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Pipeline through Bangladesh to transport Myanmar gas to India!

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@DRAY when you reply, you can use the quote button
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Yes...but I can't use quote, I can't post links, I can't even use "at the rate" sign to refer anyone till I reach 30 posts...rule of pdf :undecided:
And I don't know why some Bangladeshis have perceived enmity with us, we don't consider BDs enemy! Is it a new fashion in Bangladesh or is it an effect of Muslim Brotherhood and Soudi influence? Whatever it is, enmity with neighbors is a bad idea, my advice to BD is to take lesson from India & Pakistan and not to join the party.

Come on dada, you know exactly from where this comes from and the good many reasons behind them. And why are you bringing religion into this? This dislike for India has got nothing to with religion but has to do with our national interest. Religion drag koiro na plz, its a request. You seem to like it here in BD section which is just fine but dont become a pain in the a$$ for us like some other indian bengalis.:undecided:
Dear Banglar Bagh: I am not the one bringing religion here, there was a post (sorry, can't quote before I complete 30 posts) from a BD member "asad71" which is like "The truth is: the Hindu-Muslim question in SA was not settled either in 1947 or in 1971. The Hindu's war on the Muslim continues but in phases and dimensions that is beyond the concepts of warfare understood commonly", in the thread "Putting Indo-BD Relations in Perspective". post#1.

And then there are posts from other BD members like "Luffy 500": "For muslims, muslim brotherhood exists, but this may not be the case for a hindutva awami chappati loon". same thread, post#65. Then "mb444" wrote: "It was what (Muslim Brotherhood) gave birth to 2 Muslim countries in either side of your country". post#68.

Then there were couple of very balanced posts by a Pakistani member "Irfan Baloch" in the thread "ISI - a big failure? which are: "security agencies like the law enforcement and the civil services are all infiltrated with active supporters and sympathisers that has made the job of the agencies and forces even more difficult who are genuinely against the cult of Al Qaeda & Taliban and want to undo the poison brought in from Saudi ideology & American funding to fight the Soviets. due to this infiltration and back-stabbing, ISI at one point lost its operatives on daily bases while in duty in tribal areas"-post #178.

And then I wrote on post#184: "Dear Irfan Baloch, sorry I cannot quote your post as I am only 5 post old.....but agree with your below comment on post no.178. Some hardliners who are failing to understand the future potential danger of such extremism to Pakistan , are the ones sabotaging the ISI! Just a thought...what if these Talibans, after making Afganistan an ideal Islamist country as per their interpretations, turn all their focus & energy to help Pakistan become a similar "ideal Islamist country" as per the Talibani standards"??

And "Irfan Baloch" replied in post#186: "it has already happened and happening in India as well my dear
remember the movie "Gulam e Mustafa"? the Muslim global extremism that is normally termed as wahabism is already taking roots in India, although Muslims are in minority but where ever they are, this cult is able to make the lives of ordinary Muslims and non-Muslims a constant pain & misery. now we have a taliban sympathiser party in Power once again which is loved by Saudis & UAE. very critical situation for agencies like ISI

So, considering what Irfan Baloch is saying about Muslim global extremism / wahabism, what asad71 was saying about Hindu warfare, I am just trying to figure out what are the things that might have gone wrong, is it religion? After 1971, we were supposed to be friends forever....and I was of that impression only....so what went wrong? :undecided: Dharma niye beshi matamati korte amaro bhalo lage na.
@Banglar Bagh completed 30 posts...now I can quote :D Please read my above post.
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@Kiss_of_the_Dragon: So your strategy is to pick up fight with every nation, good for you. Now lets analyze this one by one: we can't do much about Tibet apart from keeping alive a sore point i.e. Dalai Lama, what you can do about Kashmir? Pakistan is trying for last 65 years...what happened? Regarding territories, we claim Aksai Chin to counter your claim on AP, we can't take Aksai Chin, can you take AP?

If you think water of Brahmaputra river is your bargaining chip, then remember, China is an export driven economy and India is one of the largest markets in the world, you stop water, we stop trade, who loose more? People of AP won't die because of that river, many of our states don't have any river.

Regarding your comment on Vietnam & Japan, we are still exploring oil in South China sea on Vietnam's water in spite of your many threats...what you could do? And settling scores with Japan in a duel!! Yeah...we certainly want China to try that :). Japan will not come alone...you will just open a pandora's box. You guys are back to stone age, advantage India :) And remember, China is an export driven country with huge manufacturing base to cater to the world, your internal consumption will not be able to run your manufacturing units, any major hostile move will result into embargo on exports, either by force or by politics, resulting into collapse of your economy. Hence, good luck with Japan.

Finally, the containment game, China started it first, remember the "string of pearls"? We are just reciprocating as expected.

