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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

Tahir-ul-Qadri declared war for "Change" from croupt system in which we all are living?is that a sin? if not why not you may join in & find yourself

listen to him

Declaring War for Democracy was not sin at that time... Declaring Jihad for Islamic Shariah was not sin... Until everyone found the procedure from which both were followed... It is same case... I personally also have same thing.. If i was a Good Pakistani Leader I would have went for this.. To kick whole system out for revolution and delay elections till the loopholes, mess in the system is finished.. But when it is coming from some western agenda backing.. And that too already know liar.. (In other cases, already known corrupt, and Mad Religous person)... So for sure in future we will get same in return...

I am not going to fool by any liar...
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Qadri vs zardari=zardari is the biggest liar?
QADRI vs Nawaz=nawaz is biggest liar!
Now did he lied or not in that case,i don't care,I support his just agenda of EC reforms!
& a care taker govt with cleaning the mess for a clear uncroupted Electoral system & that it , cause I don't see anyone else doing it in pakistan, & 9 different elections has gave us, better experince about that, so new & fair rules for everybody, let see who wins? Its so simple? Right

Not you but I do... so, you can have a funn... i will be spreading my word....
For other points I already said an speech in another thread..

Edit: It's just like a Barber comes n say, ok I will do this operation for you.. What you want? Patient remain safe? His Problem is removed? I will do it.. what is the issue...
None with dual nationality (even saint) should be allowed to hold public office.
you say altaf hussain and others like farooq sattar, etc are waderas?

Yes and if any thing they're worse. Peasants know that they are being exploited but cannot do much about it. MQM supporters don't realise that they're being exploited by a nut who lives in London and the irony is that they can actually do something about it by waking up and simply voting for a different party.
Mark this post for 14 Jan

With PML pagaro, & PMLq joining in , yes mark it!
Friend , I hve seen enough time of pk.politics on the streets off the worst of its times!
Its comming in fast!

Yes and if any thing they're worse. Peasants know that they are being exploited but cannot do much about it. MQM supporters don't realise that they're being exploited by a nut who lives in London and the irony is that they can actually do something about it by waking up and simply voting for a different party.
It just you don't like them, is not going to stop the 14 jan of qadri revolution in islamabad, disliking them is your right, bt joining qadri is mqm,s right too!
Can't anybody see the hypocrisy here?

A party that is in power since 4 1/2 years and is still in power through a coalition government and has a complete control over Karachi and major control/say over affairs in Sindh is now going to a movement labelled 'inqalab' with a Canadian national maulvi who won't even contest elections?

A party in government protesting against the government?

All this to when the elections are fast approaching?
Can't anybody see the hypocrisy here?

A party that is in power since 4 1/2 years and is still in power through a coalition government and has a complete control over Karachi and major control/say over affairs in Sindh is now going to a movement labelled 'inqalab' with a Canadian national maulvi who won't even contest elections?

A party in government protesting against the government?

All this to when the elections are fast approaching?

khomaini also came from france
Not you but I do... so, you can have a funn... i will be spreading my word....
For other points I already said an speech in another thread..

Edit: It's just like a Barber comes n say, ok I will do this operation for you.. What you want? Patient remain safe? His Problem is removed? I will do it.. what is the issue...
keep it up friend whatever you say, but thats the fate we all are heading towards!;):lol::angel:
Can't anybody see the hypocrisy here?

A party that is in power since 4 1/2 years and is still in power through a coalition government and has a complete control over Karachi and major control/say over affairs in Sindh is now going to a movement labelled 'inqalab' with a Canadian national maulvi who won't even contest elections?

A party in government protesting against the government?

All this to when the elections are fast approaching?

hypocracy is that PML n & PPP are in power since 30 years, & they wants to be in power, for the next terms!
Sheikh-ul-Islam Tahir-al-Canadivi is going for long march against government and system, MQM & PML-Q Part of govt. supporting him, PTI is also almost supporting him, Private & State Media (Under control of govt. PPP) supporting him - I can't digest it, something weird going to happen.
So is PML F and Q also backing the march???

what the hell is going on???
So is PML F and Q also backing the march???

what the hell is going on???

Sheikh-ul-Islam Tahir-al-Canadivi is going for long march against government and system, MQM & PML-Q Part of govt. supporting him, PTI is also almost supporting him, Private & State Media (Under control of govt. PPP) promoting him heavily - I can't digest it, something weird going to happen.
Sheikh-ul-Islam Tahir-al-Canadivi is going for long march against government and system, MQM & PML-Q Part of govt. supporting him, PTI is also almost supporting him, Private & State Media (Under control of govt. PPP) promoting him heavily - I can't digest it, something weird going to happen.

PTI is clearly not supporting any such long march... however, najam sethi is spreading conspiracies that if plan A didnt work, then plan B includes PTI..... all these moves by establishment !!!

nonsense i believe !!
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