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PC Hotel Gwadar attackef by terrorists - LEAs neutralized terrorists, cleared building.

but then, pak govt also extends full moral support to kashmiri hardliners.
so, extending moral support, as clarified by the articles is different from orchestrating violence.
one can understand the losses the pakistani nation suffered (esp those kids), but the seeds were already sown.
if the allegations are true, then its a simple tit for tat reaction.and this is not new in our countries' history.
none of us are saints.
What the hell is going on... Nobody seems to care. Its like Pakistanis are worthless. Indian sponsored terrorists are getting strong. ISI please wake up, if you are not under the influence of some sasta nasha. Our people are dying, soldiers are being butchered and this is happening every single day.

You wake up and do something yourself rather than bitch about other people.
As long as we allow these scum to breathe there is every chance that this will happen again. We need to grow a spine and eliminate this evil indiscriminately.
The time of diplomacy is over now. We need to show everyone a big middle finger.

Fvck the missing persons when our CPEC investment is at stake.

Time has come to really abduct and take care of these BLA and other like-minded groups. Time has come to openly wage a war against BLA. Kidnap them and torture them. Make them disappear and do it as transparently as possible. Do it with conviction. We know our cause is righteous and just. We should be undeterred by outside opinions.

No doubt the international media will create another Manzoor Pashteen and PTM. We know what we are up against. That shouldn’t deter us from doing whatever needs to be done.

Regardless, we shouldn’t care and we need to go ahead to decapitate the head of the monster. This is the time to take an allegiance to protect our investments and protect Pakistan from outside meddling.

Time has come to cut the head of the snake and we need to do it openly and swiftly. We also need to do it by looking into the eyes of the enemy. A very clear message needs to be sent. We are not going to care about propaganda. Let them cry rivers. That shouldn’t affect our cause one bit. It is all about safeguarding our interest and absolutely nothing should stand in that way. If we show any weakness it will undermine our cause in a big way. The enemy thinks it can blackmail Pakistan through coercion and blackmail tactics. They are wrong about that.

Primary objective is to go after BLA and other like-minded groups. Time to catch the bastards and smoke them. Everything else is insignificant at this point.

We are coming after you. Terrorist rapist.

These liberal motherfvckers are insignificant. Let them cry rivers. Show them a middle finger and get on with the job. Everyone knows what the job is. Catch and eliminate BLA, PTM and others without any fear.

We are at war folks. In war everything is justified.

Just imagine if these fuckers had caught or killed some Chinese members in that hotel. Luckily the damage was minimal. This is a serious wake up call.

The armed forces need to start an operation to cleanse Baluchistan from evil. Build a fence along the border like we are building with Afghanistan. Control the inflow and outflow of people. Nail the terrorist bastards. This needs to be done in tandem.
You’re right Arkadash-im!! It’s time for relentless actions and deep inside into their hideouts!!! A practical approach is to keep a large fleet - preferably indigenous - of armed UAVs with very pointed techs!! And, keep them airborne 24/7 with daily multiple kills. And, couple it with special ops and F16s. It’s working for Turkey. I am pretty sure it’ll work for Pak too. Make it so expensive for your nemesis - both internally and externally - that they’ll stop sending more....

The uniform they were wearing was very close to the Iranian border guard uniform.




ps. If you try to conclude this as some sort of "evidence" for supposed Iranian support of BLA, then you are very irrational.
Forces stave off Mumbai-style terrorist attack on Gwadar hotel
By Mohammad Zafar
Published: May 11, 2019

Pearl Continental Hotel, Gwadar. PHOTO: PC

QUETTA: Security forces on Saturday thwarted a terrorist attack on a five-star hotel in the port city of Gwadar, Balochistan. They evacuated all the guests from the hotel, while the operation is still going on to either capture the militants or neutralise them, official sources said.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the terrorists attempted to force their way into the plush Pearl Continental Hotel and were challenged by a security guard. The terrorists opened fire at the guard, who embraced martyrdom, the military’s media wing added.

The other guard injured in the attack succumbed to his injuries during treatment at a nearby hospital.

“Two security guards have been killed in the terrorist attack and two others injured,” said Gwadar DIG Munir Ahmed Zia Rao, adding that clearance operation was going on.

Balochistan Home Minister Mir Ziaullah Langove said, “Some people have also been injured in the attack, which was later claimed by the banned Baloch Libration Army’s Majeed Brigade.”

Security forces immediately rushed to the building and cordoned off the entire area. They safely evacuated the people present inside the hotel. “Terrorist encircled by security forces in staircase leading to [the] top floor,” the ISPR statement said. “The clearance operation [is] in progress.”

Sources said the attack unfolded at around 5pm, as the attackers started firing. The Navy commandos, army and the paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC) troops rushed to the site and launched an operation. Navy helicopters also provided aerial cover.

According to the sources, security forces first evacuated the people from inside the hotel to safety. They denied rumours of the presence of any foreigners residing in the hotel. “There was no foreigner staying in the hotel when armed men launched attack,” Langove said.

A senior police officer also confirmed that there was no guest in the hotel.

“Only local staff of the hotel was present at the time of the attack,” police officer Aslam Bangulzai said, adding that the staff were evacuated safely by the security forces.

After taking control of the building, security officials said, the forces cleared the first floor of the hotel where the armed men were holed up. “The terrorists are confined to a portion of the hotel, where exchange of fire continuing with intervals,” a source said.

