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PDF Quality: We need to talk about this, fellow Pakistanis


Oct 11, 2016
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Good morning to everyone on this forum.

I am a poster that mostly likes to stalk threads and as you can see from my profile , i've been here for a very long time. Throughout my time of stalking PDF, i've noticed a gradual but steep fall in the quality of this forum. I regret to say that it's been hijacked with people that don't know the etiquettes of posting.

Some posts made by fellow Pakistanis , that are embedded with Racial-shaming and suggestive posts are a embarrassment to read. They are very distasteful and made with poor intentions to just score some rookie points and low blows. I am someone that loves to read about politics and such-related topics and i usually expect fruitful and respectful discussion to follow. However reading such responses makes one feel exasperated. How do you expect anyone to take your narrative seriously if you post it in such a immature manner? I'm sure this is why majority of the well esteemed and level-headed individuals have left PDF or rarely come on here anymore. The new posters should be given a list of rules on how they should operate on the forum. if not, they should get reported and banned.

This is a International-Pakistani forum, and so by extension, this forum represents us Pakistanis too. There isn't much awareness of us in the outside world. Therefore , people that come here to learn about us, and for them to understand our concerns and problems, these rampant bad threads leaves a lasting bad impression of us. If i was a newcomer here, and the first thing i saw was a sensationalist headline that is filled with self-satisfactory delusions, i'd immediately leave without a second thought.

I request to the majority of Pakistanis that post here, please put on a more sophisticated and serious attitude. Do not fall in slurs and swears easily. Have patience despite your overwhelming hatred for the things you dislike. If you don't like something? report it and be done with it. Don't fall to new lows as the one that's enraging you.This is a defense forum, not a forum where you discuss openly about "women" and pass inappropriate messages around. Do it in the "members club" section, but refrain from doing so on other areas of the forum that require a more serious approach. Do not call others ugly, do not instigate disgusting comments nor resort to personal attacks on the other person. Show them you're better than that.

I also dislike rampant rape-related threads on the forum. I'm not saying that people shouldn't post this for raising awareness. But please make a single thread titled as such, and all those cases should be reported there.

What PDF was in the past, the current state is a mere shell of that.
Those that do decide to post their say here, kindly do it with well thought , and without trolling.

Good morning to everyone on this forum.

I am a poster that mostly likes to stalk threads and as you can see from my profile , i've been here for a very long time. Throughout my time of stalking PDF, i've noticed a gradual but steep fall in the quality of this forum. I regret to say that it's been hijacked with people that don't know the etiquettes of posting.

Some posts made by fellow Pakistanis , that are embedded with Racial-shaming and suggestive posts are a embarrassment to read. They are very distasteful and made with poor intentions to just score some rookie points and low blows. I am someone that loves to read about politics and such-related topics and i usually expect fruitful and respectful discussion to follow. However reading such responses makes one feel exasperated. How do you expect anyone to take your narrative seriously if you post it in such a immature manner? I'm sure this is why majority of the well esteemed and level-headed individuals have left PDF or rarely come on here anymore. The new posters should be given a list of rules on how they should operate on the forum. if not, they should get reported and banned.

This is a International-Pakistani forum, and so by extension, this forum represents us Pakistanis too. There isn't much awareness of us in the outside world. Therefore , people that come here to learn about us, and for them to understand our concerns and problems, these rampant bad threads leaves a lasting bad impression of us. If i was a newcomer here, and the first thing i saw was a sensationalist headline that is filled with self-satisfactory delusions, i'd immediately leave without a second thought.

I request to the majority of Pakistanis that post here, please put on a more sophisticated and serious attitude. Do not fall in slurs and swears easily. Have patience despite your overwhelming hatred for the things you dislike. If you don't like something? report it and be done with it. Don't fall to new lows as the one that's enraging you.This is a defense forum, not a forum where you discuss openly about "women" and pass inappropriate messages around. Do it in the "members club" section, but refrain from doing so on other areas of the forum that require a more serious approach. Do not call others ugly, do not instigate disgusting comments nor resort to personal attacks on the other person. Show them you're better than that.

I also dislike rampant rape-related threads on the forum. I'm not saying that people shouldn't post this for raising awareness. But please make a single thread titled as such, and all those cases should be reported there.

What PDF was in the past, the current state is a mere shell of that.
Those that do decide to post their say here, kindly do it with well thought , and without trolling.

Given the events of the past year between our two nations, it's not surprising that the anger has to come out somewhere.

If it's just venting, it can be healthier than supressing it albeit it has a negative effect on post quality, but within limits it's not a bad thing in of itself.

It's those members who take it immaturely and post simply for point scoring that bring the average post quality down.
Given the events of the past year between our two nations, it's not surprising that the anger has to come out somewhere.

If it's just venting, it can be healthier than supressing it albeit it has a negative effect on post quality, but within limits it's not a bad thing in of itself.

