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PLA rehearsing India attack

With due respect to chinese culture depression of basic rights and lack of freedom of expression never won any conflict. Show me one example if you oppose. You guys need to give ur citizen some basic rights like reproduction.
reproduction right is given up by Chinese people as their own wishes.
Why is “Confucian Culture” so wildly successful?

Hank Pellissier
Hank Pellissier
Ethical Technology

Posted: Aug 29, 2011

Twenty-five hundred years ago, Master Kong was wandering homeless with his disciples, proselytizing his ethical viewpoints. He was greeted in every city with disdain, persecution, imprisonment. When “Confucius” (his Westernized name) died in 479 BC, he expressed wistful dismay that his moral reforms never took root…

The Sage from Shandong Province would be shocked if he could return to today’s world, where his personality, maxims, and rules are revered by 1.5 billion people in the thriving “Confucian nations” (China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, plus strong support in Vietnam and Malaysia). The benign bearded pundit is currently enjoying a enthusiastic revival in China, where the graves of his defendants were desecrated in the Cultural Revolution, and there are now more than 300 Confucius institutes worldwide in 96 countries. Ironically, this largely-ignored man of antiquity could be the future’s most important philosopher.
Confucian concepts—asserted in the Analects, plus five scriptures and additional tomes—include high esteem for education, filial piety, perseverance, humility, empathy, self-control, respect for one’s elders and ancestors, adherence to rules of behavior and authority, and correctness and reciprocity in all social relationships. His vision was to create virtuous individuals who could harmoniously co-exist within families and increasing larger groups: villages, provinces, kingdoms.

How successful are today’s “Confucian” nations? A+ Astonishing. In IQ, the scholar’s states easily outsmart the rest of the planet. Shown below are the top seven “smartest” countries in the world. I’ve added a few other nations as well, in italics, to show how they fare against the Confucians:

Average IQ

108: Hong Kong, Singapore
106: South Korea, North Korea
105: Japan, China, Taiwan
100: United Kingdom
98: United States
82: India

Additional research backs up the valedictorian status of Master Kong’s students. A Hong Kong study of 4,848 six-year-old residents revealed an average IQ of 116; a similar survey of 6,290 Taiwanese children posted a 109.5 digit. Both numerals easily stomped rival classrooms of Western children, who yielded IQs in the 95-102 range.

Top-of-the-world marks were repeated in the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests that pitted students against each other in three categories (again, non-Confucian nations are shown in italics):

Reading Performance

1. Shanghai - China
2. South Korea
3. Finland
4. Hong Kong - China
5. Singapore
6. Canada
7. New Zealand
8. Japan
17. United Kingdom
25. United States


1. Shanghai - China
2. Singapore
3. Hong Kong - China
4. South Korea
6. Taipei - Taiwan
9. Japan
12. Macao - China
28. United Kingdom
31. United States


1. Shanghai - China
2. Finland
3. Hong Kong - China
4. Singapore
5. Japan
6. South Korea
12. Taipei - Taiwan
16. United Kingdom
18. Macao - China
23. United States

Academic success of children from East Asian backgrounds is old news to American parents, who’ve seen Asian-Americans (just 4.8% of the US population) grab 20% of Ivy League enrollment and 45% of admissions in the University of California system.

Grades aren’t everything, of course. What about the real world? Do Confucian cultures succeed in the workplace? Indeed they do. For starters, they’ve got three high-placed nations on the International Monetary Fund’s recent list of fastest-growing economies by GDP growth rate:

#3: Singapore = 14.4%
#4: Taiwan = 10.8%
#6: China = 10.3%

Plus they nab three of the top ten positions on the World Bank’s list of per capita income leaders:

#3: Macao - China = $59,870
#5: Singapore = $56,794
#9: Hong Kong = $46,331

Expat Confucianists also astronomically excel in finance. In Southeast Asia, Chinese are a minority (except in Singapore) oftentimes with only 1.5-2% of the population. Nonetheless, a BBC News article notes that “they are effectively the region’s business class, controlling the bulk of listed companies in the region’s stock markets—more than 80% in Thailand… 62% in Malaysia… 50% in the Philippines… Indonesia… 70%.”

What about “transhumanist” attributes? Does the antique philosophy create civilizations with AI potential, or immortalist aspirations?

