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Pipeline through Bangladesh to transport Myanmar gas to India!

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This is for what all Muslim killing is happening in Myanmar, that killing started right after 1 weak of Manmohan Singh's visit in Myanmar, coz the killng idea was given by RAW to Myanmar. India want that area because there is port that can be developed same like Gawadar and India want to hold that, but to hold that area she has to eliminate the Muslim population from there, which can be hurdle for India in Future.
This is for what all Muslim killing is happening in Myanmar, that killing started right after 1 weak of Manmohan Singh's visit in Myanmar, coz the killng idea was given by RAW to Myanmar. India want that area because there is port that can be developed same like Gawadar and India want to hold that, but to hold that area she has to eliminate the Muslim population from there, which can be hurdle for India in Future.

The fact is you don't. Even if India did send more than 20% of the water (required to maintain water flow), we can't still let you have transit, for business reasons. Besides, NE people love relying on Bangladeshi industry. =)

why do you say we dont give free transit.. do we charge you for the passage of the water thru india?
This is for what all Muslim killing is happening in Myanmar, that killing started right after 1 weak of Manmohan Singh's visit in Myanmar, coz the killng idea was given by RAW to Myanmar. India want that area because there is port that can be developed same like Gawadar and India want to hold that, but to hold that area she has to eliminate the Muslim population from there, which can be hurdle for India in Future.

The Burmese have been killing Rohingyas for years now. Even @asad71 knows this despite agreeing with you out of a twisted self-serving bias. They pushed out nearly a quarter of a million rohingyas back in the days when they were China's best friend and supporting insurgents against India in the NE. :omghaha:

Tough luck. The ronhingya issue is genuinely a Burmese one. Ooh and our port in Burma is called Sitwe and is nearing completion on schedule..by the end of this year..it is not in a rohingya dominated area. Now do us a favor and act like the flag bearers of Islam..that is what Pakistan claims to be..the only real Muslim power. Is there no Mard-e-momin left among you? You're ancestors must be rolling in their graves. Go and protect the rohingyas..or is your ummah dead? :omghaha:
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Denying India transit makes stuff from mainland India too expensive to buy. The cheaper alternative is importing from BD, through both legal and illegal channels. I don't see how FTA fits in our discussion.

I see. No wonder we went for the Sitwe port, Thailand road link and then FTA (services and investments bit done..goods bit pending for 2014..which is cool..the trade transit systems with Asean will only come up to completion by 2016) with Asean. Otherwise the distance would have killed their products too. With the FTA and combined debt servicing mechanism..the Asean products will flood the NE...not that we mind..quality and quantity both are within the capability of these nations. Ah but the world always provides a solution.
why do you say we dont give free transit.. do we charge you for the passage of the water thru india?

Don't try to make fool of yourself, what ever you said can be used against you: we the evil chinese can do better than what you said, not only the passage of the water but pay for water period or else...the future willl dictate this trend...you Indians will have to prepare yourself.
Pipeline through Bangladesh!

Pipeline through Bangladesh! - bdnews24.com

Kolkata Correspondent, bdnews24.com
Published: 2013-06-06 04:26:09.0 GMT Updated: 2013-06-06 04:26:09.0 GMT

India is all set to revive an old project to set up a gas pipeline from Myanmar western coast to eastern India through Bangladesh.

Indian commerce minister Anand Sharma, now leading a delegation to World Economic Forum's East Asia Summit at Myanmar capital Nayphidaw (June 5-7), is going to raise the issue with Myanmar government during his stay in the country.

India gave up this project in 2004-5 when it failed to get Bangladesh to agree to allow the pipeline to be laid through Bangladesh.

The Myanmar government waited for two years but when it found India was not able to finalise the pipeline route, it okayed China's Yunnan-Arakan pipeline that starts at the Arakanese coastal town of Kyaukpyu and ends at China's Yunnan province.
Most of the prospective gas blocks on the Arakan coast were also bagged by the Chinese companies as the Myanmar military junta was keen on exploiting the gas reserves without much delay.

