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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

@ Green Bullet

Must watch this video.

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri and Canadian Citizenship & Alliance with MQM - YouTube

Prime example of TuQ deluded supporters.

Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri's
view on Canadian citizenship of Sheikh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri & the alliance of Minhaj-ul-Quran with MQM
(during the Jumah lecture)

1. We should not question TuQ Canadian citizenship because Prophet Mohammed PBUH migrated to medina from mecca to escape persecution from kaffirs and later came back to mecca likewise Qadri is on the same mission.
(Does this mean Pakistan represents Kaffir era Mecca? Has this idiot just declared ENTIRE nation Kaffir land? You do know that Prophet Mohammed's journey was result of Allah's command which will never happen again until Mehdi and return of Prophet Issa! TuQ is not a Mehdi nor prophet issa so these fools need to refrain from such analogies.
And later on with the subject, like a coward he goes to say that "do you question why Prophet migrated to medina and got Medinian citizenship so why question Qadri?)

2. A Muslim from Ireland said some bad stuff about TuQ, you know what you have all the right do what ever you want because you know why? Their was yazeed in the time of Imam hussain. :-)cry: sometimes i have no hope for humanity. So basically anyone who questions Qadri is among the party of Yazeed?)

3. Some People are accusing TuQ for joining hands with MQM and their is only one answer, If you people were in the time of Prophet you would have questioned his alliance with yahud. The only reason why TuQ has joined hands with MQM is because they are citizen of Pakistan.
(Epic troll mode! Basically MQM party and its supporter are Yahudis. So not only did this lunatic declared Pakistan Kaffir land but has declared MQM supporters yahudis as well.)

your version of islam bring this destruction to the world!

Two killed in blast outside US embassy in Ankara: report
AFP | 7 hours ago 0

Two killed in blast outside US embassy in Ankara: report | World | DAWN.COM

Emergency personnel are seen in front of a side entrance to the US Embassy following a blast, Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Feb 1, 2013. —AFP Photo

ANKARA: Two security guards were killed in a blast outside the US embassy in Ankara on Friday, local television reported, amid speculation it was a suicide attack.

The force of the explosion damaged nearby buildings in the Cankaya neighbourhood where many other state institutions and embassies are also located.

NTV television reported that a person detonated a bomb at the security roadblock near the entrance to the embassy’s visa section, where dozens of people wait every day.

Police have cordoned off the area but there has been no official comment on the blast outside the highly fortified complex.

NTV television said two security guards were killed and several people wounded.

US embassy staff were not immediately reachable for comment.

Predominantly Muslim Turkey is a close US ally and a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

The blast comes barely a week after NATO declared that a battery of US-made Patriot missiles went operational on Turkey’s border with war-torn Syria on Saturday.

In July 2008, three gunmen and three Turkish policemen were killed in an attack outside the US consulate in Istanbul.

In November 2003, four suicide car-bomb attacks on two Istanbul synagogues, the British consulate and British bank HSBC killed 63 people, including Britain’s consul general.

The bombings were claimed by an al Qaeda cell.

your version of islam brought us this in pakistan!

Suicide blast outside Hangu mosque claims 27 lives
DAWN.COM | 3 hours ago 0

Onlookers stand over the site of a bomb blast outside a mosque in Hangu on February 1, 2013. —AFP Photo

PESHAWAR: A suicide bomber blew himself up outside two neighbouring mosques in the town of Hangu in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, killing at least 27 people and wounding over 40 others, officials said.

According to police, the bomber detonated his explosives as worshippers poured out after Friday (Jummah) prayers in the crowded Pat Bazaar area.

“Most of the dead were coming out of a mosque in the marketplace after Friday prayers when the bomb went off,” a senior police officer said.

District Police officer (DPO) Dr Muhammed Saeed said the bomber blew himself up near one of the mosques’ exits leading to a crowded market.

The attack occurred in a tight lane housing two mosques – Masjid Faizullah, frequented by members of the Shia sect, and the other, Masjid Purdil, by members of the Sunni sect. Some officials said the anti-Taliban Sunni Supreme Council often holds its meetings in the Purdil mosque, which was the possible target.

It was unclear if the blast targeted members of a particular sect as the dead included both Sunnis and Shias.

However, DPO Saeed said that the suicide attack “targeted Shias but Sunni Muslims also fell victim since their mosque and some shops were also very close to the site,” said Saeed.

“We have found the head of the bomber, who came there on a motorbike,” he added.

Dr Nawab Hussain, a senior official at the District Headquarters Hospital, said more than 40 people had been brought to the hospital out of which 16, who were stated to be in serious condition, were shifted to hospitals in Kohat.

