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PLA rehearsing India attack

LoL, do you really want to lose the fun and the money on the internet? Are you actually meaning to say that it is good what the Pakistani Army did in Bangladesh? Then it will probably mean that you also support the killing by Uighurs of Hans in Urumqi/Xinxiang or then the rapes at Nanjing by the Japanese Army?

Get a grip. It is not good to support warcrimes or genocides. Do you really think that the average Chinese person will be happy to know that one of the representatives of China on the internet is actually talking in favour of genocide?
Of course I feel really bad about all the hindus who were slaughtered and enslaved when central asian conquerors swept across the subcontinent. And I feel really bad about how hindus were slaughtered like cattle again in 1971 and india did nothing because it was afraid of the US carrier.

I hope nothing like these sorts of hindu kush happen again. Like maybe China, Pakistan and Bangladesh get together to do a group hug of friendly india, you know. So, know your place in the world, indians. Today is not much different from 12 century of 1971 for you guys. :)

Better than raping with cranes and bottles. And yeah, better than forcing Chinese to have incest sex!
:lol: You think it's better when central asian conquerors destroyed every single hindu kingdom in the subcontinent and castrated / raped every hindu? Do you know what kind of acts the hindus were forced to perform on your divine animal the cow as part of their forced conversion? And you hindus accepted your slavery for 800 years until Anglos liberated you?!

And the entire population of China is because of what Japanese did in WW2? Dude, I request you to be on topic. Don't force me to put some pics where Chinese son was forced to rape mother and Chinese dad was forced to rape daughter by Japanese.
My dear hindu friend. You just need to accept who you are. Do you know why you have no history or cultural memory left of the ancient hindu kingdoms? It's because over 800 years of Islamic slaughter (or "kush" :rolleyes:), all male hindus were killed and females mated with central asian conquerors.

You just can't compare it with anything else my dear friend.
You prefer 800 years of slavery to your Islamic overlords and "kush" over 8 years of war against Japan? :) I guess that's why hindus in 1971 accepted their fate. Bangladesh Genocide Archive

Pity. You have really been taken by the propaganda. Check out the link and stop insulting your 10 Million dead in World War 2. Learn about your history and learn to respect the brave Chinese soldiers that died in World War 2 rather than making fun of them.
LOL....... is Wikipedia "communist propaganda"? :lol: Four million hindus starved to death because you were enslaved by the British and they wanted to take your food to fight the Japanese.
Bengal famine of 1943 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Luckily for you, China did not submit to the Japanese or else they would make Timur's slaughter of hindus look like charity work.

It's just show that how you run from Nanjing to save your little ***. (Though I am not supporting Japanese Mascarre.)
Indians are the world champions at running away. Look at how india ran away from East Pakistan as soon as US carriers showed up even though millions of hindus were killed and tens of millions were displaced by Hindu Kush '71.

Bengal famine of 1943 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So no, the war is not only about winning. Look at how the Indians returned all 93,000 POWs to Pakistan in 71. That is how wars are won. With a lot of respect. Now stop bragging before you go beyond the point of no return and do bad at your job.
Ha hahahha

You hindus talk about respect after millions of hindus were killed and tens of millions displaced and you were too cowardly to do anything about it? :lol: Sounds more like india was so scared of another slaughter that you immediately released the POWs and apologized.

Because well versed people know about Stalingrad and Russians fighting spirit. How The country which was beaten by Vietnam could claim that they are final victors of WW-2 :cheesy:
LOL..... then how come indian army was defeated by Sikkim? Do you just chew on grass the whole day long?

My other chinese friends tell me that war is not about the final victor. It is to learn so that the wars can be stopped in future and so that so many men, women and children do not lose their lives. May be for you it is easy to say because it is good income for you on the internet. But you must be more serious and learn from your elders.
War is about "kush"..... hindu kush to be exact :P Everybody knows hindus care so much about their soldiers that they surrender under fire right away! Look at what happened 1962 :rofl:

Gambit posted a very interesting reply to such claims in another thread. Just accepting the surrender of an adversary, after that nation has been beaten into pulp, is not the same as defeating or overwhelming an enemy yourself. I am not an expert on Chinese-Vietnamese relationship, but Japan was surely not defeated by the Chinese in World War II...more like dismantled by the unstoppable Juggernaut that was the American military.
More like you're reading cr@p from hindus. If China had submitted to Japan, there would be no Western influence in Asia by 1945.
More like you're reading cr@p from hindus. If China had submitted to Japan, there would be no Western influence in Asia by 1945.

Hmmm, your point may have some substance, but has no real relation to what I was saying. I was just saying China was not the nation that dismantled the awesome military might of the Japanese...that credit must go to the Americans. The Chinese must have fought bravely and may have checked the expansion of the Japanese, and I'll even concede they must have played a part in bringing the Japanese down. Accepting all that, it does not change the fact that the Americans played the biggest part in defeating the Japanese.
Indians are the world champions at running away. Look at how india ran away from East Pakistan as soon as US carriers showed up even though millions of hindus were killed and tens of millions were displaced by Hindu Kush '71.