See, everything will result into a stalemate with completely avoidable damages, you are not in a position to decisively win anything. That's why I was suggesting that it would be better if we give honest efforts to talk & resolve all issues amicably.

OK let see each point: Kashmir, we can help consolidated Pakistan position by building road, infrastructure, would India dare to declare war with Pakisitan on this territory? , if you think using South China sea oil exploration with Vietnam as reciprocation then we can certainly go to nail Vietnam down on the contest area, what you India gonna do? Sent your Navy to help war between China and Vietnam? And don’t forget if you can use Dalai Lama card, we can use UFLA or Maoist to deal with your internal security as reciprocating respond.

As for Aksai Chin and AP, China is not depending on India trade for survive but you depend on our water, We don’t need to take AP by force, just need to tighten the Brahmaputra valve and others tributaries rivers of Ganges, not only millions Indians with face dehydration but water shortage for your Industries, agriculture and farming...your Nation will in total chaos and collapse...just don’t underestimate the power of the WATER.

AS for Vietnam, they know our position, we will not tolerate them to exploit oil on contested zone or facing retaliation, we don’t have any hesitation as 1988 skirmish, and the question is what India will do? want to take part of war between China –Vietnam...then this will give us as perfect excuse to help Pakistan to claim the entire Kashmir and open another front.

And we know that Japan don’t want to duel alone because it will face equal destructive force, so it want s U.S and other in to absorb some damage and share the burden of the war: they were almost bombed back to stone age in WWII by U.S so they surely know the consequence to face China when their cities are within our reach...and we’re equally ruthless as them when come to WAR...and don’t think that we will let you get away by fishing on trouble water by supporting Japan even you didn’t take part of the war.

And talk about huge manufacturing base, alot of them are from foreign country: U.S, Japan, Germany, France...embargo will punish themselves as well...especially U.S. and we’re looking forward India to use the Navy to set blockade on our trade route as most you guys profess to deal with China...only battlefield make great soldier and it will be a chance for PLA navy to prove themself in Indian ocean.

At the end sure we will not decisive win everything...and we don’t expect that neither but our geopolitical objects is more achievable and deliverable compare to India.
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Compared to our game Chess(Chaturanga), this Chinese game never became popular in the world. :omghaha:
you havent experience boming shanghai and beijing from uighhur rebel.
kill 180 million Bdeshis and watch fun.

We don't have experience yet with Ughur rebel at shanghai and Beijing...but India already got some lesson, Mumbai attack sound any bell? as for internal security, India is so fragile, you should be concern more about your country. As for BD, I dare you to touch them you will have some fun...as Chinese said " Never force a tiger to jump out of the wall" or your 1.2 billion Indians will have their miserable life as living hell on earth.
@RiasatKhan: No one...because China also does the same thing...like issuing staple Visa to people of Arunachal Pradesh & J&K etc. Posting statements like "they(Bangladeshis) will be delighted to see how we will screw India in the future with water issue", etc will always get a fitting reply.

But all this won't serve any purpose, China will claim Arunachal Pradesh, we will claim Aksai Chin, China will speak for Kashmir, we will speak for Tibet, China will help Pakistan militarily & build a military axis, we will do the same with China's enemies...and China have many!! End of the day all this tit for tat doesn't serve any purpose other than worsening relationship, wastage of resources on military equipment, and spoiling the scope of mutual co-operation & economic growth. But then, this tit for tat is going on with both China & Pakistan, China is still a nation of logical people, so we have a chance to TALK and solve our differences mutually, but the kind of obsession Pakistan has with India, I personally don't see any chance of amicable settlement with Pakistan, ISI & RAW will continue to prove Newton's 3rd law, i.e. "To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction". :(

And I don't know why some Bangladeshis have perceived enmity with us, we don't consider BDs enemy! Is it a new fashion in Bangladesh or is it an effect of Muslim Brotherhood and Soudi influence? Whatever it is, enmity with neighbors is a bad idea, my advice to BD is to take lesson from India & Pakistan and not to join the party.

Bangladeshis do not perceive Indians to be enemies.We have issues with the government of India because of Farakka,border disputes,border killings and loads of other stuff.India is way down in the list of things that would keep an average Bangladeshi awake at night.
Regarding China,I do not think you have that much leverage against them diplomatically.I can't say about your military rivalry as I am not well versed in your geographical disputes.
Ask any Indian who visited Bangladesh if he/she faced any hostility from the people!
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So, considering what Irfan Baloch is saying about Muslim global extremism / wahabism, what asad71 was saying about Hindu warfare, I am just trying to figure out what are the things that might have gone wrong, is it religion? After 1971, we were supposed to be friends forever....and I was of that impression only....so what went wrong? :undecided: Dharma niye beshi matamati korte amaro bhalo lage na.