Hussain also confirmed that 22 bodies had been brought to the hospital.

Hangu, part of Pakistan’s border region with Afghanistan, has been racked by sectarian violence. It is just a few km from Parachinar, which has a significant Shia population.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the attack.

With additional input from Zahir Shah Sherazi in Peshawar.

while he was bringing this this to the world, truly followng PBUH?

& just look , how may followed him?

your version of islam bring this destruction to the world!

Two killed in blast outside US embassy in Ankara: report
AFP | 7 hours ago 0

Two killed in blast outside US embassy in Ankara: report | World | DAWN.COM

Emergency personnel are seen in front of a side entrance to the US Embassy following a blast, Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Feb 1, 2013. —AFP Photo

ANKARA: Two security guards were killed in a blast outside the US embassy in Ankara on Friday, local television reported, amid speculation it was a suicide attack.

The force of the explosion damaged nearby buildings in the Cankaya neighbourhood where many other state institutions and embassies are also located.

NTV television reported that a person detonated a bomb at the security roadblock near the entrance to the embassy’s visa section, where dozens of people wait every day.

Police have cordoned off the area but there has been no official comment on the blast outside the highly fortified complex.

NTV television said two security guards were killed and several people wounded.

US embassy staff were not immediately reachable for comment.

Predominantly Muslim Turkey is a close US ally and a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

The blast comes barely a week after NATO declared that a battery of US-made Patriot missiles went operational on Turkey’s border with war-torn Syria on Saturday.

In July 2008, three gunmen and three Turkish policemen were killed in an attack outside the US consulate in Istanbul.

In November 2003, four suicide car-bomb attacks on two Istanbul synagogues, the British consulate and British bank HSBC killed 63 people, including Britain’s consul general.

The bombings were claimed by an al Qaeda cell.

Reported for trolling.
If you have nothing useful to say I advice you to shut up.

^^ and your version of Islam bring this damage to Islam. Qadri made into a padri.


From now on, dont feed this troll, just report him.
your version of islam bring this destruction to the world!

Two killed in blast outside US embassy in Ankara: report
AFP | 7 hours ago 0

Two killed in blast outside US embassy in Ankara: report | World | DAWN.COM

Emergency personnel are seen in front of a side entrance to the US Embassy following a blast, Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Feb 1, 2013. —AFP Photo

ANKARA: Two security guards were killed in a blast outside the US embassy in Ankara on Friday, local television reported, amid speculation it was a suicide attack.

The force of the explosion damaged nearby buildings in the Cankaya neighbourhood where many other state institutions and embassies are also located.

NTV television reported that a person detonated a bomb at the security roadblock near the entrance to the embassy’s visa section, where dozens of people wait every day.

Police have cordoned off the area but there has been no official comment on the blast outside the highly fortified complex.

NTV television said two security guards were killed and several people wounded.

US embassy staff were not immediately reachable for comment.

Predominantly Muslim Turkey is a close US ally and a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

The blast comes barely a week after NATO declared that a battery of US-made Patriot missiles went operational on Turkey’s border with war-torn Syria on Saturday.

In July 2008, three gunmen and three Turkish policemen were killed in an attack outside the US consulate in Istanbul.

In November 2003, four suicide car-bomb attacks on two Istanbul synagogues, the British consulate and British bank HSBC killed 63 people, including Britain’s consul general.

The bombings were claimed by an al Qaeda cell.

Once again lanat par gayee aap ko troll.. the blast was not carried out by muslims but by an ultra left wing (read: secular) militant organization. And try sticking to the topic and you still havent replied to the video proofs I (and many others) gave.. :p
Let me apply the best analogy here, has government convicted of any major corruption cases? No! Do we know they are corrupt? YES. Like wise, the best conclusion to declare TuQ munafiq, thus not trustworthy is because of his alliance with one of the most corrupt parties in Pakistan = MQM! You dont need PhD in that.

The analogy which you perpetuated in your connotation is incorrect in my opinion because its a normative statement that has no positive elements involved.The government is corrupt and this can be substantiated through the various policies which were implemented during its tenure. Pakistan has defaulted for the first time in history and the value of national bond holds no value on the international market. Under this government foreign investment has stalled to a halt since bribery and extortion is apparent across Pakistan, which is evidently supported by institutions such as IMF, ADB and from my own personal experience. It can be construed furthermore that its valid to conjecture the notion that Pakistan is corrupt because the interior minister fails to send any notice to the Swiss authorities to contribute and help the SC in convicting these criminals. Now the question in regards to TUQ is simple, there is no court case transpiring currently against him, so he is not corrupt, there is no allegation of money laundering or encroaching land from the innocent. So in essence you have made a normative judgement with no political science data to assert you argument that would normally have distinction. Unlike the government of Pakistan who does not fit into the same criteria as ample enough data is directed against them. Like I said before wrong to assume things if you don't have no such evidence against another person.

