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PC Hotel Gwadar attackef by terrorists - LEAs neutralized terrorists, cleared building.

We need to keep our head cold...and our feet warm.

We must understand that Western Route is now going to come into play along with rail links. Also, there is a lot of development planned in Balochistan. If all this happen then a lot of terror outfits will go out of business. Yes, Business!

There is big money involved in such terror acts...where attackers die thinking about some noble cause and 'leaders' make millions...living somewhere else. Same as in the case of religion-named terrorism.

It is Hybridwar getting into next gear. Of course, we are angry and wish to bomb the sponsors... but thats emotions... head cold...feet warm... both brainwork and legwork...

Besides, there are many powers who don't wish to see Gawadar become operational..both as port and as industrial hub.

The so-called freindly/brotherly countries need to engaged in daft diplomacy... we must persuade them to change their ways... more Balochs live in Oman than Balochistan proper...

Sad truth is than a Hybridwar is always multi-vectored. And now all vectors are coming into paly. It is also our bad luck that our political class is more interested in saving its skin than win this Hybridwar. These #MarasiPoliticians are actually using the economic/financial crisis to gain NRO.

This obviously puts more burden on our State to manage all these vectors of Hybridwar. With IMF going full mental on Pakistan.... one doesn't need to be imaginative to understand where all these conditions are coming from. While all these years IMF looked the otherway and gave waiver after waiver to Zardari/Nawaz regimes... food for thought.

Regardless, we are in this war for last 20 years... and this is a war we can't afford to loose. So, yeah, head cold...feet warm.

#Pakistan_Is_Here_To_Stay .... deal with it enemies!

Very good analysis, no doubt.

On a lighter note, you have said: head cold, feet warm
Kindly also specify the temperature of the bollocks.
Roots of this haramzadgi is in Afghanistan not Pakistan. That needs to be killed there. Whatever is left in Balochistan will die automatically.
But i get your point. The establishment instead of trying to manipulate governments, needs to do their fuckin job. Instead they are busy in rather orchestrating maybe another diplomatic coup.

The Afghanistan part comes later

First the terrorist present in Pakistani territory need to be taken out ruthlessly and with public announcement

Do operation and ISPR should pictures of dead terrorists so that supporters and workers of these terror organizations get demoralized. This is how this war should be fought. Kill terrorists and announce it with pride and openly

And as we are doing this we can go for terrorists hiding in Afghanistan too. Both things need to be done but with more focus at home
Let’s start off by deporting Afghan refugees. Along with that taking care of terror consulates across the border is an absolute must.

Yes & yes. All you see on here is ‘army must do this or that’ when they are not even proposing to cut the root if all problems.

Everywhere you look - PTM, Baloch groups, TTP - they are using the Afghan refugees as a recruiting ground and a place to blend in while they plan their activities.

Then you see them chanting anti-Pak rhetoric online and abroad, it amazes me they are tolerated by Pakistanis.
It's time to ramp up those targeted hits in Afghanistan, the other day the operation was successful. This seems like a knee jerk response.
Anyway, nothing will get better until the region is flooded with troops, checkpoints everywhere, surveillance in the skies and then let the operations begin.
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Roots of this haramzadgi is in Afghanistan not Pakistan. That needs to be killed there. Whatever is left in Balochistan will die automatically.
But i get your point. The establishment instead of trying to manipulate governments, needs to do their fuckin job. Instead they are busy in rather orchestrating maybe another diplomatic coup.

Afghanistan fencing is happening, soon Baluchistan, things will get better ... but I can assure you there is far bigger plans against pakistan ... economically Pakistan has been destroyed, now stagnant military will be a target in a decade or so...
Mark my words... nawaz ans zardari have done their work...
Very good analysis, no doubt.

On a lighter not, you have said: head cold, feet warm
Kindly also specify the temperature of bollocks.

O zalim!


We need to enlarge the shrunken instruments... but at the sametime...brain cells as well.

We must first stop being stupid and start behaving as State which takes care of its interests... with enlargement of both organs... we can become ruthless down the line...

Anyway, let us not forget we showed the India & Co on 27th that we have the balls and the ovals are alive... so not all is lost.

On a lighter note... is Noora ready to plea-bargain...since we haven't heard any angina pains yet... maybe in a couple days...if he gives back half the money...then we won't have to beg to IMF... and might even redeem half of $28Bln that we have to in two years.

O zalim!


We need to enlarge the shrunken instruments... but at the sametime...brain cells as well.

We must first stop being stupid and start behaving as State which takes care of its interests... with enlargement of both organs... we can become ruthless down the line...

Anyway, let us not forget we showed the India & Co on 27th that we have the balls and the ovals are alive... so not all is lost.

On a lighter note... is Noora ready to plea-bargain...since we haven't heard any angina pains yet... maybe in a couple days...if he gives back half the money...then we won't have to beg to IMF... and might even redeem half of $28Bln that we have to in two years.


No news on Noora. Only unsubstantiated rumors.
Yes & yes. All you see on here is ‘army must do this or that’ when they are not even proposing to cut the root if all problems.

Everywhere you look - PTM, Baloch groups, TTP - they are using the Afghan refugees as a recruiting ground and a place to blend in while they plan their activities.

Then you see them chanting anti-Pak rhetoric online and abroad, it amazes me they are tolerated by Pakistanis.

You have observed it well friend. It is beyond ridiculous how Pakistan has tolerated the Afghan enemy for so long.
very good. says a lot about the efficiency of pak army.

we all do.

bold part very interesting. where did u find this info?
it was shared on this forum with details of his stay in Dehli


not isolated to one but Bramdagh request for Indian citizenship or not

and then Dr Jumma who is not impressed with India anymore
Why such attacks increases in Ramadan ? Look the pattern from 2007 till today..

Typical Pakistanis... Just love to blame others rather than looking at her own incompetent security apparatus.
We are always quick to conclusion. One of the reason banned organisations continue to work with new name or still active.
It's time to ramp up those targeted hits in Afghanistan, the other day the operation was successful. This seems like a knee jerk response.
Anyway nothing will get better until the region is flooded with troops, checkpoints everywhere, surveillance in the skies and then let the operations begin.
No. This OP was long time in the planning.
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