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PLA rehearsing India attack

Where in the news written India attack ?? :woot: Another wrong Title like hafizz.

OP started with wrong title name, then all Chinese started posting if India will attack then we will do this and that. But nowhere it's mentioned India will attack. What a pathetic title name. :rolleyes:
Looks like that he is reciprocating the condolences of sinochallenger. What gave you an idea of him enjoying it at all?

Do you think that Nanking unfortunate episode is a actually a subject of carnal gratification. I mean maybe for the japanese then, but now?
Do you think his IQ will let him understand what you said?
Why so much noise !!???

Guys it is China, NOT USA
thus no war.

Relax and make sure your ears are sufficiently plugged to words of western mischief
Do you think his IQ will let him understand what you said?
Nothing wrong with the IQs bro. Chinese folks are pretty smart. It is just the communist party bad propaganda and censorship of the correct news that creates these guys on the internet.
LoL, you are smart and very quick witted like Japanese. Which part of China do you come from? Is it near Nanjing?

Honestly what happened in Nanjing is nothing worse than your people have been doing to yourselves for the past however many years of communal violence.

and if you deceide to move to something like the great leap forward in a desperate attempt to troll. Remember this.

“India seems to manage to fill its cupboard with more skeletons every eight years than China put there in its years of shame1958-1961″ (Jean Drèze, Sen, Amartya 1989).

You people sure have a short memory when it comes to your own failings.
Photos from past exercises.....






India's worse nightmare has come true! All the crazy hardware they saw in China's 2009 military parade are rolling toward their capital city!

LOL... We dont scare with that Copied pirated machines.... GOD even don't know that works or what..
you can sell those to NK... that's your best partner
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LOL... We dont scare with that Copied pirated machines.... GOD even don't know that works or what..
you can sell those to NK... that's your best partner

You'd just as dead if a reverse engineered bullet hit you between the eyes.

And while we can't say definitely whether China's weapons system would work, we can be fairly certainly that the pride of the Indian Navy, the INS Delhi is absolute sht.

Honestly what happened in Nanjing is nothing worse than your people have been doing to yourselves for the past however many years of communal violence.

and if you deceide to move to something like the great leap forward in a desperate attempt to troll. Remember this.

You people sure have a short memory when it comes to your own failings.

Honestly this guy bring Nanjing up does he know anything about it ? Women and children were killed and R@Ped I can see them torturing the men but husbands had to watch their wives and children get R@ped and killed.
Honestly this guy bring Nanjing up does he know anything about it ? Women and children were killed and R@Ped I can see them torturing the men but husbands had to watch their wives and children get R@ped and killed.

Too classy for us understand I guess.
Honestly this guy bring Nanjing up does he know anything about it ? Women and children were killed and R@Ped I can see them torturing the men but husbands had to watch their wives and children get R@ped and killed.

Someone brought about the Medieval Timur attacking India. Rape and killing. I looked at Nanjing incident in wiki. It is really sad think. I really should not have looked at it.
I feel so bad about this, but hindus really take the cake on being colonized, enslaved, raped and slaughtered. Remember Hindu Kush '71? Remember how you tried to act tough but then ran away in fear when the US carrier showed up?

Bangladesh Genocide Archive

If Timur had a camera, we could have seen the last days of the ancient hindu kingdoms.... but all we have are his words

Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Too classy for us understand I guess.

No one beats Chinese when it comes to showing class.
I could never ever wonder that a decent poster like you could believe this bullshit!:cheesy:

The evidence is convincing enough the non-chinese, non-pakistani members who saw the thread think it's legit.

Indians are getting slaughtered in this thread. Wow.

On topic: There is no reason why a US Navy personnel would make up lies regarding the IN.

AI have no doubt the blog is very true though the US Officer comes across as a bit of a duffer to write such insensitive remarks

Through I can say Cardsharp has provided pretty good amount of evidence everything from Indians members here will be BS or Denial. PS hey Cardsharp will get CDF soon again

It seems source is legit, however he also seems to exaggerate,

Even an Indian who's honest enough to be self-critical.

I feel that this post might be real...
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