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Pipeline through Bangladesh to transport Myanmar gas to India!

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Now don't get emotional. Nothing personal here. We're taking care of our interests only. Once buddhist (err.. read "quality") ASEAN products flood the NE market, we might reconsider our strategy.

Would love to see that happen. :)

Nothing emotional at all man. The NE markets need competition...ASEAN products can't run your products out..geographical nearness of BD is premium..BUT as competition floods in the price mechanism will rationalize. Which means..either way its profitable for us. Besides that the concrete schemes which have just been negotiated (with Burma) including even today are aimed at a whole different purpose and are not relevant to India-BD.

On choking our water supply off. India already has a river linking project waiting approval..the pilot alternative is under construction down south. Linking the Ganges and the Teesta through diversions into the NE will solve our issues IF China gets finnicky..in fact our project calls for just that under any circumstance anyway..just at a lower amount of flow diverted..the amount can always be increased upto max. It won't be ideal but we won't go wanting for water..why do you think we've got 20+ diversions nearing completion by year end on the Teesta? The said proposal calls for their extension..gorges and hilly tracts are bad for roads but not bad for water conduits..as Sikkim has taught us in great abundance. Hope it will be cheap enough for your guys to set up MASSIVE desalination plants for sea water..coz if you think things are bad now..wait till and IF the Chinese decide to get smart with us. :)
you can keep the water to yourself.. the bangladeshis will die of thirst. the muslim world will go against you . paksitan will foment terrorism in uighuristan. it will be beginning of end of china.

They're not after us but after you, you see the difference? :pop:. But they will be delighted to see how we will screw India in the future with water issue.

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Like the way we are screwing you with Tibet ?? :laugh:
By sheltering Dalai Lama, help keeping the protest alive, and causing embarrassment for China in international forums :coffee: Its like a game you know...every strategy gives birth to a counter strategy, so don't be too delighted about "screw India in the future with water issue", who knows how you will get screwed.
By sheltering Dalai Lama, help keeping the protest alive, and causing embarrassment for China in international forums :coffee: Its like a game you know...every strategy gives birth to a counter strategy, so don't be too delighted about "screw India in the future with water issue", who knows how you will get screwed.

And feed them well :lol:, we're even more glad that you spend your national treasure on these exile Tibetans while alot of your own native Indians have 1 meal per day...You have treated foreigners better than your own kind...good job.

And we're really please, without Dalai Lama issue, we will feel really guilty to what we done to India...and least that we can use as excuse to comfort our conscience.
don't feel guilty, you have done nothing to India...neither we will ever be able to...
By sheltering Dalai Lama, help keeping the protest alive, and causing embarrassment for China in international forums :coffee: Its like a game you know...every strategy gives birth to a counter strategy, so don't be too delighted about "screw India in the future with water issue", who knows how you will get screwed.

Embarrassing a country is probably the worst strategy ever to use against a nation.Who's gonna hold them accountable??
don't feel guilty, you have done nothing to India...neither we will ever be able to...

Indeed, we don't feel guity because we have done nothing wrong but what i'm try to say is even if we do somthing wrong to India we wont have any remorse because we can use India harbor dalai lama as excuse...it's a good future insurance investment to deal with India.
@RiasatKhan: No one...because China also does the same thing...like issuing staple Visa to people of Arunachal Pradesh & J&K etc. Posting statements like "they(Bangladeshis) will be delighted to see how we will screw India in the future with water issue", etc will always get a fitting reply.

But all this won't serve any purpose, China will claim Arunachal Pradesh, we will claim Aksai Chin, China will speak for Kashmir, we will speak for Tibet, China will help Pakistan militarily & build a military axis, we will do the same with China's enemies...and China have many!! End of the day all this tit for tat doesn't serve any purpose other than worsening relationship, wastage of resources on military equipment, and spoiling the scope of mutual co-operation & economic growth. But then, this tit for tat is going on with both China & Pakistan, China is still a nation of logical people, so we have a chance to TALK and solve our differences mutually, but the kind of obsession Pakistan has with India, I personally don't see any chance of amicable settlement with Pakistan, ISI & RAW will continue to prove Newton's 3rd law, i.e. "To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction". :(

And I don't know why some Bangladeshis have perceived enmity with us, we don't consider BDs enemy! Is it a new fashion in Bangladesh or is it an effect of Muslim Brotherhood and Soudi influence? Whatever it is, enmity with neighbors is a bad idea, my advice to BD is to take lesson from India & Pakistan and not to join the party.
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Dear Kiss_of_the_Dragon: Your quotes "if we do somthing wrong to India we wont have any remorse because we can use India harbor dalai lama as excuse...it's a good future insurance investment to deal with India." AND "they(Bangladeshis) will be delighted to see how we will screw India in the future with water issue", etc. are general views in China? Just wanted to know as I don't really have much idea about Chinese point of view.

