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PC Hotel Gwadar attackef by terrorists - LEAs neutralized terrorists, cleared building.

All people inside hotel safely evacuated now direct exchange between forces and terrorists taking place inside hotel.
What the hell is going on... Nobody seems to care. Its like Pakistanis are worthless. Indian sponsored terrorists are getting strong. ISI please wake up, if you are not under the influence of some sasta nasha. Our people are dying, soldiers are being butchered and this is happening every single day.
You wish, your rulers know what will happen after that.
The attack is still not over and here people already blaming India and hitting India .
We know the rules, have been playing it since 70 years. U should also know what will follow.
Isn't it indian style?
secondly indians have openly supported and armed terrorists in Pakistan. Kalbushan dead body is clear example.
they are already doing such operations but in a silent mode
Our forces are not taking this seriously, they need to conduct a Operations like rahe rast or zarb e azb in baluchistan , move a massive force search and destroy terrorist in every village and town .
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