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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

oo yar answer ho ga to day ga. us nay aisy he chawlian marni hain. Tuq k defence main dil o jan ke bazi laga de:lol:
Still no answer

I have also seen the full Denmark clip.. (where is polished the "gora" mind and keeps praising himself for being open minded and secular and celebrating christmas bla bla and imam abu hanifa ref).. But I want answer to this fact: He is lying.

U need tobe aqalmand,& if you are not,what anyone can do?
Ur missunderstanding, can't be defined as some one,s lying?
Its simple, hope u can get this time?
& will eat,some thing to make urself aqalmand?lol lol lol

oo yar answer ho ga to day ga. us nay aisy he chawlian marni hain. Tuq k defence main dil o jan ke bazi laga de:lol:

Who is defending him?
& Can't stop, jealous peoples jealousy?lol
oo yar answer ho ga to day ga. us nay aisy he chawlian marni hain. Tuq k defence main dil o jan ke bazi laga de:lol:


dear tuq....olx pay aap k longmarch walay container ka offer 4lakh mai aya hai...kiya qayal hai baichday????:woot:
@batmannow - Dude what's inside news of Al-Faeda :D

oo yar answer ho ga to day ga. us nay aisy he chawlian marni hain. Tuq k defence main dil o jan ke bazi laga de:lol:

Yara aisay tu na kahoo- Nana Muna Mujahid hai Tuq kay lashkar ka
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@batmannow - Dude what's inside news of Al-Faeda :D

Yara aisay tu na kahoo- Nana Muna Mujahid hai Tuq kay lashkar ka

Qadri to challenge ECP, discretionary funds for lawmakers
APP | 2 hours ago 0
Qadri to challenge ECP, discretionary funds for lawmakers | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

Tahirul Qadri speaks during an interview in Lahore. — Photo by AP/File

LAHORE: Tehrik-i-Minhajul Quran (TMQ) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri said on Thursday that the formation of Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) and discretionary funds of the parliamentarians will be challenged in the Supreme Court.

Addressing a press conference at TMQ headquarters, he said that he himself would argue on them in the apex court.

The cleric said the formation of the election commission was important than its dissolution. ECP members should be sacked as he claimed that their appointments were “unconstitutional.”

Declaring discretionary funds for the prime minister, chief ministers and parliamentarians as unconstitutional, the TMQ chief called for freezing them immediately.

Meanwhile, following one of the demands Qadri made in his ‘deal’ with the government to end his party’s long march in Islamabad, the ECP has requested the government for more time to scrutinize the electoral candidates.

Director General of ECP Sher Afgan has said that a reform package seeking more time for the scrutiny of candidates in forthcoming elections has been sent to the government for approval.

Talking to a private TV channel, he said that election would be held by the end of May, 2013, if the reform package was approved.

He said that the reform package is seeking increase in time period for the scrutiny of candidates from seven days to 30. However time for appeals would also be increased by seven to ten days, he added.

Afgan said that normally the commission needs 50 days for processing election procedure from filing nomination papers to holding polls. However, he said that 26 more days will be required to scrutinize the candidates fully.

Replying to a question, he said that the package would provide sufficient time period to the returning officers for ensuring scrutiny of the candidates by taking information from relevant institutions.
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Thanks for exploring, your internet deen-e-islam?lol lol lol
So all,your belives are from,internet islam from the websites ,which could be created by non-muslims? Or even a sect within muslims, who wanted to dissgrace other one?
The more you talk the more you prove your lack of adequate intelligences in you. Islam is the fastest growing religion in west and majority of these rightly guided people have studied Islam from internet. I am an adult (not sure about you) so I know what i good and what is not. I dont need a qadri padri for guidance when we have Quran and Hadiths.
Bt you already hve proven, that your mind. Keeps following the hate signature for other sects?
So its a very dangerous, kind of sickness, you may need a good alim to clear, all the mess from your mind!
Just like a reboot to a computer?
Buddy next time bring a translator, and speech therapist because you make no sense.
Try to find some good, if you can bt if you can't then as I request humbly, try TuQ plz?
With all the goodness of my heart, I will pray for you,that may allaha ,take you to right path & takeout all the abuse & hate against all the hummans!
I like this TuQ