When Bangladesh did not okay the Indo-Myanmar pipeline, Delhi considered laying one through its troubled northeastern region to connect the Myanmar gas fields to West Bengal.

But it was abandoned as it was not found to be commercially viable and security concerns were also expressed.

Now with a friendly regime in Dhaka, India feels emboldened to revive the project again, not the least because it feels there is much economic gain for Bangladesh in it in shape of transit fees.

An Indian company, Essar has two very prospective blocks in Arakans which Delhi feels could be enough to keep the pipeline supplied.

In fact, India's state-owned oil companies Indian Oil and Oil India are in talks with the Essar group to pick up 20% stake each in the gas blocks in Myanmar that is estimated to have even bigger reserves than Reliance Industries' KG-D6 fields in southern India's Cauvery basin.

The shallow-water gas block (A2) that Essar group had acquired in 2005 is an estimated 13 trillion cubic feet (tcf) gas reserve, larger than the 10.03 tcf KG-D6 fields.

"Both IOC and OIL are considering Essar's farm-in proposals for A2-shallow water gas block and an onshore block L in Myanmar," a consultant, advising the two companies said on condition of anonymity.

Another of Essar's gas asset in Myanmar (Block L) has an estimated recoverable hydrocarbon reserve of 330mn barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE).

Essar also has a onshore L block in Myanmar.

Confirming the development, a petroleum ministry official said, IOC and OIL have already visited Essar's data room for due diligence.

"They are considering to jointly picking up 40% stake in Essar's gas block, but not in the L block," he said.

The Essar group holds the two Myanmar assets through an unlisted entity—Essar Exploration & Production, South East Asia.

BD should look in to it seriously and they must not forget toget one for themselves and reduce there power shortages in the country by making newer power plants all across the country that will be run by Gas as well as try to bring in refineries as well that will going to rifine oil being imported from Mayanmar and give similar pipelines to INDIA as well.
The fact is you don't. Even if India did send more than 20% of the water (required to maintain water flow), we can't still let you have transit, for business reasons. Besides, NE people love relying on Bangladeshi industry. =)
Lets hope the Chinese dont even let a drop of water of Brahmaputra pass to India. We are screwed anyway so, it doesn't really matter. At least it would be pleasant to see India bleed which is bleeding us the most.
"Pipeline through Bangladesh to transport Myanmar gas to India!"

When will that happen?

I see. No wonder we went for the Sitwe port, Thailand road link and then FTA (services and investments bit done..goods bit pending for 2014..which is cool..the trade transit systems with Asean will only come up to completion by 2016) with Asean. Otherwise the distance would have killed their products too. With the FTA and combined debt servicing mechanism..the Asean products will flood the NE...not that we mind..quality and quantity both are within the capability of these nations. Ah but the world always provides a solution.

Now don't get emotional. Nothing personal here. We're taking care of our interests only. Once buddhist (err.. read "quality") ASEAN products flood the NE market, we might reconsider our strategy.

Lets hope the Chinese dont even let a drop of water of Brahmaputra pass to India. We are screwed anyway so, it doesn't really matter. At least it would be pleasant to see India bleed which is bleeding us the most.

Would love to see that happen. :)
Don't try to make fool of yourself, what ever you said can be used against you: we the evil chinese can do better than what you said, not only the passage of the water but pay for water period or else...the future willl dictate this trend...you Indians will have to prepare yourself.

you can keep the water to yourself.. the bangladeshis will die of thirst. the muslim world will go against you . paksitan will foment terrorism in uighuristan. it will be beginning of end of china.
why do you say we dont give free transit.. do we charge you for the passage of the water thru india?

Those people will never respect Bangladeshi hospitality. Will wait for the time to teach them the lesson that they will remember forever.
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