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PIA plane crash near Model Colony Karachi with 93+ on board

There seem to be conflicting reports between a hydraulic failure of the landing gear VS. an engine failure.

hopefully the ATC was equipped with a decent camera system. The crash site is within line of site of the tower
world economic recession, global pandemic.
At this rate we are going to end 2020 with a nuke dropping somewhere.

Touba touba
Allah forbid

but if capsule is released chances of people being killed from fire will be less
its not the fire but the rate of impact, that close to the ground and that fast, the capsule may not be able to deploy the parachutes and could have just as easily hit the houses uncontrollably.
Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raaji'uun

May Allah give sabr to the victims’ families and open the doors of Jannat for all deceased. May Allah give wisdom to Pakistani awam.
Video of the aircraft crashing is on tV now, someone made it from a rooftop....
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