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PC Hotel Gwadar attackef by terrorists - LEAs neutralized terrorists, cleared building.

yup he confirmed that by sending the SEALs without informing the pakistani state
Oh sweetheart I was in Pakistan at the time and before all this paid drama unfolded, all the streets were blocked. Ask anyone that lives there, but alas your media doesnt encourage critical thinking, it encourages propaganda.

you are talking nonsense , you will burn mumbai and stay pretty ?

try your best .
Done and did, anything else?
Oh sweetheart I was in Pakistan at the time and before all this paid drama unfolded, all the streets were blocked. Ask anyone that lives there, but alas your media doesnt encourage critical thinking, it encourages propaganda.

media is not just CNN or Fox. It is a lot more. we do not do a rendition on US citizens. We do not conduct drone strikes on our own territory (let alone a foreign power to conduct one for us)
media is not just CNN or Fox. It is a lot more. we do not do a rendition on US citizens. We do not conduct drone strikes on our own territory (let alone a foreign power to conduct one for us)
Right, go read some of the planes during the Cuba crisis. Open your eyes :cheesy:
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