It's those members who take it immaturely and post simply for point scoring that bring the average post quality down.

I agree with the need to vent.
Still there are ways of venting as well...
You're one of many members who have come out to show their concern over the quality of content been posted on PDF since last couple of years. In over a decade of my stay here, I have never seen the trolling, bad mouthing that has just recently started. PDF is more and more becoming a mouthpiece of the State, when in reality, it was supposed to be the place for discourse.

Difference of opinion is attacked here now. More and more members are branded 'traitors' for holding different political views.

If I had made this same statement to my american friends---they would have replied---' you fkn ars-ehole---you deserve it---. When your country was doing good---you kept quite---and when it started to go bad---you---out of habbit kept quiet---and when it went from bad to worst---you still kept quiet---and now that it is in a terrible shape---you started bitc-hing and moaning about its bad shape---yet you never participated to make it better---so why don't you fck off somewhere else because if it was worth to you---you would have stood up sooner to make the difference---"---.

That is the general context my american friend talked to me in 1986---.

If you like it---then stand up for it and fight for it---.

Thank you for your response.
Yes, if we're against something we should fight against it. Join the military , create a political party , raise awareness against it. Get people together and find a way to change it. There's various ways to go.
However, how do you expect keyboard warriors to fight against it through crude language?

If you're going to fight against propaganda , do it with facts and arguments. In what way does throwing personal insults at the other member fight against propaganda?
We don't need to learn from the Americans to fight for our cause, we can do it better than them. Perhaps, even more rigorously but that doesn't justifies the bad character that some members like to pose here. Even against other Pakistanis.

You're one of many members who have come out to show their concern over the quality of content been posted on PDF since last couple of years. In over a decade of my stay here, I have never seen the trolling, bad mouthing that has just recently started. PDF is more and more becoming a mouthpiece of the State, when in reality, it was supposed to be the place for discourse.

Difference of opinion is attacked here now. More and more members are branded 'traitors' for holding different political views.

Thank you for responding.

Those people either have a agenda to follow or are just that bone deep into their hot-headed minds. There should be more mods that could flush such posters down or ban them. Posters should be given a guideline on how to operate, or else they'll get banned. Freedom of speech should be allowed, but in a manner that's acceptable. If a member is being rude, their nationality shouldn't matter, report or ban them.
Thank you for responding.

Those people either have a agenda to follow or are just that bone deep into their hot-headed minds. There should be more mods that could flush such posters down or ban them. Posters should be given a guideline on how to operate, or else they'll get banned. Freedom of speech should be allowed, but in a manner that's acceptable. If a member is being rude, their nationality shouldn't matter, report or ban them.

A few years ago, the moderation team used to have people with diverse opinion, a lot of mods were liberal in their political thought and others were conservative, it created a balance. But then somehow the PDF administration decided to recruit people who had unconditional 'love' for the Pakistani establishment and were always against dissent.

That is now being reflected in the posts. There's so much tolerance to hatred that's spread here in the name of nationalism, and less space for people who'd dare to challenge the state's narrative.
Its very hard cuz word india and indians is a slur in my dictionary too. Also terrorist scum bags i throw every hatful word i know at indians and terrorists.
A few years ago, the moderation team used to have people with diverse opinion, a lot of mods were liberal in their political thought and others were conservative, it created a balance. But then somehow the PDF administration decided to recruit people who had unconditional 'love' for the Pakistani establishment and were always against dissent.

That is now being reflected in the posts. There's so much tolerance to hatred that's spread here in the name of nationalism, and less space for people who'd dare to challenge the state's narrative.

Ah I see I see. That's unfortunate. if you know any mods , could you help by tagging them here?
I don't know much about the admin staff, but it'll be helpful if they could directly see and respond/take action through this.

Its very hard cuz word india and indians is a slur in my dictionary too. Also terrorist scum bags i throw every hatful word i know at indians and terrorists.

I understand your hatred. I share the same sentiment of disliking Indians as well. But express your hatred in a manner that people don't dislike you for your expressing your justified hate. If you don't like the way someone is talking to you, ignore and report them rather than retorting to their level. Be better than them.
The only thing that has changed in 2 years is Imran Khan is Prime Minister.

Rest is all just the same.

Obviously aman ka tamasha crap has no value in times of war.

This has nothing to do with Imran Khan.

It has everything to do with the way Pakistanis have been brought up. Their "mindset" and way of "expressing themselves" .
This doesn't have much to do with Imran Khan.

It has everything to do with the way Pakistanis have been brought up. Their "mindset" and way of "expressing themselves" .

they have grown up seeing how it brings in world cup women and success in politics.

why should they leave a practical example for your imaginary values?
they have grown up seeing how it brings in world cup women and success in politics.

why should they leave a practical example for your imaginary values?