It only proves that the people were fooled to believe that the long march will force government to step down WHICH NEVER HAPPENED! You need to understand that the thief government of Pakistan is VERY SMART, so smart that they have out smarted the people by orchestrating fake revolution so the real revolution by the people never takes place! Qadri did just that. So what ever those article means, will that help to crack down on mafias, terrorists, rapists, party of MQM? NOOOOOO.

If you do a regression analysis from your posts, it can be articulated that your opinion is flawed because you have no independent variable to quantify such a hypothesis. You call this revolution fake, yet article 62, 63 and 218 will be implemented, which quantifies the hypothesis that TUQ is a man of action not an individual who would sit behind a monitor and hurl insults without doing anything proactive him self. This episode may not have forced the government to resign, but it was a monumental embarrassment for the government because the whole world saw that the coalition parties are losing power and the faith of people in the governance has declined. Read the book of Sun Tze who spoke of a key principle that the best of battles is those were armed conflict is used as a last resort. TUQ did exactly the same thing, by winning some concessions and having the moral high ground at the costs of no harmful actions directed at the public. The articles if you bothered to read them will constrain those in standing for elections if they are not appropriately qualified..a great victory for Pakistan since a check and balance system is being created on the elected constituents. Like I said before you may disagree with him but hurling insults does not go in your favor when you mock...I mean you do follow the Quran and the Hadith..so practice what you preach my brother.

IK can only talk the talk but cant walk the walk. Where is the Tusnami? still in his swimming pool?
please dont even try to apply Prophet Mohammed analogy on munafiq TuQ! The Prophet implemented Islamic system in muslims land and did not compromise with enemies on this matter. Where as TuQ is an advocate of DEMOCRACY! which essentially means rule of the people! So 10 jahil muslims have more importance then 2 intelligent Muslims in this democratic system.

You love to find critical points on the characterization of others. IK is a great man who has done a lot for Pakistan, even when he had no such need because Allah blessed him with a comfortable life style where politics was not necessary. You people should thank Allah that a person with such noble traits still exists in Pakistan, because while the public was mocking and laughing at IK it was us foreign Pakistanis who supported his ambition and desire to solve Pakistan. Because let me tell you straight and I will be blunt the coming elections are vital for Pakistan because if a decent person does not come into power then no company or wealthy oversea Pakistani will invest back into the country. So far we are waiting as events fold, and in'sha'Allah the only logical variable in this mess is TUQ or IK, the rest are corrupt. but always remember when you point fingers at others 3 fingers will always point. A great general is a person who does not rush into battle headstrong but uses his intellectual ability to make a decisive decision. So be patient and the revolution will come either from TUQ or IK, and if that does not work then army rule is the best. I don't even have to use the example of are beloved Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) if that irks you as there are many examples in history where compromises had to be made...otherwise it would lead to an anarchial system from a realists prospective. Saladin made a compromise with the Crusaders at the end of the conflict when he did not evict them fully and allowed them to still reclaim Jaffa. But of course he still won Jerusalem and maintained the moral high ground. Now we can't quantify this example exactly with TUQ, but my argument is concessions can be made if you won the moral high ground and achieved victory through the implementation of some policies that was put in the table. Plenty of other examples. You last sentence did not fully make sense, could you explain. Furthermore when you use the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) then you should always write after (Peace Be Upon Him), it was not a rebuke but just some friendly advice.
The comments of the scholar is not wrong, because he is giving an example of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). We Sufi's admire and look at the life of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) as a guidance. Of course he is right the citizen of an individual should not matter if he tries to bring change and peace to a country, plus its not a crime to migrate since people have jobs and responsibilities. However if you make this into a issue and cause segregation then why should we foreign Pakistanis come and invest back into the country when the mentality of domestic Pakistanis are so flawed. No wonder Pakistan marble industry has not taken off even though we have 297 billion tonnes of the best quality in the world, mining is so huge but nothing has gone forward for decades because this mentality has detrimental effects. Furthermore he has not called Pakistan Kaffir land, you just had no comprehension of his words since he is giving a metaphor. You may disagree with this theory but this is the way of Sufism following and emulating the life of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). That is your opinion if they want to use such analogies then its in there ideology, you can't change that so best to focus on your own deen instead of being spiteful to others. The reason why he was talking about not question TUQ is because of the Baht system in regards to his mureed.
I think we've had enough discussion on this topic, long march is finished now...
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