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PDF Quality: We need to talk about this, fellow Pakistanis

It's just one thing. People get personal. They stop that, there won't be any problem.
For people like that, I use their logic right back at them. I accuse them of something, and ask them to prove otherwise, or they are guilty. Essentially, letting them play themselves.

Very quickly, they tend to resort of screeching, until they realize their own stupidity, and either acknowledge it, or just stop replying.

If someone doesn't like his posts then he can ignore him. Ignore option is not without reason.
Many people only come to pdf just to kill time, myself included.

Most of the times guys like us give short comments based on general attitude of the day.

Management don't like us? They can always permanently ban us.

No one has problems with casual talk and one liners. The problem starts when someone stars abusing the next with either personal attacks or racial slurs.
You're one of many members who have come out to show their concern over the quality of content been posted on PDF since last couple of years. In over a decade of my stay here, I have never seen the trolling, bad mouthing that has just recently started. PDF is more and more becoming a mouthpiece of the State, when in reality, it was supposed to be the place for discourse.

Difference of opinion is attacked here now. More and more members are branded 'traitors' for holding different political views.
Liberals need to be surpressed at all costs
I dont know if anyone feel the same way but i am fedup of the feb 27 references made by our Pakistani posters in each and every thread.

OP of a new thread be-like "here, have a thread on economy". Us Pakistanis be like "remember 27 feb ? "... Just stop it now. Let the "experts" use the reference in constructive discussions but you "common troll like me" need not to go on with this. If you can not argue on "relevent" facts and conduct a logical diacussion then please keep quite..
You're under orders not to run away.
Not even the state though, there are just plain idiots on the forums now, who literally don't know what their talking about, outright lie, and pass their opinions off as facts.

It's why I barely log in anymore, because I can't stand the anti-intellectual lunacy that I end up reading.

If people remember, a lot of us TTs used to try and stir the narrative back to the topics, and at least get a fact based discussion going, but the amount of intellectual dishonesty has grown so much, most of us have pretty much given up on trying to moderate, without getting the actual mods involved (which always leads to either warnings or bans).
I dont know if anyone feel the same way but i am fedup of the feb 27 references made by our Pakistani posters in each and every thread.

OP of a new thread be-like "here, have a thread on economy". Us Pakistanis be like "remember 27 feb ? "... Just stop it now. Let the "experts" use the reference in constructive discussions but you "common troll like me" need not to go on with this. If you can not argue on "relevent" facts and conduct a logical diacussion then please keep quite..

We have alot of other problems to focus on other than making constant feb 27 references. So i agree. One good thing doesn't overshadows the other fields we still have to work on.
Agreed. Such things make a victory become nothing more than mental masturbation at some point. We won. Now let's move on.
I dont know if anyone feel the same way but i am fedup of the feb 27 references made by our Pakistani posters in each and every thread.

OP of a new thread be-like "here, have a thread on economy". Us Pakistanis be like "remember 27 feb ? "... Just stop it now. Let the "experts" use the reference in constructive discussions but you "common troll like me" need not to go on with this. If you can not argue on "relevent" facts and conduct a logical diacussion then please keep quite..
Rather than trying to get offended by me, see for yourself. What i'm trying to convey isn't hard to be understood.


It is not about getting offended. Delusional fans who think Imran Khan = Pakistan have ruined any chance of having a constructive discussion. The fascist fans cannot tolerate one sentence of criticism against their living god and use of mass reporting on posters who they think are anti state because they are anti Niazi.
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