Yes, it does. Confucian nations are regularly categorized as Singularity contenders. China and South Korea were ranked as players in Ben Goertzel’s H+ magazine articles, “The Chinese Singularity” and “A Samsung Robot In Every Home by 2020?”, and the IEET’s Miriam Leis cast a vote for the tiny island nation in her recent article, “Singapore and the Singularity.” Confucian nations also have a grip on long life; four of the planet’s longevity leaders are:

#1: Japan
#2: Hong Kong
#9: Macau
#15: Singapore

This essay has established that Confucianism has an outstanding resume and credentials—it’s obviously a valuable philosophy for modern times. But… why does it succeed? What core credos does it endorse that motivates its citizenry? Why do Confucian cultures outperform their opponents? What can outsiders learn from the “Master Teacher”? I’ve listed six attributes below:

Love of Learning - East Asian pupils study horrendously hard: up to 3.5 hours a day in Japan, claims a 1980s estimate, and undoubtedly more in South Korea, where students are often scoffed at if they sleep more than four hours a day. This ability to slave away at school tasks stems largely from Confucius, who extolled academic study as the sole path to wisdom, virtue, and career achievement. The phenomenal doggedness of East Asians in the classroom vaults them into prestigious colleges and professional positions, subsequently expanding the economic clout of their cultures. Side-note: perhaps Confucian admiration for scholastics explains why they’re near-permanently enrolled—Japanese children attend school 243 days per year, whereas USA kids quit for vacation at 180.

United Family Front - Children (via Confucius) are taught to deeply respect and obey their parents, and to perform admirably for them, to bring esteem to the family. Parents respond reciprocally by making huge personal time and monetary sacrifices to support their children’s education, plus, when they’re house-shopping, the quality of local schools is likely to be the #1 priority, not a view or a swimming pool. In contrast to this, a recent survey of American women by Parenting magazine revealed that 45% of women polled would rather lose 15 pounds than advance their child’s IQ by 15 points—they’re not ‘Tiger Moms’! The divorce rate among Asian-Americans is only 4.2% (less than half the American average), their alcohol addiction and homelessness is microscopic, and they comprise only 1% of the US prison population. It may also be telling that a best-selling book in China was titled, Our Dumb Little Boy Goes to Cambridge.

Exam Culture - Confucius gets the credit for installing China’s first education program, created largely to provide sensible statesmen—Mandarins—for the Emperor’s court. Intelligent youngsters were encouraged to prepare and participate in the Imperial civil service exam, a relatively meritocratic system. (I qualify this because tutors cost more money than poor parents could afford.) Successful test-takers produced more offspring due to receiving positions that guaranteed higher salaries. Conversely, the poorest 10-15% had no offspring at all, or very few, because of their inability to feed and support them. Genetically, the population increase of brainy Confucianists could account for their higher IQs today. Europeans did exactly the opposite; bright boys with literary talent were shuffled off to the celibate priesthood where they were forbidden to advance their genes.

Stubborn Stamina - Persistence is praised in numerous Confucian maxims as a trait to acquire success. Two examples are: “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop,” and “Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in getting up every time we do.” Dr. Richard Nisbett noted in his book, Intelligence and How to Get It, that East Asians, upon competing a survey test, instinctively returned to the sections they performed poorest at in repeated attempts to improve their weaknesses. In contrast, Western subjects hurried gleefully back to the sections they were already adept at because (I assume) they wanted to re-experience the easy ego-gratification of their previous smartness. Nisbett notes that Americans generally believe that intelligence is inherited, while East Asians are more apt to regard success as the result of arduous work. Determination as a virtue was certainly modeled by Master Kong, who never relinquished his moral mission despite the dangers and insults he faced.

Miscellaneous Tidbits - The following explanations for East Asian success cannot be ascribed to Confucius but they do derive from his native land:

1) Literacy in Mandarin requires recognition of at least 4,000 ideogrammatic characters, with scholastic fluency necessitating 10,000. The prodigious memorization demanded exercises the utilized areas of the brain. Many of the characters also look quite similar to others; differentiating them improves the learner’s visual-spatial brain centers.

2) Communicating in Mandarin requires both the left temporal and the right temporal lobes for processing; English can be interpreted with only the left temporal lobe. This is due to Mandarin being “tonal,” requiring participation from the right lobe, which handles music.

3) Chinese numerals are simpler and easier to learn, especially compared to the horrendous English tween and teen numbers from 11-19 that trip up school children, wasting valuable time; in Mandarin, 13 is just “10-3.”

4) Using an abacus encourages students to think spatially and visually about numbers; it develops the right side of the brain.
I feel so bad about this, but hindus really take the cake on being colonized, enslaved, raped and slaughtered. Remember Hindu Kush '71? Remember how you tried to act tough but then ran away in fear when the US carrier showed up?

Bangladesh Genocide Archive

If Timur had a camera, we could have seen the last days of the ancient hindu kingdoms.... but all we have are his words

Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nowadays lots of crap are happening on pdf and Mods are tolerating?

Post reported for flame, off topic troll.

It seems the poster is flaming, derailing just for the sake of 50 cents.
Connect The Dots
China's trajectory can be compared to the developing economies of Japan in the 60's, Taiwan in the 70's and Korea in the 80's. I would also add Singapore and Hong Kong. These are similar Confucian based cultures.