Bengal famine of 1943 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

prick...it was the pakistanis (your friends whom you betrayed) who surrendered enmasse to indians...lol...what the hell do these chines studdy for history in their concentration camps ? :hitwall:
Nice flame from a "Little Emperor" ;)

What Chinese culture are you talking about mate ? Hans don't wear traditional clothing anymore, the traditional family system has been broken. They use idiotic names like "Great Wall" for their industrial products, where is the culture in that ?. btw No self-respecting Japanese would ever do that.

In the West the Chinese love to sport names like Jackie Chang, and Eric Lim, Tim Beng., Anglo suckups much ? Also, Chinese are just next to South Koreans in preaching "God's Shalom" :lol:

Chinese culture is so ideologically primitive that it's swept away by ideas by other civilizations.

First Buddhism and then Communism, at-least change the name of your official party if there is any ounce of Han culture left in China

Heck you'll be praying to Jesus before anyone can say Zhongguo :lol:
Nice flame from a "Little Emperor" ;)

What Chinese culture are you talking about mate ? Hans don't wear traditional clothing anymore, the traditional family system has been broken. They use idiotic names like "Great Wall" for their industrial products, where is the culture in that ?. btw No self-respecting Japanese would ever do that.

In the West the Chinese love to sport names like Jackie Chang, and Eric Lim, Tim Beng., Anglo suckups much ? Also, Chinese are just next to South Koreans in preaching "God's Shalom" :lol:

Chinese culture is so ideologically primitive that it's swept away by ideas by other civilizations.

First Buddhism and then Communism, at-least change the name of your official party if there is any ounce of Han culture left in China

Heck you'll be praying to Jesus before anyone can say Zhongguo :lol:

lol see the insecurity that reeks in this thread.....i searched for christianity in china and came up with this...they are sh** scared that their brittle culture with no strong foundation wahtsoever will be washed away just like that....

lol see the insecurity that reeks in this thread.....i searched for christianity in china and came up with this...they are scared that their brittle cultire with no strong foundation wahtsoever will be washed away just like that....


All that talk of "culture" is absolute crap. Only superficial thing is the language. Chinese are the biggest (right after South Koreans) Anglo Saxon suckups .

They be the first to dump their name, convert to Christianity (John Chang is such a nice name no?) and be more acceptable. :agree:
All that talk of "culture" is absolute crap. Only superficial thing is the language. Chinese are the biggest (right after South Koreans) Anglo Saxon suckups .

They be the first to dump their name, convert to Christianity (John Chang is such a nice name no?) and be more acceptable. :agree:
Most Chinese don't speak english I think,mandarin a beautiful language indeed.
Chinese civilization is the world biggest uninterrupted civiliation in the world,Chinese culture influenced a lot of neighbors,see countries using Chinese written language and celebrate Chinese holidays.China's confucian values long became the dominant force in East Asia. Chinese culture and western cultures are so different,so when they first met,big clashes did happen,China's boxing movement was a typical case.over the years different governments wanted to install ideologies that suited them the best with no avail in the end,in essenc China is still a confucian values culture.that trait can be seen and experienced easily everywhere in East Asia.
India was under British rule for 300 years and the culture was heavily anglicized,they legal and government system,language...so Indians dont understand how a powerful culture can really bind a huge country together for milleniums.
Chinese civilization is the world biggest uninterrupted civiliation in the world,Chinese culture influenced a lot of neighbors,see countries using Chinese written language and celebrate Chinese holidays.China's confucian values long became the dominant force in East Asia. Chinese culture and western cultures are so different,so when they first met,big clashes did happen,China's boxing movement was a typical case.over the years different governments wanted to install ideologies that suited them the best with no avail in the end,in essenc China is still a confucian values culture.that trait can be seen and experienced easily everywhere in East Asia.
India was under British rule for 300 years and the culture was heavily anglicized,they legal and government system,language...so Indians dont understand how a powerful culture can really bind a huge country together for milleniums.

With due respect to chinese culture depression of basic rights and lack of freedom of expression never won any conflict. Show me one example if you oppose. You guys need to give ur citizen some basic rights like reproduction.
Chinese civilization is the world biggest uninterrupted civiliation in the world,Chinese culture influenced a lot of neighbors,see countries using Chinese written language and celebrate Chinese holidays.China's confucian values long became the dominant force in East Asia. Chinese culture and western cultures are so different,so when they first met,big clashes did happen,China's boxing movement was a typical case.over the years different governments wanted to install ideologies that suited them the best with no avail in the end,in essenc China is still a confucian values culture.that trait can be seen and experienced easily everywhere in East Asia.
India was under British rule for 300 years and the culture was heavily anglicized,they legal and government system,language...so Indians dont understand how a powerful culture can really bind a huge country together for milleniums.
A native Beijing people should be proud of speaking Mandarin I think,hundreds or thousands of years a civilization lasted does not matter,people all love their own native language till the end.
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