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PLA rehearsing India attack

We are the longest continuous civilization in the world. When we are strong, we absolutely dominate East Asia. Even when we are weak, our culture still makes its mark on other countries like Japan, Korea, Vietnam. We were down for 150 years because of Western power, but now we are back.

The only civilization close to our greatness is the West. Soon, we will be kicking the West out of East Asia and reimposing our domination.

Chinese civilization is the world biggest uninterrupted civiliation in the world,Chinese culture influenced a lot of neighbors,see countries using Chinese written language and celebrate Chinese holidays.China's confucian values long became the dominant force in East Asia. Chinese culture and western cultures are so different,so when they first met,big clashes did happen,China's boxing movement was a typical case.over the years different governments wanted to install ideologies that suited them the best with no avail in the end,in essenc China is still a confucian values culture.that trait can be seen and experienced easily everywhere in East Asia.
India was under British rule for 300 years and the culture was heavily anglicized,they legal and government system,language...so Indians dont understand how a powerful culture can really bind a huge country together for milleniums.

Yes, There were and are two greatest civilizations of all....the western(European) and eastern(Chinese)....These two can be only compared to each other.

Indians won't understand, what a great civilization is all about........There is nothing called "Ancient Indian Civilization".
Indians had no culture.....so they didn't influence any country culturally........

Actually, India never existed......and from that non-existent land all the Dharmic religions came.... and ironically one of which is adopted by China(along with many countries)......

So, are the Chinese ashamed of adopting such a religion which came from such a non-existent entity??.
Are you sure? care to share your most recent and trustworthy third party resource? If that is the case then India must be the world's biggest e-waste dump, with the most slums, child mortality and rape crimes etc ;)

I don't care and whether or not you do is up to you. I was merely pointing this out to you, that India too does not have free media and it is controlled just like anywhere else would to protect its national image and interests.

10 Most Censored Countries - Reports - Committee to Protect Journalists

Our media is alot less censored to many countries including China and Pakistan
Yes, There were and are two greatest civilizations of all....the western(European) and eastern(Chinese)....These two can be only compared to each other.

Indians won't understand, what a great civilization is all about........There is nothing called "Ancient Indian Civilization".
Indians had no culture.....so they didn't influence any country culturally........

Actually, India never existed......and from that non-existent land all the Dharmic religions came.... and ironically one of which is adopted by China(along with many countries)......

So, are the Chinese ashamed of adopting such a religion which came from such a non-existent entity??.
No because Buddhism is a great religion, and true be told traditionally most Chinese believe in karma and reincarnation too.
Oh please, take that dildo out of your ss and grab a tissue. This is the internet. That kind of harassment is the equivalent of five years old's going "I know you are but what am I?" And it's a well known fact that China has done a helluva a better job in poverty reduction than India.

From this week

China reports dramatic drop in rural poverty – Business 360 - CNN.com Blogs

Old article

Quality of Life: India vs. China by Amartya Sen | The New York Review of Books

Why don't you grow a pair.

LoL, what is itching with chinese friends today? A little earlier in the evening one could just stop writing "getting wet" and now you are there contemplating a dildo in the arse. I thought that the girls ratio is low in China, but boys ratio! Well stranger things have happened. regarding the CNN link that you posted, best to take communist party propaganda with a Junk boat of salt :) I am sure you get what I mean.
Oh please, take that dildo out of your ss and grab a tissue. This is the internet. That kind of harassment is the equivalent of five years old's going "I know you are but what am I?" And it's a well known fact that China has done a helluva a better job in poverty reduction than India.

From this week

China reports dramatic drop in rural poverty – Business 360 - CNN.com Blogs

Old article

Quality of Life: India vs. China by Amartya Sen | The New York Review of Books

Why don't you grow a pair.

Please don't be so sensitive so as to stoop to personal attacks, after all this is the internet ...:D

Now let's study your links, as you obviously didn't..

The number of rural citizens living below the national rural poverty line fell from 94.2 million people

National poverty line of 200 $? that's less than 60 cents a day, comparing it with Indias statistics at 1.25$ a day? Maybe you should know by now CCP's penchant to juggle data and quit being mistaken for a fool to wave them around ;).

By those statistics China has some 16% under the line around 200 million absolute.

So what was that about poverty again?
No because Buddhism is a great religion, and true be told traditionally most Chinese believe in karma and reincarnation too.
This is why, I think(only my personal opinion) that China will never want India to be completely destroyed...........and believe me, India never wanted any country to be destroyed(let alone China).
No because Buddhism is a great religion, and true be told traditionally most Chinese believe in karma and reincarnation too.

So you have been trolling all day and now you are telling here that hans had to adopt a foreign religion. Did Genghis Khan not give his han people his religion? Would have been a lot easier in that case right. Now there has to be Jessica and also at same time Ling Mee. Must be confusing with the 2 names. Right?
If that is the best you can do then same can be said about China and Pakistan's media. No winners here my friend.

Just don't regurgitate garbage without prove on international forums.

Did you not see the link i posted after it?

---------- Post added 11-22-2011 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 11-21-2011 at 11:58 PM ----------

Press Freedom Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No suprise it will be dominated with European liberal countries.
if PLA is rehearsing then what is the big deal here, every military conduct these type of rehearsals & those who are thinking that india will attack tibet need to go to bed because their hangover is not over yet. why would india attack tibet??? bunch of lunatics are just assuming so much here.
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