Stealing BD's rightful share of waters, that went wrong.
As for BD, I dare you to touch them you will have some fun...as Chinese said " Never force a tiger to jump out of the wall" or your 1.2 billion Indians will have their miserable life as living hell on earth.

Oh yes, China has all the army, navy, airforce, n-bombs etc. to make the lives of Indians as living hell on earth, and India has nothing....China will remain untouched....how short-sighted. And why would we harm BD in any case?? We always had excellent relationship with both BD Govt. & people, there are small differences but that's natural between neighbors and will be solved. Ever hard of any military conflicts between India & BD?? pdf is not the reflection of entire nation.

And your comment is hilarious and at the same time shows your opportunistic nature. Open any history book, the first & last war BD has ever seen was in 1971, and India was the only country that helped BD with full capacity. You guys were on the Pakistani side, and during the war of 1971 both India & BD were concerned that China might open a 3rd war front on North side, we prepared our war strategies keeping that possibility in mind. While you were helping Pakistan, we bled for BD & committed to do it again if required. China is the biggest expansionist in South-Asia.
@Banglar Bagh you thanked Kiss_of_the_Dragon for his above post, if China is so concerned about BD, then ask them in case of a military conflict between BD & Mayanmar, whom China will support?? :) Bhai, Indiar sathe BDr problem thakte pare, kintu China holo Dhandabaaz, oder biswas korecho ki morecho, girgitir moto rang paltay.
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Stealing BD's rightful share of waters, that went wrong.

This issue will be solved, will be solved very soon, in fact it was supposed to be solved a year ago, our Prime minister went ahead with the process, then Mamatadi happened. Our entire country is yet to figure out how to deal with didi....whether external or internal, she doesn't let anything happen, look at West Bengal, everything has stopped....but the reasons (if any) are certainly not any anti-BD sentiment. Chitmahal issue need to be solved also...don't worry, if there is will, there is a way :)
This issue will be solved, will be solved very soon, in fact it was supposed to be solved a year ago, our Prime minister went ahead with the process, then Mamatadi happened. Our entire country is yet to figure out how to deal with didi....whether external or internal, she doesn't let anything happen, look at West Bengal, everything has stopped....but the reasons (if any) are certainly not any anti-BD sentiment. Chitmahal issue need to be solved also...don't worry, if there is will, there is a way :)

Actually certain projects would tell you a very different story. Many small rivers with very little discharge are even getting dammed. All the 53 rivers that enter BD via India are going to have operational dams with the next 5 years. So, I am not sure of what you are talking about. And chitmahal is not even an issue for dispute.
OK let see each point: Kashmir, we can help consolidated Pakistan position by building road, infrastructure, would India dare to declare war with Pakisitan on this territory? , if you think using South China sea oil exploration with Vietnam as reciprocation then we can certainly go to nail Vietnam down on the contest area, what you India gonna do? Sent your Navy to help war between China and Vietnam? And don’t forget if you can use Dalai Lama card, we can use UFLA or Maoist to deal with your internal security as reciprocating respond.

As for Aksai Chin and AP, China is not depending on India trade for survive but you depend on our water, We don’t need to take AP by force, just need to tighten the Brahmaputra valve and others tributaries rivers of Ganges, not only millions Indians with face dehydration but water shortage for your Industries, agriculture and farming...your Nation will in total chaos and collapse...just don’t underestimate the power of the WATER.

AS for Vietnam, they know our position, we will not tolerate them to exploit oil on contested zone or facing retaliation, we don’t have any hesitation as 1988 skirmish, and the question is what India will do? want to take part of war between China –Vietnam...then this will give us as perfect excuse to help Pakistan to claim the entire Kashmir and open another front.

And we know that Japan don’t want to duel alone because it will face equal destructive force, so it want s U.S and other in to absorb some damage and share the burden of the war: they were almost bombed back to stone age in WWII by U.S so they surely know the consequence to face China when their cities are within our reach...and we’re equally ruthless as them when come to WAR...and don’t think that we will let you get away by fishing on trouble water by supporting Japan even you didn’t take part of the war.

And talk about huge manufacturing base, alot of them are from foreign country: U.S, Japan, Germany, France...embargo will punish themselves as well...especially U.S. and we’re looking forward India to use the Navy to set blockade on our trade route as most you guys profess to deal with China...only battlefield make great soldier and it will be a chance for PLA navy to prove themself in Indian ocean.

At the end sure we will not decisive win everything...and we don’t expect that neither but our geopolitical objects is more achievable and deliverable compare to India.