I don't care much about people's political opinions. I don't mind reading about them. The only thing i'm against is having to see constant badmouthing, personal attacks and crude comments passed on almost every thread i read now, rather than a proper discussion.
Thank you for your response.
Yes, if we're against something we should fight against it. Join the military , create a political party , raise awareness against it. Get people together and find a way to change it. There's various ways to go.
However, how do you expect keyboard warriors to fight against it through crude language?

If you're going to fight against propaganda , do it with facts and arguments. In what way does throwing personal insults at the other member fight against propaganda?
We don't need to learn from the Americans to fight for our cause, we can do it better than them. Perhaps, even more rigorously but that doesn't justifies the bad character that some members like to pose here. Even against other Pakistanis.

In my view, which can be as wrong as i suspect yours is just in case of this reply, u missed the whole point that Mr. @MastanKhan was making. U want a better PDF specifically or society generally? stop hiding in a corner by acting as if being a reader or watcher and start talking, speak by mouth or keyboard or actions or whatever way u can, fight for it.. things don't turn right or right on there own and there is no suggestion of doing it wrong way that i see in Mr. MK's say like suggested in ur reply. Silence in face of wrong is as criminal itself. The thread starting is a step in right direction in my view. I hope I got it right (at least some) so as to help you to get it right too. If not, our bad, the senior has a way of explaining not easy to grab possibly since we ain't used/tuned to it.

As for the topic of thread and PDF specifically, it's at least 5th to 10th such thread i have seen along the same lines. There were even suggestions for limiting new users by posts and time on forum and so many other things as well. I hope repetition might ring a bell somewhere right.

@WebMaster @HRK I hope the repetition and re-emergence of topic is noted and conveyed to right spots. I m new too and could only tag u for knowing u as seniors and moderators.

You're one of many members who have come out to show their concern over the quality of content been posted on PDF since last couple of years. In over a decade of my stay here, I have never seen the trolling, bad mouthing that has just recently started. PDF is more and more becoming a mouthpiece of the State, when in reality, it was supposed to be the place for discourse.

Difference of opinion is attacked here now. More and more members are branded 'traitors' for holding different political views.
Not even the state though, there are just plain idiots on the forums now, who literally don't know what their talking about, outright lie, and pass their opinions off as facts.

It's why I barely log in anymore, because I can't stand the anti-intellectual lunacy that I end up reading.

If people remember, a lot of us TTs used to try and stir the narrative back to the topics, and at least get a fact based discussion going, but the amount of intellectual dishonesty has grown so much, most of us have pretty much given up on trying to moderate, without getting the actual mods involved (which always leads to either warnings or bans).
Good morning to everyone on this forum.

I am a poster that mostly likes to stalk threads and as you can see from my profile , i've been here for a very long time. Throughout my time of stalking PDF, i've noticed a gradual but steep fall in the quality of this forum. I regret to say that it's been hijacked with people that don't know the etiquettes of posting.

Some posts made by fellow Pakistanis , that are embedded with Racial-shaming and suggestive posts are a embarrassment to read. They are very distasteful and made with poor intentions to just score some rookie points and low blows. I am someone that loves to read about politics and such-related topics and i usually expect fruitful and respectful discussion to follow. However reading such responses makes one feel exasperated. How do you expect anyone to take your narrative seriously if you post it in such a immature manner? I'm sure this is why majority of the well esteemed and level-headed individuals have left PDF or rarely come on here anymore. The new posters should be given a list of rules on how they should operate on the forum. if not, they should get reported and banned.

This is a International-Pakistani forum, and so by extension, this forum represents us Pakistanis too. There isn't much awareness of us in the outside world. Therefore , people that come here to learn about us, and for them to understand our concerns and problems, these rampant bad threads leaves a lasting bad impression of us. If i was a newcomer here, and the first thing i saw was a sensationalist headline that is filled with self-satisfactory delusions, i'd immediately leave without a second thought.

I request to the majority of Pakistanis that post here, please put on a more sophisticated and serious attitude. Do not fall in slurs and swears easily. Have patience despite your overwhelming hatred for the things you dislike. If you don't like something? report it and be done with it. Don't fall to new lows as the one that's enraging you.This is a defense forum, not a forum where you discuss openly about "women" and pass inappropriate messages around. Do it in the "members club" section, but refrain from doing so on other areas of the forum that require a more serious approach. Do not call others ugly, do not instigate disgusting comments nor resort to personal attacks on the other person. Show them you're better than that.

I also dislike rampant rape-related threads on the forum. I'm not saying that people shouldn't post this for raising awareness. But please make a single thread titled as such, and all those cases should be reported there.

What PDF was in the past, the current state is a mere shell of that.
Those that do decide to post their say here, kindly do it with well thought , and without trolling.

Thank you very much for taking initiative for this post. I am with you regarding the quality of this forum have significantly downgraded due to racism, bashing and intolerance towards religion, nationality etc. I believe its MOD responsibility to ensure the threads are clean..
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