However, "doing something wrong to India" is not the best way to "deal" with India. The cost will be too high. Even if we rule out the possibility of war as both countries are big and powerful enough to cripple each other, but such moves will cut off the growing foreign trades between these two countries after a breaking point, and China will loose more as Chinese exports are higher than imports. Plus you will make friends with our enemies, we will make friends with your enemies, and south-Asia will turn into a battleground of many enemies at loggerheads with each other. Not a pleasant scenario...is it?
To RiasatKhan: No one...because China also does the same thing...like issuing staple Visa to people of Arunachal Pradesh & J&K etc. Posting statements like "they(Bangladeshis) will be delighted to see how we will screw India in the future with water issue", etc will always get a fitting reply. But all this won't serve any purpose, China will claim Arunachal Pradesh, we will claim Aksai Chin, China will speak for Kashmir, we will speak for Tibet, China will help Pakistan militarily & build a military axis, we will do the same with China's enemies...and China have many!! End of the day all this tit for tat doesn't serve any purpose other than worsening relationship, wastage of resources on military equipment, and spoiling the scope of mutual co-operation & economic growth. But then, this tit for tat is going on with both China & Pakistan, China is still a nation of logical people, so we have a chance to TALK and solve our differences mutually, but the kind of obsession Pakistan has with India, I personally don't see any chance of amicable settlement with Pakistan, ISI & RAW will continue to prove Newton's 3rd law, i.e. "To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction". :( . And I don't know why some Bangladeshis have perceived enmity with us, we don't consider BDs enemy! Is it a new fashion in Bangladesh or is it an effect of Muslim Brotherhood and Soudi influence? Whatever it is, enmity with neighbors is a bad idea, my advice to BD is to take lesson from India & Pakistan and not to join the party.

You talk like you have tangible leverage against us with your Tit for Tat :lol: simply you have none, Dalai Lama is just a joke as to counter China, we better have this clown strategically confine in dharamsala and spend Indian moneys than causing trouble back home...India certainly wouldn't mind and that please us as well :lol:

As for territories, you have nothing against Aksai Chin but we have Brahmaputra river to hold your Arunachal Pradesh by the ball. your gorverment sure know the strategic significant of this river in case of hostility.

As for Tibet and Kashmir: We can help Pakistan side, and what you can do for Tibet?

And talk about cozy China's enemies such Japan and Vietnam, we hold Vietnam by the ball with Song Hong river (red river) and for Japan, we're ready to dueling them to settle some historical scores, Japan is within our reach unlike WWII or before that they can only bomb our cities and we couldn't nail Japan territory back but this last is smart enough not to cross the red line with the island issue. you want to play containment game with China, we will certainly let India to chose the white or black stone and initiate the first move.

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon: So your strategy is to pick up fight with every nation, good for you. Now lets analyze this one by one: we can't do much about Tibet apart from keeping alive a sore point i.e. Dalai Lama, what you can do about Kashmir? Pakistan is trying for last 65 years...what happened? Regarding territories, we claim Aksai Chin to counter your claim on AP, we can't take Aksai Chin, can you take AP?

If you think water of Brahmaputra river is your bargaining chip, then remember, China is an export driven economy and India is one of the largest markets in the world, you stop water, we stop trade, who loose more? People of AP won't die because of that river, many of our states don't have any river.

Regarding your comment on Vietnam & Japan, we are still exploring oil in South China sea on Vietnam's water in spite of your many threats...what you could do? And settling scores with Japan in a duel!! Yeah...we certainly want China to try that :). Japan will not come alone...you will just open a pandora's box. You guys are back to stone age, advantage India :) And remember, China is an export driven country with huge manufacturing base to cater to the world, your internal consumption will not be able to run your manufacturing units, any major hostile move will result into embargo on exports, either by force or by politics, resulting into collapse of your economy. Hence, good luck with Japan.

Finally, the containment game, China started it first, remember the "string of pearls"? We are just reciprocating as expected.

See, everything will result into a stalemate with completely avoidable damages, you are not in a position to decisively win anything. That's why I was suggesting that it would be better if we give honest efforts to talk & resolve all issues amicably.
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