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Featured Paris knife attack suspect is of Pakistani origin, French authorities say

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that is because you are a ignorant fool who doesnt know any thing

have no fear prado is here

for your education ...

1) israel is a hateful racist state that shamelessly steals land murders people. Conventionally it fears no army except Pakistani nukes which can in a few minutes make hilter dream come true.. thus ending Israel's ever ending expansion.

So israel from day one it tried to destroy Pak nuke program... but always failed

When Pakistan and Israel Almost Went to War; Tensions Between the Nuclear Armed Islamic Republic and Jewish State - Part One

2) Israeli commanders were also helping Indians during 26 Feb 2019

India plotted dangerous attack with Israeli help

ISLAMABAD: India with the backing of Israel and at the peak of its standoff with Pakistan had last week planned a “dangerous attack” to be executed from its Rajasthan airbase, a highly placed government source revealed on Monday.

3) Israeli intel along with RAW has been actively underminding Pakistan via ISIS in Afganistan

Israel admits ISIS fighter in Iraqi prison is its own and permits his return

U-turn comes after The National revealed presence of Israeli national Mohammed Khalid, who fought for ISIS across Syria, in solitary confinement at a facility in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

now this is just a starter and I am pretty sure you didnt even know any of this.. of course how would you?.. you are hindu RSS clown the most ignorant and stupid people on this planet

Great post brother. I commend you for keeping your cool and presenting only facts.

The sad reality is that if we give Indians free reign, then our entire forum will become as filthy as what Indians turn Pakistani places on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, and Reddit into.

They even do not leave Wikipedia alone, and by sheer volume and also official support, they change all articles about Pakistan by adding baseless rumors, propaganda lies, and manipulation of facts.

@Rafi I understand brother the desire to pay back these Indians in their own abusive language, but we must rise of this. They are most comfortable in this kind of gutter language as they have grown up in that environment, whereas we Pakistanis are a cultured and sophisticated people.

@waz Pakistanis need a place to discuss topics important to us in an environment free of this kind of filthy trolling, which drags even our respected and beloved members down to their level.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @Verve @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @TNT
Great post brother. I commend you for keeping your cool and presenting only facts.

The sad reality is that if we give Indians free reign, then our entire forum will become as filthy as what Indians turn Pakistani places on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, and Reddit into.

They even do not leave Wikipedia alone, and by sheer volume and also official support, they change all articles about Pakistan by adding baseless rumors, propaganda lies, and manipulation of facts.

@Rafi I understand brother the desire to pay back these Indians in their own abusive language, but we must rise of this. They are most comfortable in this kind of gutter language as they have grown up in that environment, whereas we Pakistanis are a cultured and sophisticated people.

@waz Pakistanis need a place to discuss topics important to us in an environment free of this kind of filthy trolling, which drags even our respected and beloved members down to their level.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @Verve @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @TNT
Sir, I apologise for this, but please know that I responded to members from India who declared me as (a) a terrorist/terrorist sympathiser and (b) a cousin shagger. These Pakistan-phobic slurs were reported to the mods. Action has been taken but far too slowly.

That's when daddy takes matters into his own hands and home schools these lockdown brats.
Comes from Salamti...peace, for everyone.

The reason it is derided, made to look like an extremist religion by others.

And still the fastest growing religion in the world.

After 9/11. there was an exponential growth of Islam...Why??? people started to read Koran to get the negatives, find faults in Koran...and see for themselves what bad things are written in it as per western media(controlled by Jews).

And they were surprised what they found...

The Indians act as if they have not committed any religious violence against any religious minority.

The Indian government pushes RSS ideology of Golwaker and Savarkar, which advocates the murder and/or forced exile of all Muslims and Christians from their territory.

Modi himself was indoctrinated by this ideology from 7 years old, no wonder he, his police, and his administration didn't blink when oversaw the bloody carnage in Gujurat 2002, and openly abetted and defended those Hindu mobs who raided Muslim homes, raped Muslim women, and set Muslims on fire in front of everyone.

