggression". In contrast, Vietnam's decreasing prestige in the region led it to be more dependent on the Soviet Union, to which it leased a naval base at Cam Ranh Bay.[32]

Border skirmishes continued throughout the 1980s, including a significant skirmish in April 1984.

Armed conflict only ended in 1989 after the Vietnamese agreed to fully withdraw from Cambodia.This conflict also saw the first use of the Type 81 assault rifle by the Chinese and a naval battle over the Spratly Islands in 1988. In 1999 after many years of negotiations, China and Vietnam signed a border pact, though the line of demarcation remained secret.[33] There was a very slight adjustment of the land border, resulting in land being given up to China, which caused the widespread complaints within Vietnam.[

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chinese casualties

To this day, both sides of the conflict describe themselves as the
victor. The number of casualties is disputed, with some Western sources
putting PLA casualties at more than 20,000 throughout the war. Chinese democracy activist Wei Jingsheng told
western media in 1980 the Chinese troops had suffered 9,000 deaths and more than 10,000 wounded during the war,[25] but a recent leak showed that the PLA had 6,954 killed and 14,800 wounded,[5] and 238 Prisoners of War[26] in the course of the war.

Vietnamese casualties

There are no independently verifiable details of Vietnamese
casualties; like their counterparts in the Chinese government, the
Vietnamese government has never announced any information on its actual
military casualties. The Nhan Dan newspaper[27]
the Central Organ of the Communist Party of Vietnam claimed that
Vietnam suffered more than 10,000 civilian deaths during the Chinese
invasion[27] and earlier on May 17, 1979, reported statistics on heavy losses of industry and agriculture properties.[27]

Vietnamese armed personnel:

Regular forces (from Chinese sources): 100,100 killed in total, Wounded: more than 10,000. 2210 Prisoners of War.[5][28] Province Militia and divisions of the Public Security Army: unknown, the causality estimated: 70,000[29]
LOL....... go ahead and delude yourself. Sounds like you are enjoying it.

In some ways Vietnam 1979 was an even much bigger victory than 1962. We didn't kill any indian civilians in 1962, but we laid waste to northern Vietnam in 1979.

I always enjoy China's humiliating defeats whether by Japanese or by Brave Viets. :cheers:
:lol: You are going crazy because you're wetting yourself now that PLA is coming down the Himalayas. Going to strike a fatal blow at the oversized india ego.

LoL, you got real fascination with this "wetting" thing. Is he really that hot tonight? Take it easy. PLA is busy making Marlboro and a little bit of Renminbi dutifully. No one is losing any sleep this side of the border with that.

In case you haven't noticed. China occupies former Japanese territories like Manchuria. Taiwan is also occupied by "Republic of China."

This is the prize for defeating Japan and winning WW2 together with other allied nations. India was nothing more than a British servant.

To the contrary in fact it seems that you need the bite in the rear to wake up and see the Independent party moving towards victory in Taiwan, Japan making it clear that they own the Senkaku islands, Vietnamese making their right claim on the East Sea, even Phillipinnes is now asserting it's sovereignity on West Sea. And regarding the British influence, how about the rental on Hong Kong. Was it not the last colonized territory in the World? LoL, you really seem to have been re-educated with all this information. Read up Shanghai, Qingdao, Harbin, you will see little bit of foreign influence, I mean that is over and above the Uighur DNA influence of Genghis Khan.
Chine taking credit to beat Japan in Second world war is so funny. They had captured large area , killing your citizen and raping your women.You should thanks to Brits and USA soldiers in every morning prayed that they saved you in 1945. Either you will ripped off. Even commies failed to stop Japanese.Whole world knows your 'insignificant' contribution in the war.Some gratitude please.

haha,China defeated Japan,that's the fact and in the end Japanese troops surrended to China in mainland China,Burma and Vietnman.
third party source on Sino-Vietnma war

So your intelligence level has become so low that you are giving Wikipedia as reliable source. And Please go through the info. they never said China won the war.Pathetic like your arm'e performance in 1979.

The oil will be used to clean up big daddy's rear end, have no doubt about it this time. Perhaps the Talibans in Afghanistan will be given the responsibility to administer the ointment.

---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------

Indian ones have the tendency to explode in midair. They become frightened just like their operators.:lol:

What? Are you also one of those who think that Indians are making Bangladeshi's unemployed because Bangladeshi's are not allowed to come to India to work freely? Take it easy. Focus on the apology that Dipu has asked for today. This is different league. :)
So your intelligence level has become so low that you are giving Wikipedia as reliable source. And Please go through the info. they never said China won the war.Pathetic like your arm'e performance in 1979.

haha,your high intelligence can offer more reliable source than that???please post it,please....
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