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Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

So Chinese did a massive military build up and still Nancy Polosi went ahead, where is the deterrence ?

Chinese should refrain from this type of childish rhetoric as its clear it didnt deter the Americans from making the move

also USS Ronald Reagan was in the South China Sea why Chinese Navy did not come to shadow ?

China is much softer than Russia and right now China is looking more worse than North Korea, issuing threat after threat and nothing is stopping USA
This is a reputable page, you cant go around saying "I think..." and blurt out any old garbage. I wont let you lol. I made the claim that China has never said they intented to engage the aircraft, you responded with something "I think bla bla bla". You failed to provide a source and now youre desperately claiming you weren't even responding to me eventhough you quoted my comment. You are in a mess, tangled in weeds and are frantically trying to worm out of this. Either way, my initial comment was correct and hasnt been refuted thus far!

LOL China has the biggest navy in the world, as well as more than adequate assymetric warefare. You're a charlatans if youre adamant that youre some sort of military professional! Blockading Taiwan would be easy for China and is gonna get easier as China continues to grow and US continues to decline.

Well, yes it is. Your order of words is ridiculously poor lol

Final warning could mean anything. YOU chose to read into it as shooting down the plane because you're another charlatan just like @jhungary

If that isnt what I said or you said, why did you you respond? I dont care you said "I think"...im still going to ask for evidence. You brought up Global Times, not me. Yeah it's evident to anyone who can see is that you tried to refute me and now you're backtracking because you have no evidence. Cope, youve been outed as a fraud LOL
Dude, I am just going to ask you this


Show me that, and I will admit I am lying. Proof it to me, proof it to the reader of this forum.

Otherwise, your point is just a big LOL, what are you going to accuse me of next? Saying Xi Jinping is gay and ask me to show proof?? :rofl:

I rest my case.
Are you kidding? Even Xi warns Biden not to 'play with fire' over Taiwan.
That is still a vague and a general threat. You chose to read it that way. But unless you have a statement from a Chinese official about downing or even intercepting the aircraft, consider the claim as fake news.
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nothing concrete imo but just to humiliate china and tell it we dont care about your warnings...
Including this warning too, right? So who gets humiliated?


I guess u Indian must be very happy and feel nothing when adult Indian kneel and pull their ears in front of PLA soldiers like 6 years old kid, right? :enjoy:
Dude, I am just going to ask you this


Show me that, and I will admit I am lying. Proof it to me, proof it to the reader of this forum.

Otherwise, your point is just a big LOL, what are you going to accuse me of next? Saying Xi Jinping is gay and ask me to show proof?? :rofl:

I rest my case.
You have a short term memory, either because of a genetic defect or out of desperation. You chose to reply to my comment about China never claiming to do anything to Pelosi's entourage...and you said "I think Global Times..." bla bla. And after asking for the source and whether it was referencing a Chinese official you're now crumbling, flip flopping and changing the goalposts. How pathetic! Either way, the comment which you mistakenly replied to still stands supreme. China never claimed to do anything to plane, anything after that comment is just derailment by a professional troll such as yourself.

Case closed.

Yes you are.
Considering Chinese threats, they simply can't do nothing.

Let's see.
Including this warning too, right? So who gets humiliated?

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I guess u Indian must be very happy and feel nothing when adult Indian kneel and pull their ears in front of PLA soldiers like 6 years old kid, right? :enjoy:
lol...right now talk about Grave Consequences... 🤣😄...there are many threads to talk about how china over covered its humilation at the hands of Indian soldiers including one at Bhutan border..😁.
lol...right now talk about Grave Consequences... 🤣😄...there are many threads to talk about how china over covered its humilation at the hands of Indian soldiers including one at Bhutan border..😁.
Yes, cheap talk and fake lies by Indian. Got one even make up 1 indian soldiers take on 200 PLA soldiers and defeated them all..

Chinese show the world , real evidence of what is Indian humiliation...


I know you will say all these are fake Hollywood video to delude yourself from reality. :lol:
Yes, cheap talk and fake lies by Indian. Got one even make up 1 indian soldiers take on 200 PLA soldiers and defeated them all..

Chinese show the world , real evidence of what is Indian humiliation...

cheap talk...😁...who started first?

on topic, world is waiting to see Grave Consequences now that Pelosi has landed in sovergian country Taiwan..😀
Will China move to take the Kinmen island(s); on its side of the median line of the Taiwan straits to demonstrate resolve and get war experience?

Legally it is recognized as Chinese Territory, and probably easy to be taken.

A demonstration of PLA modernization using drones and other advanced weapons would “kill the chicken to scare the monkeys”

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