Rapid growth and gains in productivity, technology and exports. Moving up the value chain in manufacturing. Reaching Western levels in a few short decades.

India is separate from this cohort and may not converge in the same way. It is also formerly part of the British Empire and shares a language and government. But India is not in the Canada-Australia- America model of development. And I would compare their problems of partition similarly to South Africa plight of apartheid after independence.
So ... do you mean that Chinese do not reproduce any more?

Well, good for the whole world, if true.

you know nothing about China's one child policy,it is very flexible,only implemented in the cities.in the rural area it is not the case.and the policy changed recently even in the cities,now,if couples are both from one child families,they can have two children. because of the base number is huge,so the population is still on the increase,but at least the parents can put all their money on the education of their only children,so the quality of the new generation is way better than before,India is the home to a third of world's poor,your next generation wont be anywhere better.that's worst nightmare the world dreaded to see.
India is also doing so called century biggest wargames on Pakistani border and but in this thread i am failed why some mentally retard people are flaming and targeting Chinese culture MODs needs to do clean up operation here.
More proof of the peaceful raise of China.

Sensible precautions when the idiot nextdoor start talking about raising new divisions and movings this and that weapon systems to the border.

Let's not ignore cause and effect here.
the world most dreadful nightmare,fast growing poverty population

By 2005 India was hosting 33% of the world's poor, as against 24% in 1990.

One-third of world’s poor lives in India: World Bank[/B]

Poverty Here Is Worse Than Even Sub-Saharan Africa


India is home to roughly one-third of all poor people in the world. It also has a higher proportion of its population living on less than $2 per day than even sub-Saharan Africa. That is the sobering news coming out of the World Bank’s latest estimates on global poverty.

The fine print of the estimates also shows that the rate of decline of poverty in India was faster between 1981 and 1990 than it was between 1990 and 2005.This is likely to give fresh ammunition to those who maintain that economic reforms have failed to reduce poverty at a faster rate.

India, according to the new estimates, has 456 million people, or about 42% of the population, living below the new international poverty line of $1.25 per day. The Indian poor also constitute 33% of the global poor, which is pegged at 1.4 billion people.

India also has 828 million people, or 75.6% of the population, living below $2 a day. Sub-Saharan Africa, considered the world’s poorest region, has 72.2% of its population, or 551 million people, below the $2-a-day level. The estimates are based on the recently recalculated purchasing power parity exchange rates, which makes comparisons across countries possible. The dollar exchange rates being referred to here are not the ones used in normal exchange rates. ‘4 of 10 Indians come under BPL’

India had 421 million below the $1.25-aday mark in 1981, that number had gone up to 456 million by 2005. Thus, while there has been a decline in the poverty ratio, the ranks of the poor are still swelling. According to the note, the new international poverty line of $1.25 PPP per day has been arrived at as “the average poverty line found in the poorest 10-20 countries’’. In other words, more than four out of 10 Indians live below what the world’s poorest countries consider the poverty line.
yes that same idiot has placed nuclear weapons in Tibet pointing them in India's direction

You have your government and the Indian media to thank. I am sure neighbours don't exactly tolerate and appreciate having Agni's, Suryas, Brahamos or supposedly 100,000 men with AKs or what not pointed at them either. :)
You have your government and the Indian media to thank. I am sure neighbours don't exactly tolerate and appreciate having Agni's, Suryas, Brahamos or supposedly 100,000 men with AKs or what not pointed at them either. :)

Every action has a reaction we not going to sit back while u point nukes our way and build up your forces
yes that same idiot has placed nuclear weapons in Tibet pointing them in India's direction

Funny how you idiots believe moving the missiles to Tibet was a significant event. DF-5s are basically being sent to Tibet because they are getting too old to be useful. They were first deployed in the 1970's, and fixed silo ICBMs are at the end of their usefulness in modern combat.

Also the DF-5 has a max range of 15,000 km, this means we can place it in Mexico and still hit India, so why would moving the damn thing a bit closer to the border be a provocative move or a new threat to India?


I swear the whole lot of you have next to zero critical thinking skills.
Funny how you idiots believe this was significant. DF-5s are basically being based in Tibet because they are getting too old to be useful. They were first deployed in the 1970's, and fixed silo ICBMs are at the end of their useful in modern combat.

Also the DF-5 has a max range of 15,000 km, this means we can place it in Mexico and still hit India, so why would moving the damn thing a bit closer to the border be a provocative move or a new threat to India?


Don't give a stuff where you place your missiles they are pointing in our direction so quit complaining when we do the same.

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

deployed more advanced CSS-5 Medium Range Ballistic Missiles against India, the latest Pentagon report on the modernisation of the Chinese military says.

We have satellites as well we can see what goes on its not hard

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