Meanwhile, reports reaching here suggested that the security forces were still busy in clearance of the hotel after the attackers were killed. “A clearance operation is continuing,” an official source said.

Mohammad Aslam, the officer on-duty in Gwadar, said ambulances and rescuers were waiting at a road leading to the hotel. He added that he could hear gunfire but that the operation was coming to an end.

A purported spokesperson for the banned Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) Majeed Brigade, Jiand Baloch, claimed responsibility for the attack.

He also released the picture of four attackers and identified them as Hammal Fateh Baloch alias Habib, Asad Baloch alias Mehrab, Munseeb Baloch alias Kareem and Kochkol Baloch alias Commando.

The hotel sits isolated on a ridge overlooking the Arabian Sea port city. According to the Chinese media, there was no news of Chinese people living in the hotel. “The Chinese personnel in the Gwadar Port Area and the Free Zone, which are several hundred metres away from the hotel, are safe and protected by the Pakistani military,” China Economic Net reported.

Meanwhile, Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan strongly condemned the terrorist attack on the five-star hotel in Gwadar. “Such attacks cannot force the government and the people to bow down before the terrorists,” he said in a statement.

The chief minister said timely action by security forces foiled the designs of the elements involved in the attack. “The security forces through their effective strategy safely evacuated the people present in the hotel when the attack was launched.”

Kamal said the government and security forces would ensure safety of the people of the province and would not leave them at the mercy of such elements. He directed the authorities concerned to take strict action against such elements.

Though ISPR is claiming that the operation is going on, the China Economic Daily states that the terrorists have been neutralised.

Read more: Gwadar , Latest
Compared to what you did in India (Kashmir) and Punjab its nothing we have done nothing .all you see in Pakistan is the blowback of the infrastructure left behind by Afghan war

Are you deranged?

Everybody and their aunt knows that India actively supports Baloch terrorism in Pakistan --- terrorism that claims the lives of many innocents every year.

The "left overs of the Afghan jihad" narrative is pure BS. Under this logic, Indians should introspect about their own illegal occupation of and brutalities in IOK rather than blaming Pakistan for Mumbai, Pathankot, Uri, Pulwama, etc.

Grow up. We support militancy against each other. This is nothing new.
India or Afghan to hai he. But Iran for you? So you want a three front hostility and want to be stable? Khisky howy ho?
It's not what i want.... It's what's happening. Iran being designated a terror state is just a figment of the global community.
What the hell is going on... Nobody seems to care. Its like Pakistanis are worthless. Indian sponsored terrorists are getting strong. ISI please wake up, if you are not under the influence of some sasta nasha. Our people are dying, soldiers are being butchered and this is happening every single day.

Crying Kids like you piss me off more than anything.
Stop being pessimistic and moronic every time some thing goes wrong. I see a bunch of you idiots jumping in and start your crying bullshit right away.
Pakistanis are fine and so is Pakistan. We are facing a fucking "WAR" from many sides and from many intelligence agencies, and we are holding fine. Much better than we had been.
So shut the eff up, and go do something with your life if you got nothing else but to come and cry and tell us how worthless and how bad Pakistan and Pakistanis are.
Or might as well go marry some one over there in UK or which ever new nation is famous these days and do us all a favor?

It's beacuse the establishment is busy in interfering in internal matters. They have one job to do and they can't do it properly.

It's because you lack a brain to comprehend the kind of warfare and challenges we are dealing with.
Not your mistake, I just wish there were more people with a higher IQ representing my nation on this forum.
You’re right Arkadash-im!! It’s time for relentless actions and deep inside into their hideouts!!! A practical approach is to keep a large fleet - preferably indigenous - of armed UAVs with very pointed techs!! And, keep them airborne 24/7 with daily multiple kills. And, couple it with special ops and F16s. It’s working for Turkey. I am pretty sure it’ll work for Pak too. Make it so expensive for your nemesis - both internally and externally - that they’ll stop sending more....

Well we need a multi facet approach, bombing is not the long term solution. We need to attack the head (their intelligence network), arms (the terorrists) and legs (logistics) of the terrorists and find out how these Indians are rampaging their murderous campaign in Baluchistan. It seems we didn't learn enough from the Bangladesh debacle and we didn't learn our lessons of how an enemy state trains and funds terrorists and infiltrates them in.
Buddy,you changed your avatar?

Hello. Yes, I have replaced it with a colorful pattern. You see, we use sometimes intemperate and gross language in these posts. I thought that the image of Baba Bulley Shah didn't go well with this, so I have changed it. Nothing very serious.
First of all , its only your assumption that India is involved...and secondly its not easy to attack any city under this modi regime..they have a hawk eye on all the muslims activities in India..and thirdly any mischief from Pakistani side this time will have severe consequences..Pakistan cant afford enmity with India...it's in pakistans best interest to have peace with india.

Your country is already bankrupt...do you know what will happen once you engage in any such stupid move?You will be alienated
by the world even more and your country will be pushed into pandemonium without any chance of ever coming out of it for a long long time...spread peace
it will be usual taliban action nothing to do with international politics and you have tried your best in that regard haven't you
Have you guys considered the timing of these attacks? Why the spike now? What has changed, how internal events will cascade in relation to unfolding external events and the effect it will have on the Pakistani people?
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