And ignorant boy, disliking MuQ and MQM is not the end of humanity which you perceive from your denial world.
Sheesh..calm down brother, no need to lose your cool. True I don't know you personally so I can't make any judgement, point taken. You should be careful though when reading, because from my prospective you are getting a scholars name who was imprisoned by the Caliph of the time, because of his innovation sprouting the nonsense that Islam became corrupt. 600 years later a young Abdul Bin Wahab came across his writings and thought he could change Islam, however he was kicked out of Najaf, the same Province which the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said will come a man who will deviate Islam. Since he was kicked out he met the young Saud and together they made a partnership where one would be in charge of the ideology and the other using force. They created nationalism instead of fighting for Islam. So when you got the scholar from the 13th century it seemed you are a Salafists and even if you were its your personal life so I have nothing against it. So your not a Salafists, then are you a Shia, just interested no personal attack intended.

Is this not Bush phenomena? You are with us or against us! So if i dislike TuQ then i must be a PPP party lover, or if i dislike Salafists then I must be a Shia or if i dislike Qadiyani then i must be a radical mullah! What the hell is this!!! (i am not pointing at you only)
Cant I be just a Muslim who wants to fallow Quran and Hadith without any sects doctrine!
The more you talk the more you prove your lack of adequate intelligences in you. Islam is the fastest growing religion in west and majority of these rightly guided people have studied Islam from internet. I am an adult (not sure about you) so I know what i good and what is not. I dont need a qadri padri for guidance when we have Quran and Hadiths.

Buddy next time bring a translator, and speech therapist because you make no sense.

I like this TuQ


And ignorant boy, disliking MuQ and MQM is not the end of humanity which you perceive from your denial world.

MQM backs out of Tahirul Qadri’s Long march

By: Javeria Nasir, Uploaded: 11th January 2013

KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has decided not to take part in Minhajul Quran International chief Tahirul Qardi’s long march due on January 14, reported Aaj news here Friday.

Addressing a news conference in Karachi, Deputy Convener of the Co-ordination Committee Dr Farooq Sattar told that the party leadership has decided to separate itself from the long march, however, it will continue to support the ideology of Tahirul Qadri, founding leader of Minhaj-ul-Qur’an International (MQI).

Sources said that, the decision was taken after the meeting between coalition partners of government’s PPP, PML-Q, ANP and MQM itself.

Earlier, MQM chief Altaf Hussain was firm to participate in the reform rally but the part has changed its stance after meeting with President Asif Ali Zardari.


Despite MQM’s absence the long march will be held at any cost, said MQI leader Raheeq Abbasi.

MQI chief Dr. Qadri will address a press conference at 3pm today and will announce his stance over the back out of Muttahida Qaumi movement (MQM).

my busted ignorant boy:rofl::rofl::rofl:

The more you talk the more you prove your lack of adequate intelligences in you. Islam is the fastest growing religion in west and majority of these rightly guided people have studied Islam from internet. I am an adult (not sure about you) so I know what i good and what is not. I dont need a qadri padri for guidance when we have Quran and Hadiths.

Buddy next time bring a translator, and speech therapist because you make no sense.

I like this TuQ


And ignorant boy, disliking MuQ and MQM is not the end of humanity which you perceive from your denial world.

secterien hate was learnt as a religion , by you my busted friend! & its not called islam!
but you cant understand that? cause you follow internet islam!:P
Is this not Bush phenomena? You are with us or against us! So if i dislike TuQ then i must be a PPP party lover, or if i dislike Salafists then I must be a Shia or if i dislike Qadiyani then i must be a radical mullah! What the hell is this!!! (i am not pointing at you only)
Cant I be just a Muslim who wants to fallow Quran and Hadith without any sects doctrine

