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PLA rehearsing India attack

China is supposedly rehearsing .... what do we have to do?

Keep rehearsing till eternity ... atleast it keeps some Chinese employed. Good for them.
At least it helps keep you up at night with a growing China next door. ^^
Photos from past exercises.....






India's worse nightmare has come true! All the crazy hardware they saw in China's 2009 military parade are rolling toward their capital city!

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Sure,Indai attack,these instruments or vehicles to be used in defensive mission against India's attack on Tibet, China.But these things will never be used actually for India really not interested in Tibet a barren land.
China performed an exercise to simulate an attack at the height of 5000m... and people named it as a rehearsal of war against India... all countries do war exercises... how many of them are fighting with their neighbors?

Every country perform such exercises to keep their forces in shape and to prepare them for future conflict (as a precautionary measure)... even India keep doing massive war exercises in Thar every year...

I feel so bad about this, but hindus really take the cake on being colonized, enslaved, raped and slaughtered. Remember Hindu Kush '71? Remember how you tried to act tough but then ran away in fear when the US carrier showed up?

Bangladesh Genocide Archive

If Timur had a camera, we could have seen the last days of the ancient hindu kingdoms.... but all we have are his words

Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quite amazing those nomads also slaughtered and raped the Han people in the form of Machurians and Mongols. Your b**tch slapping your own people.

And who do you think your also insulting along the way? What part of South Asia do these invaders pass when they plunder and slaughter?
Quite amazing those nomads also slaughtered and raped the Han people in the form of Machurians and Mongols. Your b**tch slapping your own people.

And who do you think your also insulting along the way? What part of South Asia do these invaders pass when they plunder and slaughter?
Hopefully, your Indian hometown.
I feel so bad about this, but hindus really take the cake on being colonized, enslaved, raped and slaughtered. Remember Hindu Kush '71? Remember how you tried to act tough but then ran away in fear when the US carrier showed up?
We ran away when US carrier showed up? in 1971? Then who liberated Bangalis? Somalia? LOL

That's done by former west Pakistanis to former east Pakistanis. India or Indians have got nothing to do with it.
India just liberated east Pakistanis and made them Bangladeshis. Your history is weak.

If Timur had a camera, we could have seen the last days of the ancient hindu kingdoms.... but all we have are his words

Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still its nothing compared to the way Japanese raped your women, after raping them they put cranes and bottles into them. Heck, they even raped 60 year old Chinese women! They raped all day long for months! No one can beat that. I feel sorry for your women though.

Now you should be on topic rather than posting off topic links. Because I have a horrible collection of rapes in Nanjing which I'm sure you don't wanna see. So stop being humiliated and be on topic.
Still its nothing compared to the way Japanese raped your women, after raping them they put cranes and bottles into them. Heck, they even raped 60 year old Chinese women! They raped all day long for months! No one can beat that. I feel sorry for your women though.

Now you should be on topic rather than posting off topic links. Because I have a horrible collection of rapes in Nanjing which I'm sure you don't wanna see. So stop being humiliated and be on topic.
lol Why do you have a photo collection of rapes in Nanjing? Did you masturbate to them you sick pervert? ^^
At least it helps keep you up at night with a growing China next door. ^^

This is a more sensible line.

India should maintain objective vigilance.. and that is all.

Indeed every country should be vigilant.
Sure,Indai attack,these instruments or vehicles to be used in defensive mission against India's attack on Tibet, China.But these things will never be used actually for India really not interested in Tibet a barren land.

To interpret correct .... China is not "rehearsing" for an attack.

(As the thread opener cleverly changed the title).
india is preparing to invade china, that's why they inducted an extra 100,000 troops to the disputed border. when they do invade, it would give china the perfect opportunity to test out all our latest weapons on them and then even invading india itself as a counter-measure for future indian misadventures. i also doubt pakistan will sit by idly while on india is invading china. pakistan will take this opportunity to enter india's rear, while china enters india's front. if the US don't intervene, then the flag in delhi would be teared down and be replaced with the flag of pakistan and china.

india's only hope is the US. let's see if US will come to the aid of india or will they pull another "south korea"; where north korea supposedly torpedoed a south korean warship and killing all the sailors on board, and where north korea bombed south korea's yeonpyeong island and the US did absolutely nothing.

LoL, you clearly like multiple participation. What if when the communist party is eagerly looking for the frontal assault on India, and if viet nam, south korea, japan etc statrt going after the rear? I know that the communist party is expert in multi-tasking of such nature but even then how many guys can the party handle together.
lol Why do you have a photo collection of rapes in Nanjing? Did you masturbate to them you sick pervert? ^^

Looks like that he is reciprocating the condolences of sinochallenger. What gave you an idea of him enjoying it at all?

Do you think that Nanking unfortunate episode is a actually a subject of carnal gratification. I mean maybe for the japanese then, but now?
The group of monkeys maybe more nervous than the Chinese themselves. You know what I am saying? They are nervous because what if the Chinese get a taste of blood and it's delicious, what would they do next? you know what I am saying? Everybody knows vampire stories. You know what I am saying? Once you get the good taste, you can't stop having them.
You know why they are nervous? The dictator's nightmare is being dictated, aggressor's nightmare is being bullied, robbers nightmare is being robbed at gunpoint. What's the United State's worst nightmare? they are out-gunned. What's Jews nightmare, you are doped with no-money left. Yo all know what I am saying?
What's Indians nightmare? they got screwed by Chinese again.

Mr. SuperDoper Flop first take care of your bankruptcy.
lol Why do you have a photo collection of rapes in Nanjing? Did you masturbate to them you sick pervert? ^^
I don't feel like doing it when I see Chinese women. I have that collection for some Chinese members who keep on posting off topic links.
Guyz.. chill. Chinese crap can't cross Himalaya. Some solider may attempt to cross by foot, but our soliders with AK 47 is enough. Just shooting practice.
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