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Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

Am I talking to myself? I NEVER SAID CHINESE OFFICIAL SAID THAT. Go back and read my two previous post.

Sure, if a ship WILLINGLY get into your missile range. Or you really think modern fighter jet don't have the range to come close to you without getting into your missile range?

Dude, I would admire the people who operate Chinese missile and Drone, you WAIT for your enemy to come in like a tourist. LOL

Iran lose despite advance US weapon (F-14, F-5 and British Tank). If Iran been able to do something, it had already done. You don't need to cheerlead for them.

You do know Ukrainian Su-27 and Su-25 still flying over Ukraine, hell, even Mi-8 or Mi-24 still flying suggest the threat level is low. And lol, if you believe Russia destroyed all US weapon send to Ukraine, then what exactly hitting them now? Only idiots will call Russia is doing a good job in Ukraine, but then you just say "What"

And lol, I also said the Chinese uses 24 J-20, if you don't know the scope of what I am talking about, that hardly my business.

You are saying US should scare Iran Ballistic Missile.

Iran had short/medium range Ballistic Missile that couldn't reach the US, so why would US be scare? Dude, even if Iran have nuke (which is decade away) at most they can take out Israel, but then Israel would also take out Iran.

Do you even know what you are talking about??
Then why did you respond to me when I said China never officially claimed to stop the flight? Yet you came in gung-ho with the claim from global times which you havent shown or does it prove the offical stance of the Chinese government. So CLAIM REJECTED!

Dont be ridiculous! A US ship that is out of the missile range of Chinese AD is a US ship that is too far away to be affective as well. China has long range missiles too...they also have roads and drinking water! Like I said, basic logic is beyond you hence why you make ignorant claims.

Either the ship is too far away to reach china or it has to get close and be in range of utter destruction. Your choice! Lol

Are you high?! US, soviets and Europe were arming Iraq NOT Iran during the war. Iran got no help! Even still Iran managed to fight most of the war on Iraqi soil and didnt cede an inch of land to the Arabs.

Yes whats left of Ukrainian air force is flying in west ukraine where it is doing nothing LOL. In the entire war, Ukraine could only do one sortie on Russian land and that was with the help of US...but hang on, why only one sortie in the entire war?! Because Russia is smashing your helicopters and jets like flies despite US help. Nobody said a proxy war against the west would be easy, Vietnam took a couple decades before US left. Again simple logic being ignored by the forum "professional" hence why youre not a professional any more lol.

So China only has 24 jets, according to you?! LOL thats it keep exposing yourself like the conman you are.

US were scared because they didn't respond to a Muslim army smashing ballistic missiles in their non-binary pussy/***.

Iran doesnt need ICBMs, it has enough fire power to keep US away from its borders. Russia and China have US checked in the ICBM department, you know the same Russia and China who are now allies of Iran LOL. Good ol US forein policy!

Israel is a tiny strip of land compared to Iran, you only need one or two nukes for Israel whereas Israel wouldnt be alive for long enough to fire the nukes needed to destroy Iran.

Yea, and a damn sight more than you, kiddo!
Then why did you respond to me when I said China never officially claimed to stop the flight? Yet you came in gung-ho with the claim from global times which you havent shown or does it prove the offical stance of the Chinese government. So CLAIM REJECTED!

Dont be ridiculous! A US ship that is out of the missile range of Chinese AD is a US ship that is too far away to be affective as well. China has long range missiles too...they also have roads and drinking water! Like I said, basic logic is beyond you hence why you make ignorant claims.

Either the ship is too far away to reach china or it has to get close and be in range of utter destruction. Your choice! Lol

Are you high?! US, soviets and Europe were arming Iraq NOT Iran during the war. Iran got no help! Even still Iran managed to fight most of the war on Iraqi soil and didnt cede an inch of land to the Arabs.

Yes whats left of Ukrainian air force is flying in west ukraine where it is doing nothing LOL. In the entire war, Ukraine could only do one sortie on Russian land and that was with the help of US...but hang on, why only one sortie in the entire war?! Because Russia is smashing your helicopters and jets like flies despite US help. Nobody said a proxy war against the west would be easy, Vietnam took a couple decades before US left. Again simple logic being ignored by the forum "professional" hence why youre not a professional any more lol.

So China only has 24 jets, according to you?! LOL thats it keep exposing yourself like the conman you are.

US were scared because they didn't respond to a Muslim army smashing ballistic missiles in their non-binary pussy/***.

Iran doesnt need ICBMs, it has enough fire power to keep US away from its borders. Russia and China have US checked in the ICBM department, you know the same Russia and China who are now allies of Iran LOL. Good ol US forein policy!

Israel is a tiny strip of land compared to Iran, you only need one or two nukes for Israel whereas Israel wouldnt be alive for long enough to fire the nukes needed to destroy Iran.