“OK let see each point: Kashmir, we can help consolidated Pakistan position by building road, infrastructure, would India dare to declare war with Pakisitan on this territory? , if you think using South China sea oil exploration with Vietnam as reciprocation then we can certainly go to nail Vietnam down on the contest area, what you India gonna do? Sent your Navy to help war between China and Vietnam? And don’t forget if you can use Dalai Lama card, we can use UFLA or Maoist to deal with your internal security as reciprocating respond.”

Well, you are already helping Pakistan in Pak-Occupied Kashmir in infrastructure development. We are also exploring oil in Vietnam. You are already supporting UFLA & Maoist, and we are sheltering Dalai Lama. There is no "CAN DO", its already happening. And we are not interested to declare war against anybody, but if attacked, strong enough to return the favor.

As for Aksai Chin and AP, China is not depending on India trade for survive but you depend on our water, We don’t need to take AP by force, just need to tighten the Brahmaputra valve and others tributaries rivers of Ganges, not only millions Indians with face dehydration but water shortage for your Industries, agriculture and farming...your Nation will in total chaos and collapse...just don’t underestimate the power of the WATER.

And in that case your nation will be spared?? There is a difference between "CAN DO" and actually DOING IT. Doing it is far more difficult.

AS for Vietnam, they know our position, we will not tolerate them to exploit oil on contested zone or facing retaliation, we don’t have any hesitation as 1988 skirmish, and the question is what India will do? want to take part of war between China –Vietnam...then this will give us as perfect excuse to help Pakistan to claim the entire Kashmir and open another front.

But India is actually exploring oil in Vietnam, no war has happened :) Its easy to talk about war, but very costly to actually go into a war given the technological advancements in weapons.

And we know that Japan don’t want to duel alone because it will face equal destructive force, so it want s U.S and other in to absorb some damage and share the burden of the war: they were almost bombed back to stone age in WWII by U.S so they surely know the consequence to face China when their cities are within our reach...and we’re equally ruthless as them when come to WAR...and don’t think that we will let you get away by fishing on trouble water by supporting Japan even you didn’t take part of the war.

Japan Navy is far more capable than Chinese Navy. And Japan will have many capable friends who want China to go down, the closest is USA, so along with Japan, if USA, UK, Vietnam, Taiwan, probably NATO decide to join the party, where will you be? Though Japan is good enough for you. And say if Japan is destroyed, China will remain unaffected? Same goes for India...hence, stop threatening us with war like a child.

And talk about huge manufacturing base, alot of them are from foreign country: U.S, Japan, Germany, France...embargo will punish themselves as well...especially U.S. and we’re looking forward India to use the Navy to set blockade on our trade route as most you guys profess to deal with China...only battlefield make great soldier and it will be a chance for PLA navy to prove themself in Indian ocean.

No, in case of a war there will be economic slowdown, so your exports will shrink also, an embargo will increase the pain, since demands will be low in any case, embargo will not cause major problems for other countries. And which company will continue work in a country where bombs are dropping? War is a very costly affair.

At the end sure we will not decisive win everything...and we don’t expect that neither but our geopolitical objects is more achievable and deliverable compare to India.

We know how to achieve our geopolitical objectives keeping in mind the China factor. Unlike China, we are not expansionists, our objective is to protect our national interests.
Oh yes, China has all the army, navy, airforce, n-bombs etc. to make the lives of Indians as living hell on earth, and India has nothing....China will remain untouched....how short-sighted. And why would we harm BD in any case?? We always had excellent relationship with both BD Govt. & people, there are small differences but that's natural between neighbors and will be solved. Ever hard of any military conflicts between India & BD?? pdf is not the reflection of entire nation.

And your comment is hilarious and at the same time shows your opportunistic nature. Open any history book, the first & last war BD has ever seen was in 1971, and India was the only country that helped BD with full capacity. You guys were on the Pakistani side, and during the war of 1971 both India & BD were concerned that China might open a 3rd war front on North side, we prepared our war strategies keeping that possibility in mind. While you were helping Pakistan, we bled for BD & committed to do it again if required. China is the biggest expansionist in South-Asia.
@Banglar Bagh you thanked Kiss_of_the_Dragon for his above post, if China is so concerned about BD, then ask them in case of a military conflict between BD & Mayanmar, whom China will support?? :) Bhai, Indiar sathe BDr problem thakte pare, kintu China holo Dhandabaaz, oder biswas korecho ki morecho, girgitir moto rang paltay.

Dude I was replied to this Funtoosh stated that India can wiped out 180 millions Bdeshs for fun, what I said is if BD people retaliate, they could make a living hell for India, just don't push people into the limite of the cliff or they will drag to the cliff too. it has nothing to do with China army, navy o r Nuke.

And yes India is so helpfull to BD by cutting off of their water, If that's the case your North East people will thanks us when we will divers water inland for our onw use. As for friend or foe, we Chinese has no need to lecture BD people, we let judge by themself who harm to most to their interest.
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