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Featured Paris knife attack suspect is of Pakistani origin, French authorities say

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Rotherham, Oxford to Charlie Hebdo seem to someway connect with Pakistan.Time education system was changed to mould a more liberal mentality.


A GP who committed 90 sexual assaults on 24 female patients whom he persuaded to undergo unnecessary intimate examinations for his own gratification was labelled a “master of deception” as he was handed three life sentences.

The 50-year-old, who claimed he had been practising “defensive medicine”, flouted medical guidelines by giving healthy women under 25 smear tests and by making breast examinations on under-50s. :angry:

Connections to India? :rolleyes:

A government doctor at Aligarh's Deen Dayal hospital was arrested on Wednesday on charges of molesting and attempting to rape a 25-year-old woman, who was recuperating in the isolation ward after being tested positive for coronavirus.
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A GP who committed 90 sexual assaults on 24 female patients whom he persuaded to undergo unnecessary intimate examinations for his own gratification was labelled a “master of deception” as he was handed three life sentences.

The 50-year-old, who claimed he had been practising “defensive medicine”, flouted medical guidelines by giving healthy women under 25 smear tests and by making breast examinations on under-50s. :angry:

Connections to India? :rolleyes:

A government doctor at Aligarh's Deen Dayal hospital was arrested on Wednesday on charges of molesting and attempting to rape a 25-year-old woman, who was recuperating in the isolation ward after being tested positive for coronavirus.

jeez, just when you thought humans could not get any more ugly, indians will prove you wrong. The indian above looks like sloth out of the Goonies:

Why are indians worried about France and violent Pakistani teenagers when india is the biggest open sewer on the planet with the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world?......... :disagree:........Also, worrying about France and young violent Pakistani teenagers will not help indians get back 38,000 square kms of indian territory conquered by China........:azn::

Nope, i have no problem with you guys supporting terrorism.

Dont need a visa, i got a Norwegian passport.

Worry about yourself, must be hard living in a world you wanna blow up!
Not as hard as it must be for you wanting to do an anders breivik every time you see a mosque.

Where did I support terrorism? Clarify otherwise this is libel. Libel earns a punch in the face btw.
Cry baby

...and your saviour here. He will troll a little, ban a few indians and then brag about how fair this forum is.
Says the twat who accused me of supporting terrorism without any evidence whatsoever.

If you don't like facts and evidence-based commentary, fk the hell off to some other forum. 4chan might suit you.
All these RSS Hindu cowards trying to act tough in this topic. These are the same RSS Hindus who celebrate massacre and terror against Muslims. We haven't forgotten how RSS scim were having a diwali when worshippers got killed in the NZ mosque shooting. They kill and rape Muslims in their own country.

Here one Pakistani guy gets caught and the all Pakistanis are held responsible. LOL at Pakistani mastermind got caught. Fvck the hypocrisy. No one gave a shit. The sun will shine tomorrow and nothing happened.
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can you draw cartoons of jews being killed and gassed in the Holocaust ?

is it funny to show these to the Jews of today?

is it ok to deliberately provoke others people sensitive issues of their religion?

dont provoke dont get attacked simple

you provoke you get a attacked not hard to understand
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