No I was only interested to know something new, not to cause any offence. I don't believe in the doctrine of "you are with us or against us", since everyone is entitled to believe things that they feel comfortable with. I have nothing against Shia's, Salafists as individuals and you make a valid point that people should just call them selves as muslims first. However the sectarian issue is alarming in Pakistan and a strategy needs to be developed in understanding why such a phenomena occurs. Plus criticizing TUQ is not bad, but its the way people do it counts.
You are assuming again do you have any concrete proof that he is being paid by the government. Assuming things on others without any proof brother is wrong in Islam, because you are maligning there character without any proof.
Let me apply the best analogy here, has government convicted of any major corruption cases? No! Do we know they are corrupt? YES. Like wise, the best conclusion to declare TuQ munafiq, thus not trustworthy is because of his alliance with one of the most corrupt parties in Pakistan = MQM! You dont need PhD in that.
Yes Government does not fear him, yet they had to walk to the container and discuss with him on his terms...this is called being smart. Furthermore the government fears no one because it still continues corruption and allows murders to escape from justice.
How did he compromise artcile 62, 63, 218 will be implemented so what is the problem.
It only proves that the people were fooled to believe that the long march will force government to step down WHICH NEVER HAPPENED! You need to understand that the thief government of Pakistan is VERY SMART, so smart that they have out smarted the people by orchestrating fake revolution so the real revolution by the people never takes place! Qadri did just that. So what ever those article means, will that help to crack down on mafias, terrorists, rapists, party of MQM? NOOOOOO.
Even IK is appreciative of TUQ achieving this. Going to meet the opposition is not bad because dialogue is important, even the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) talked to the enemies of Islam.
There is a difference of meeting and actually supporting a party. The great IK has done the same in the pass for dialogue.
IK can only talk the talk but cant walk the walk. Where is the Tusnami? still in his swimming pool?
please dont even try to apply Prophet Mohammed analogy on munafiq TuQ! The Prophet implemented Islamic system in muslims land and did not compromise with enemies on this matter. Where as TuQ is an advocate of DEMOCRACY! which essentially means rule of the people! So 10 jahil muslims have more importance then 2 intelligent Muslims in this democratic system.
MQM backs out of Tahirul Qadri’s Long march

By: Javeria Nasir, Uploaded: 11th January 2013

KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has decided not to take part in Minhajul Quran International chief Tahirul Qardi’s long march due on January 14, reported Aaj news here Friday.

Addressing a news conference in Karachi, Deputy Convener of the Co-ordination Committee Dr Farooq Sattar told that the party leadership has decided to separate itself from the long march, however, it will continue to support the ideology of Tahirul Qadri, founding leader of Minhaj-ul-Qur’an International (MQI).

Sources said that, the decision was taken after the meeting between coalition partners of government’s PPP, PML-Q, ANP and MQM itself.

Earlier, MQM chief Altaf Hussain was firm to participate in the reform rally but the part has changed its stance after meeting with President Asif Ali Zardari.


Despite MQM’s absence the long march will be held at any cost, said MQI leader Raheeq Abbasi.

MQI chief Dr. Qadri will address a press conference at 3pm today and will announce his stance over the back out of Muttahida Qaumi movement (MQM).

Since you have hard time comprehending simple matters let me give you some help.
Backing off from long march does not mean break up of alliance.

Dr Tahirul Qadri telephones MQM Quaid Altaf Hussain to condole the death Of (MPA) Manzar Imam - Video Dailymotion

Posted on: 19/01/2013
Both leaders agree on co-operating for eliminating the obsolete political system from the country
Head of Pakistan Awami Tehreek Dr Tahirul Qadri telephoned the Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain and offered condolences on the martyrdom of MPA Manzar Imam. Dr Qadri termed the assassination of Manzar Imam a blatant act of terrorism and condemned it in strongest words. He expressed sympathies on behalf of the leaders and workers of Tehreek-i-Minhaj-ul-Quran and Pakistan Awami Tehreek and prayed for the divine forgiveness of the deceased MPA, his driver and security guards.
Mr Hussain thanked Dr Qadri for expressing sympathy and solidarity in the hour of grief. He congratulated Dr Qadri on the successful culmination of the long march through mutual understanding and dialogues. Both the leaders agreed on extending co-operation with each other for eliminating the obsolete political system from the country.

secterien hate was learnt as a religion , by you my busted friend! & its not called islam!
but you cant understand that? cause you follow internet islam!:P
Internet Islam > Padri Islam
@ Green Bullet

Must watch this video.

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri and Canadian Citizenship & Alliance with MQM - YouTube

Prime example of TuQ deluded supporters.

Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri's
view on Canadian citizenship of Sheikh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri & the alliance of Minhaj-ul-Quran with MQM
(during the Jumah lecture)

1. We should not question TuQ Canadian citizenship because Prophet Mohammed PBUH migrated to medina from mecca to escape persecution from kaffirs and later came back to mecca likewise Qadri is on the same mission.
(Does this mean Pakistan represents Kaffir era Mecca? Has this idiot just declared ENTIRE nation Kaffir land? You do know that Prophet Mohammed's journey was result of Allah's command which will never happen again until Mehdi and return of Prophet Issa! TuQ is not a Mehdi nor prophet issa so these fools need to refrain from such analogies.
And later on with the subject, like a coward he goes to say that "do you question why Prophet migrated to medina and got Medinian citizenship so why question Qadri?)