Then recently with the violence and pogroms going on in UP under CM Yogi Adityanath against Muslims living in Muslim majority areas where they thought they were safe. Depriving them of their livelihoods in cattle rearing, leathermaking, and furthermore boycotting Muslim businesses throughout India on the basis of religion alone.

Then add to it the destruction of masajid and Muslim shops/homes, beating to death of any Muslim found on the streets, and breaking into Muslim homes to abuse Muslim women which RSS carried out in New Delhi to intimidate Muslims into submission.

The ongoing violence, sexual abuse, murder, torture, raiding, and false encounters down on innocent Kashmiris by this terrorist rogue state called India is well documented, even by famed Western newspapers.

What right do they have to question Islam or Muslims? The lengths the RSS mouthpieces go through by way of fabrications, lies, and manipulation in an effort to defame Pakistan, Islam, and Muslims is absolutely ridiculous.
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Sir, I apologise for this, but please know that I responded to members from India who declared me as (a) a terrorist/terrorist sympathiser and (b) a cousin shagger. These Pakistan-phobic slurs were reported to the mods. Action has been taken but far too slowly.

That's when daddy takes matters into his own hands and home schools these lockdown brats.

Ofcourse brother, this is the problem with Indian trolls. They bring down the level of PDF to back and forth insults. PDF gets a poor reputation, and in the one place which can be a safe place for Pakistanis, we are forced to defend ourselves again and again from the same allegations.

It cannot go on like this.
Ofcourse brother, this is the problem with Indian trolls. They bring down the level of PDF to back and forth insults. PDF gets a poor reputation, and in the one place which can be a safe place for Pakistanis, we are forced to defend ourselves again and again from the same allegations.

It cannot go on like this.
At first I was in favour of unchecked freedom of speech but I am seeing it from your pov now. There simply isn't enough time in the day to deal with the trolls - which as you know I do enjoy doing - and still make meaningful forum contributions. You were right all along. Immediate bans are needed for those who commit libel and troll. This is the problem with the internet. Natural selection would provide these individuals with a punch in the face for their nonsense, but here, they proliferate unchecked. It is the social equivalent of cancer.
Ofcourse brother, this is the problem with Indian trolls. They bring down the level of PDF to back and forth insults. PDF gets a poor reputation, and in the one place which can be a safe place for Pakistanis, we are forced to defend ourselves again and again from the same allegations.

It cannot go on like this.

This thread is a prime example of how a thread like this is specifically designed to be a troll fest. How can a nation of over 180 million be responsible for a retard who is 18 - commit this crime in France - yet Indians desperately tarnish our whole population. In fact @masterchief_mirza was being badgered and force ably asked by Indians to apologize for the actions of this 18 year old retard. How can we go around apologizing for those that commit crime? The abuse and language was quite horrendous but thats because Indians are getting more and more desperate because their crap and ideology is being exposed on a daily basis.
@Rafi sahib become rambo at one stage and started beating about 10 of them up on each post. lol
This thread is a prime example of how a thread like this is specifically designed to be a troll fest. How can a nation of over 180 million be responsible for a retard who is 18 - commit this crime in France - yet Indians desperately tarnish our whole population. In fact @masterchief_mirza was being badgered and force ably asked by Indians to apologize for the actions of this 18 year old retard. How can we go around apologizing for those that commit crime? The abuse and language was quite horrendous but thats because Indians are getting more and more desperate because their crap and ideology is being exposed on a daily basis.
@Rafi sahib become rambo at one stage and started beating about 10 of them up on each post. lol
Any situation involving Indian trolls.... @Rafi slowly glances up from his newspaper, exhales on his cigarette and asks... "Kitne aadmi hain?"
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At first I was in favour of unchecked freedom of speech but I am seeing it from your pov now. There simply isn't enough time in the day to deal with the trolls - which as you know I do enjoy doing - and still make meaningful forum contributions. You were right all along. Immediate bans are needed for those who commit libel and troll. This is the problem with the internet. Natural selection would provide these individuals with a punch in the face for their nonsense, but here, they proliferate unchecked. It is the social equivalent of cancer.

