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PIA plane crash near Model Colony Karachi with 93+ on board

The aircraft in question (AP-BLD, msn 2274) experienced two safety-related incidents:

2018-09-04 bird-strike Faisalabad, radome damage

2017-09-05 hydraulic failure on appr. to Lahore, flightcrew had to lower the gear by alternate system

Source(s): JACDEC Database
Doesn’t matter,
Pilot seems to be the culprit after thorough thinking
It could have been a maintenance issue that limited the pilots ability to control the plane, as in the Heathrow crash video above. The pilot may not have been adequately trained to deal with the possibility of a disable aircraft that close to the ground. We need to wait for the investigation to find out what happened. For now we should look into the training records of pilot training as well as the maintenance record of the plane.

Poor boy, Poor poor boy
The aircraft in question (AP-BLD, msn 2274) experienced two safety-related incidents:

2018-09-04 bird-strike Faisalabad, radome damage

2017-09-05 hydraulic failure on appr. to Lahore, flightcrew had to lower the gear by alternate system

Source(s): JACDEC Database

The hydraulic failure and how it was repaired maybe at fault. Perhaps the repair was not done to standards. Eventually, after a number of years, some part failed, leading the engine failure at low altitude today.
inna lillahi wa inna ilahye rajiun.

This is horrific. I am numb right now. Hopefully there are survivors
The hydraulic failure and how it was repaired maybe at fault. Perhaps the repair was not done to standards. Eventually, after a number of years, some part failed, leading the engine failure at low altitude today.

There seem to be conflicting reports between a hydraulic failure of the landing gear VS. an engine failure.
i not understand why these airplane manufacturing companies not use this russian concept to reduce casualties when something go wrong

may low altitude it may not have helped anyway.
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