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PLA rehearsing India attack

Chine taking credit to beat Japan in Second world war is so funny. They had captured large area , killing your citizen and raping your women.You should thanks to Brits and USA soldiers in every morning prayed that they saved you in 1945. Either you will ripped off. Even commies failed to stop Japanese.Whole world knows your 'insignificant' contribution in the war.Some gratitude please.
LOL....... Japan took almost all Western colonies in Asia. If China had submitted to the Japanese, it would have been game over for the white man in Asia long time ago.

Millions of you indians were killed because UK took your food to fight Japan. You should be grateful we saved you from the Japanese. They would have made Timur and other conquerors who slaughtered hindus en masse look like angels.
,your high intelligence can offer more reliable source than that???please post it,please....
What? Are you also one of those who think that Indians are making Bangladeshi's unemployed because Bangladeshi's are not allowed to come to India to work freely? Take it easy. Focus on the apology that Dipu has asked for today. This is different league. :)

Go to the Bangladesh section, moron!
It' was Brits who fought Japanese bravely in Burma and it's USA who used nukes against Japan. Where you come in between. You are too busy to surrendered and got raped.
haha ,Japs surrendered to China,that's the hard fact,no one can deny it.you where is the link i've been asking for,haha
another Sino India war will break India into dozens of small countries just like the "country"was before the British colonization.

---------- Post added at 02:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------

you mean in 1974 and 1987 when Chinese navy easily ANNIHILATED Vietnamese navy?
I think you need a reality check...not many countries in the world..let alone Asia like China's behavior..China has dozens more enemies than it has friends...US and other western countries + japan+vietnam and other South east asian countries...they ll all play videogames during a Sino Indian war?...grow up kiddo..China will be blown apart from all sides.
LOL....... Japan took almost all Western colonies in Asia. If China had submitted to the Japanese, it would have been game over for the white man in Asia long time ago.

Millions of you indians were killed because UK took your food to fight Japan. You should be grateful we saved you from the Japanese. They would have made Timur and other conquerors who slaughtered hindus en masse look like angels.

Pity. You have really been taken by the propaganda. Check out the link and stop insulting your 10 Million dead in World War 2. Learn about your history and learn to respect the brave Chinese soldiers that died in World War 2 rather than making fun of them.

World War II death toll of all nations

On the contrary just see the few thousand Indians who sacrificed their lives in WW2.

Also stop making fun of the white man so much because it were Stillwell and Chenault and such Generals who actually led the Chinese Army to fight against the Japs. Previous experiences clearly show how the Chinese generals used to fare against the Japs so give that communist party propaganda a little bit of rest.
,your high intelligence can offer more reliable source than that???please post it,please....

Unfortunatly in Chine there is no thing called free press or freedom of expression so i am sure i couldn't find any Chinese sources but here is something for you

The Rape of Nanjing is a term used to refer to the period of wartime atrocities committed by Japanese forces in the Chinese city of Nanjing in the late 1930s, and most specifically to six weeks at the end of 1937 and beginning of 1938 in which hundreds of thousands of Chinese were killed, often quite brutally. The Rape of Nanjing or “Nanjing Incident” as some historians euphemistically refer to it has been a topic of controversy and argument between China and Japan since the end of the Second World War, with some Japanese nationalists claiming that the event never occurred, or that it was not as brutal as the Chinese claimed. This incident was unfortunately only one among many mass atrocities committed during the Second World War. You may also hear it referred to as the Rape of Nanking, referencing a different Romanized spelling of Nanjing.

In the 1930s, Japan attempted to take control of China in the Second Sino-Japanese War, as part of a larger plan to unify Asia. By December 1937, Japanese forces had reached Nanjing, which was then the capital of China. According to historical records, the Japanese forces committed a number of atrocities along the way, murdering civilians along with soldiers, setting fire to homes, and beating Chinese civilians. As troops neared Nanjing, they were warned to behave appropriately, but apparently this warning had little impact on the Japanese troops, who were fueled by racial hatred, thanks to extensive propaganda.

When the troops entered Nanjing, they embarked on a campaign of terror, killing as estimated 200,000 Chinese including women, children, and male non-combatants over the course of six weeks. Many Chinese women were raped before being murdered, with survivors of the event documenting the fact that the invading troops treated the rape, beatings, and murders as a sport, coming up with new and creative ways to kill people, ranging from burying them alive to engaging in beheading competitions. The soldiers also set fire to large swaths of the city, looting homes for anything valuable or useful inside first.

A handful of foreigners decided to stay in Nanjing even after the danger became evident, and these individuals established a safety zone which the Japanese left largely alone. According to their accounts, these people attempted to save some Chinese citizens by hiding them in the safety zone, and a number of these foreign observers wrote about the Rape of Nanjing, sending out news reports and even video footage, in the case of John Magee, an American missionary. Numerous photographs from Nanjing are held in national archives around the world, testifying to the brutality and horror involved.

In tribunals held after the Second World War, the Japanese government was held accountable for the Nanjing Massacre, which came to be known as the Rape of Nanjing in Chinese populist rhetoric. The Japanese argued that their brutal actions in Nanjing were defensible, suggesting that they were neutralizing Chinese soldiers and gaining control of the situation. Survivors testified otherwise, pointing to facts such as mass graves filled with women and children who had their hands tied behind their backs.

The events of the Sino-Japanese Wars have long been a source of friction between Japan and China, with both sides admitting some culpability for war crimes committed during these periods, but drastically under emphasizing the extent of these crimes. As with other incidences of terrible war crimes, it is important to remember that the Japanese people themselves were not personally responsible for the Rape of Nanjing, and many disagree with their government's official stance about the events.

What was the Rape of Nanjing?

It's just show that how you run from Nanjing to save your little ***. (Though I am not supporting Japanese Mascarre.)
I think you need a reality check...not many countries in the world..let alone Asia like China's behavior..China has dozens more enemies than it has friends...US and other western countries + japan+vietnam and other South east asian countries...they ll all play videogames during a Sino Indian war?...grow up kiddo..China will be blown apart from all sides.

Pretty interesting that you think other countries would go to war for India, also betrays a certain lack of confidence of winning on your own.
It' was Brits who fought Japanese bravely in Burma and it's USA who used nukes against Japan. Where you come in between. You are too busy to surrendered and got raped.

You seriously need a dose of history !

Second Sino-Japanese War

Date July 7, 1937 – September 2, 1945 (minor fighting since 1931)
Location Mainland China, Outer Mongolia, Burma
Surrender of all Japanese forces in mainland China (excluding Manchuria), Formosa and French Indochina north of 16° north to the Republic of China.
China recovers all territories lost to Japan since the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
China becomes a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.
Those Chinese generals against the Japanese troops also against the order from their top leader.
Go to the Bangladesh section, moron!

LoL, tired of making Reebok? Or did someone grope you bad? No need to be abusive. Be patient. It will get over. :)

---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

Pretty interesting that you think other countries would go to war for India, also betrays a certain lack of confidence of winning on your own.

Are you alluding to the concept of proxies? :)
You seriously need a dose of history !

Second Sino-Japanese War

Date July 7, 1937 – September 2, 1945 (minor fighting since 1931)
Location Mainland China, Outer Mongolia, Burma
Surrender of all Japanese forces in mainland China (excluding Manchuria), Formosa and French Indochina north of 16° north to the Republic of China.
China recovers all territories lost to Japan since the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
China becomes a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

Bro it doesn't matter to whom Japanese gave surrender . What's matter is why Japanese surrender to Chinese at that exact time. China taking credit of the war is like the **** who thinks that because of his voice the morning begins.
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