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Featured Paris knife attack suspect is of Pakistani origin, French authorities say

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Hehe little poor cousine-lover got mad. Must have hit a nerve.
Don't be mad at me, next time listen to the doctors warnings.

You seem obsessed by cousin love, Just ask your kin out, seeing as you write about it all the time.
Me, angry? Not at all, I feel pity at seeing your helpless self suck so hard online and in real life. I’m your superior.
You didn’t hit a nerve rapist, just made me laugh hard.
With that I’ll end your time on our site.
Folks he’s the reason why genuine Indian guys have it hard and is just all hot air online.
He’s this type.
Below the percentage of females who respond to first message contact on OkCupid. Look at Indian females and their responses to the likes of this brar. Their own females don’t want them. But I guess writing about cousin marriage makes him feel better, ouch....

You are the reason why people hate immigrants. A conflict between Syrians and Syrian rebels is not a western sin.

Since when did the formerly Turkey-based ( in 2011 ) Libyan terrorist Abdulhakim Belhaj or a radical from Russia or Belgium become "Syrian rebel" ?
Charlie Hebdo and others do it exactly to incite and provoke Muslims and so that they attack westerners...and later on they blame Islam as an extremist and medieval religion not fit for modern times. This is done by Jews/Yahoodis to tell the world that look Islam is extremism and Europe and America/Canada should not welcome Muslims to their land.

This is deep conspiracy and poor Pakistanis are falling to it and falling in the trap. Just as Jews/Zionists used 9-11 attack to blame Islam and created the Islamophobia in Christians mind. Idea is to pitch Islam against Christianity... Uneducated people are falling in the trap.... Christian world doesn't hate Islam and Muslims, but the Zionists/Jews want Christians to hate Muslims and Islam...and these type of attacks make it happen.

Christians are Ahl-e-Kitaab and Muslims respect Christianity and Jesus Christ(Hazrat Esa, PBUH). And in holy Quran Hazrat Maryam and Hazrat Esa(Jesus Christ) was mentioned many times. So don't let innocent people fall to this conspiracy by Zionists who controls the media. Some Pakistanis are too innocent to fall in this trap and brainwashed by the uneducated Mullahs sponsored and financed by the enemies. .
this is same as islam is peaceful religion

Comes from Salamti...peace, for everyone.

The reason it is derided, made to look like an extremist religion by others.

And still the fastest growing religion in the world.

After 9/11. there was an exponential growth of Islam...Why??? people started to read Koran to get the negatives, find faults in Koran...and see for themselves what bad things are written in it as per western media(controlled by Jews).

And they were surprised what they found...
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Naaah. Its always like this.
US is conspiring against Pakistan!
France is conspiring against Pakistan!
UK is conspiring against Pakistan!
UAE is traitor!
Saudi Arabia is traitor!

and on and on and on.

Leaving China, no one else seems to be not conspiraing against Pakistan.

China is consirping against you!
Nepal is consriping against you!
Bangladesh is back stabbing!
Iran pulled the rug under your feet!
Turkey is down right evil!
Russia is not dependant anymore!

Welcome to the geopolitics.
A proud Father..

That interviewer is saying allah ne aapke bete se bada kaam liya...and here pakistanis are saying one man's actions are not representation of an entire nation
That interviewer is saying allah ne aapke bete se bada kaam liya...and here pakistanis are saying one man's actions are not representation of an entire nation

The message is clear ... hate , intolerance and murder is now uniquely rss Hindu monopoly
By Rory Sullivan and Ivana Saric, CNN
Updated 6:49 AM ET, Sat September 26, 2020

French firefighters are pictured near the scene of a knife attack in Paris on September 25.

French firefighters are pictured near the scene of a knife attack in Paris on September 25.

(CNN)The main suspect arrested over a knife attack in Paris on Friday near the former offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is of Pakistani origin, French authorities have said.

France's Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin, told France 2 in an interview on Friday that authorities were working to verify more details about the suspect's background after the attack that left two people seriously injured.

The minister also confirmed that the incident was being treated as "an act of Islamist terrorism."

The lead suspect had not been known to police for "radicalization" but was arrested last month for carrying a screwdriver, Darmanin added.

Police say seven people have been arrested over the attack. Five of the arrests were made in an apartment "likely to have been used by the main suspect," a judicial source told CNN on Friday.

Although the victims have not been named, they are both employees of French documentary production firm Premières Lignes, according to the company's founder Paul Moreira.

Moreira said the pair were attacked with a "sort of cleaver" in front of the office. Their lives are not in danger but they are in a serious condition, a police spokesperson said Friday.

In a statement on Facebook, Charlie Hebdo magazine expressed its "support and solidarity" to Premières Lignes and "to those affected by this heinous attack."

Annie Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, tweeted that "it is once again freedom of expression that is targeted," while former Prime Minister Manuel Valls said on Twitter that it gave him the feeling of "reliving a nightmare."

The knife attack came during a trial of 14 suspects for their alleged involvement in a series of terrorist attacks over three days in January 2015, which started in the offices of Charlie Hebdo and ended in a kosher supermarket.

A total of 17 people were killed in the 2015 attacks, which were carried out by brothers Said and Chérif Kouachi and their accomplice Amedy Coulibaly. The suspects currently on trial are accused of providing these men with logistical support.

After the knife attack on Friday, Luc Hermann, Director of Premières Lignes, criticized what he said was a "total absence of protection of this building since the attacks on Charlie Hebdo."

CNN's Gaëlle Fournier and Niamh Kennedy contributed to this report.

This is the result of what we have come to define as 'acceptable behavior' at home.

We're allowing rhetoric that incites violence and hatred over so called 'insults to religious figures/blasphemy' to become acceptable.

Incitement to violence and hate-mongering over alleged 'blasphemy' should be condemned unequivocally - there is NEVER any justification for violence in response to images, videos or verbal insults.

When this kind of hate speech isn't condemned and treated as acceptable, terrorists & murderers like Mumtaz Qadri are turned into heroes with shrines.
That interviewer is saying allah ne aapke bete se bada kaam liya...and here pakistanis are saying one man's actions are not representation of an entire nation
they will start jalsa julus in favour of this man
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