Yea, and a damn sight more than you, kiddo!
Dude, you need to have your head check, the post I reply to have said nothing on Official said.

This is your post I reply to

Are you a child?! Do you think it's over? It's actually the beginning of things to come. China said there will be consequences is she lands, it never said she will be stopped. China has given US enough rope to hang itself.

My first line is "THINK Global time calling for shooting down Pelosi Plane"

Unless your English sucks beyond belief, I did not say anything about Official Chinese Position, and NEITHER HAVE YOU.

And the rest of your post is just LOL.

I mean, sure, wait until China did something, but then as I said, what China can do with the US? You have to be stupid to think China will invade Taiwan (or US) just because Pelosi visit Taiwan, they did jack shit when Trump sold 150 F-16 Viper to ROCAF, that did way more encouraging Taiwan independence than Pelosi visit, and we are still waiting on China to do something about that, and that was 4 years ago and since then 56 F-16 Viper already delivered to ROCAF

Sure, you can wait, but then that probably a long wait and I am not going to come back here in 20 years when China really did something. I have better thing to do.
As predicted Biden called Xi's bluff and left CCP scrambling for face saver. Stupid wolf hyenas of CCP did this dare and put XI in this embarassing situation.

US will allow some measured minimal retaliatory actions. But if CCP overstep again XI knows what US will do to. He wouldn't want to see paper dragon scrapped.
Oops China.. Time to issue another final warning.
Still waiting on the final warning when Trump sold Taiwan all those brand-new F-16 Viper......

90% of those are delivered, and still no warning......
Dude, you need to have your head check, the post I reply to have said nothing on Official said.

This is your post I reply to

My first line is "THINK Global time calling for shooting down Pelosi Plane"

Unless your English sucks beyond belief, I did not say anything about Official Chinese Position, and NEITHER HAVE YOU.

And the rest of your post is just LOL.

I mean, sure, wait until China did something, but then as I said, what China can do with the US? You have to be stupid to think China will invade Taiwan (or US) just because Pelosi visit Taiwan, they did jack shit when Trump sold 150 F-16 Viper to ROCAF, that did way more encouraging Taiwan independence than Pelosi visit, and we are still waiting on China to do something about that, and that was 4 years ago and since then 56 F-16 Viper already delivered to ROCAF

Sure, you can wait, but then that probably a long wait and I am not going to come back here in 20 years when China really did something. I have better thing to do.
Welcome back after your ban is lifted. How did you get yourself ban? I am wondering where are you those days? :lol:

Still waiting on the final warning when Trump sold Taiwan all those brand-new F-16 Viper......

90% of those are delivered, and still no warning......
The enemies walk into the trap deeper and deeper....
Bite come later but never late. Dont talk too fast first, Remember Korea War....

So why didn’t the Chinese take the plane down? Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.

Beijing, which regards Taiwan as part of its territory, has promised "grave consequences" 🤣 for the visit by the highest-ranking US official in a quarter century.​

TAIPEI, Taiwan — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) arrived in Taiwan late Tuesday, defying Chinese warnings 🤣 against visiting the self-ruled island that Beijing claims as its territory and setting the stage for a sharp escalation in tensions between China and the United States.

Dude, you need to have your head check, the post I reply to have said nothing on Official said.

This is your post I reply to

My first line is "THINK Global time calling for shooting down Pelosi Plane"

Unless your English sucks beyond belief, I did not say anything about Official Chinese Position, and NEITHER HAVE YOU.

And the rest of your post is just LOL.

I mean, sure, wait until China did something, but then as I said, what China can do with the US? You have to be stupid to think China will invade Taiwan (or US) just because Pelosi visit Taiwan, they did jack shit when Trump sold 150 F-16 Viper to ROCAF, that did way more encouraging Taiwan independence than Pelosi visit, and we are still waiting on China to do something about that, and that was 4 years ago and since then 56 F-16 Viper already delivered to ROCAF

Sure, you can wait, but then that probably a long wait and I am not going to come back here in 20 years when China really did something. I have better thing to do.
Who cares what you "think"? I asked for evidence not conjecture. And after engaging with your nonsensical rhetoric and trolling, I can't stress this point enough lol. Even if global times said this, you need to prove it and prove that they are citing an official and not just some analyst. Didnt think I needed to state the obvious, but....

My English is by far superior to yours, better not make comments on that seeing as you cant even construct a coherent sentence.

China can easily blockade and airstrike the living snot out of taiwan, wouldnt even need to send in troops. Those F-16s will be useless when they will have no airstrip to land on. I guess bottom of the sea would be better? Waiting for a nuclear superpower to snap is a fool's errand but these are the last howls of an declining US trying to fit into the globe.

You think you'll have to wait 20 years with this rate of provocation? China has already retaken Hong Kong, and Taiwan will be next...so I dont know what you're waiting for.
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