2. A Muslim from Ireland said some bad stuff about TuQ, you know what you have all the right do what ever you want because you know why? Their was yazeed in the time of Imam hussain. :-)cry: sometimes i have no hope for humanity. So basically anyone who questions Qadri is among the party of Yazeed?)

3. Some People are accusing TuQ for joining hands with MQM and their is only one answer, If you people were in the time of Prophet you would have questioned his alliance with yahud. The only reason why TuQ has joined hands with MQM is because they are citizen of Pakistan.
(Epic troll mode! Basically MQM party and its supporter are Yahudis. So not only did this lunatic declared Pakistan Kaffir land but has declared MQM supporters yahudis as well.)
@ Green Bullet

Must watch this video.

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri and Canadian Citizenship & Alliance with MQM - YouTube

Prime example of TuQ deluded supporters.

Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri's
view on Canadian citizenship of Sheikh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri & the alliance of Minhaj-ul-Quran with MQM
(during the Jumah lecture)

1. We should not question TuQ Canadian citizenship because Prophet Mohammed PBUH migrated to medina from mecca to escape persecution from kaffirs and later came back to mecca likewise Qadri is on the same mission.
(Does this mean Pakistan represents Kaffir era Mecca? Has this idiot just declared ENTIRE nation Kaffir land? You do know that Prophet Mohammed's journey was result of Allah's command which will never happen again until Mehdi and return of Prophet Issa! TuQ is not a Mehdi nor prophet issa so these fools need to refrain from such analogies.
And later on with the subject, like a coward he goes to say that "do you question why Prophet migrated to medina and got Medinian citizenship so why question Qadri?)

2. A Muslim from Ireland said some bad stuff about TuQ, you know what you have all the right do what ever you want because you know why? Their was yazeed in the time of Imam hussain. :-)cry: sometimes i have no hope for humanity. So basically anyone who questions Qadri is among the party of Yazeed?)

3. Some People are accusing TuQ for joining hands with MQM and their is only one answer, If you people were in the time of Prophet you would have questioned his alliance with yahud. The only reason why TuQ has joined hands with MQM is because they are citizen of Pakistan.
(Epic troll mode! Basically MQM party and its supporter are Yahudis. So not only did this lunatic declared Pakistan Kaffir land but has declared MQM supporters yahudis as well.)

Your arguments still are one way tickets to heaven like talibans idealogy, & you r trying hard to convince everyone else on those tickets?lol
You can't accept, anyone,s else unacceptence of the voilent version of islam? Don't u?
There are many groups sects in pakistan, like sipha suhaba pakistan , who often define YAZIED as rightfull as HUSSAIN as slam!
This group is been banned in pakistan, & even sunni,s don't like them cause they, use their stupid idealogy to kill innocent shia,s all over pakistan?
Even heard about them? Ever!
In pakistan , islam been used as a tool to destroy other sects which, don't really accept the theory of voilence?
Islam teachs us tolerence, against fellow muslims?even if they aren't agree with your idealogy of islam?
& you don't hve any right, to judge other fellow muslims, you nt a god,or a prophet, or even a Imam?
Well , for your ignorance!
Its nt only MQM, which still claims its moral support to TuQ , PTI still owns,the demands of TuQ,as their own theory?PMLq still supports TuQ moraly & may join hands politicaly in punjab soon, its their political right,which even u may nt like, bt its nt your dam likness or dislikness which should be followed as a farman by god, a word of quran or hadith? No its nt!
Quran & hadith is guide for all humankind & if TuQ or anyone else follows the events of life,from our PBUH what the problem? Is that is banned in islam! No its not?
So plz, don't try to be a sheikh-ul-internet islam ,cause in pakistan,we already hve thousands like you,killing everyother who may nt,accept or agree with them!

Association with any,political party is a sole right of TuQ , & you should adore it?
If you dislike, him it your right, so just open up, & accept you don't like his peacefull version of islam instead you like the voilent version of islam sung in torabora club of binladdin!lol lol lol
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