Glad brother to see your change in persepective. We have so many examples all over social media of the vile hatred which Indians have for Pakistanis, and PDF is exceptional because we are not flooded by Indian trolls.

I notice that whenever some of us members who report posts and tag mods to clean up threads are not present, the Indian trolls take this opportunity to regurgitate their hate all over the forum.

I am looking at a few handful of members, namely Bahadur, Chahtrapi, and others, who are posting inflammatory Islamophobic and anti-Pakistan racist/abusive posts all over the forum in an alarmingly short amount of time.

@waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM @WebMaster These problems need to be dealt with prophylactically before they infect the whole forum.

This thread is a good example of that.
You are comparing two completely different things.
You can draw cartoons of moses and abraham and no jew gives a sh*t(many people mocked abraham n moses many times in the past...i have never seen a jew coming out and stabbing anyone or blowing himself up)

thats because they have abandoned their religions and no longer follow their religions to the source

we Muslims dont abandon our religion and do not change

as a matter of fact our book has not changed by a single letter in 1,400 years while all the rest have changed in other religions

just proves islam is true religion of God and God has taken it upon himself to preserve it until the day of judgement
we Muslims dont abandon our religion and do not change

as a matter of fact our book has not changed by a single letter in 1,400 years while all the rest have changed in other religions
Nobody is forcing you to abandon your religion; at the same time you dont have any right to gag someones freedom of expression....if you are not happy with the free societies like west ,you always have the option of going back to your native countries and cutting diplomatic ties with them.
As for quran not changing,all the available historical evidence point otherwise...religious discussions are not
allowed on defence.pk...drop your email ..i will tell you complete history of islam..i will tell you about different manuscripts of quran...i will tell you about the compilation of quran ; i will tell you about writings of hadeeth; I will tell you about the role of ummayads and abbasids in the establishment of islam ; I will tell you about petra...I will tell you about mecca and many more...i leave your email.
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Making blasphemous cartoons of Prophet Mohammad PBUH is 'freedom of expression'. This joke has to stop. French are conceited as*holes.

At the same time, you cant blame one nationality for the reaction. The people who were making blasphemous cartoons were French. By that logic, they should be killed just like the person who attacked with knife.
This thread is a prime example of how a thread like this is specifically designed to be a troll fest. How can a nation of over 180 million be responsible for a retard who is 18 - commit this crime in France - yet Indians desperately tarnish our whole population. In fact @masterchief_mirza was being badgered and force ably asked by Indians to apologize for the actions of this 18 year old retard. How can we go around apologizing for those that commit crime? The abuse and language was quite horrendous but thats because Indians are getting more and more desperate because their crap and ideology is being exposed on a daily basis.
@Rafi sahib become rambo at one stage and started beating about 10 of them up on each post. lol

Right we going to learn Islam from a Pajeet —

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan look at this clown

I will answer this post, point by point.

It deserves to be refuted in the proper manner.

You guys were right beside me, much respect to all the brothers.

Allah swt bless you brother, your loyalty towards Islam and Pakistan is commendable. You single-handedly put the trolls on the defensive.
I will answer this post, point by point.

It deserves to be refuted in the proper manner.

Allah swt bless you brother, your loyalty towards Islam and Pakistan is commendable. You single-handedly put the trolls on the defensive.
Haha...man you people have an unfair advantage here...I have gone through all the posts and this rafi guy was beaten black and blue by that guy who was banned...somebody had to go to moderators to stop him from ripping that rafi guy apart...he was banned,his posts deleted and now you are claiming victory...what foolishness this is..
Its like praising a boxer who is punching his opponent whose hands are tied
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