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Featured Paris knife attack suspect is of Pakistani origin, French authorities say

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hindus dont go killing europeans after getting asylum , only terrorist from certain places are doing it.
No you don’t need to - you kill innocent in your own country - kill for eating a burger - kill for being a Dalit - kill for being a Muslim - kill for being a Christian
A land where your leader was banned entry for best part of 10 years for being a smelly vermin
A land where you have more starving than the whole of Africa
A land that lost 38,000 sq Km to foreign forces
A land that has corona out of control and a retard like you that’s confirmed you are a multi ID eat is trying to troll on here?
Get ready for a ban.
Back to topic - you can’t tarnish 180 million people with the same brush as 1 retard in France
Try answering my previous posts to you instead of parroting on. Please clarify how the ethnic origin of said gangs is in any way relevant or related to their crime. If you can't do that, then your link is spurious.

some of them have been snatched off their british citizenship they are slated to be sent back to pakistan .
Calm down bro. Else you might grow a hole in your katora :lol:

On a serious note, French authorities should talk about other terrorists they have caught.
Totally calm - I ain’t no brother to a dirty mult ID troll. Tell me what’s the desperation to create an ID after being banned on a Pakistani site? Be a man and tell us the truth - what ID were you using yesterday- come on share the truth. Come on have the balls.
Back to topic - these retards in France should be hung.
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Dear brother of the land .... have a think. This thread was started yesterday by an exposed Indian and after been warned - thread got deleted - then amazingly a member that joined in March who has posted only 10 posts launched this again. Indians have multiple accounts - and I put my last dollar on the fact this chap aryvadita or whatever his name is and the OP are the same person.
Now have a think how obsessed these people are to post on PDF under multi ID and attempt to troll like this - astonishing obsession.
Now back on topic - so an 18 year old Pakistani origin is the “ring leader”? So no mention of the other culprits nationalities? How convenient - now let’s tarnish 180 million Pakistanis with the same brush? It’s an astonishing attempt to put a thread like this up with the sheer intent to troll - and his fellow “lowest form of humans “ jump on the bandwagon. Coming from a shithole of a nation like India - as if they have any room to talk or throw stones at Pakistan ?
@masterchief_mirza @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PAKISTANFOREVER @Verve @Morpheus @Rafi and the rest of you citizens of the soil - look at the intent and attempt of little Indians to put Pakistan’s name down due to the actions of a little teenager scumbag in France. Open your eyes and understand indians are failing and their desperation is getting more obvious

Funny how indians are concerned about violent Pakistani teenagers in France when india contains the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world, is the biggest recipient of american aid and has had over 38,000 Square kms of their territory conquered by China. I think indians have got their priorities all wrong...... :disagree: :


PS This violent Pakistani teenager could probably handle and beat up at least 3 indian adult males all by himself...........:lol:
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This guy was scum he should get convicted in a court of law and then be hung, but what are injuns jumping up and down for, their country is one of the biggest shitholes in the world, where lynching is a national sport.
By Rory Sullivan and Ivana Saric, CNN
Updated 6:49 AM ET, Sat September 26, 2020

French firefighters are pictured near the scene of a knife attack in Paris on September 25.

French firefighters are pictured near the scene of a knife attack in Paris on September 25.

(CNN)The main suspect arrested over a knife attack in Paris on Friday near the former offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is of Pakistani origin, French authorities have said.

France's Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin, told France 2 in an interview on Friday that authorities were working to verify more details about the suspect's background after the attack that left two people seriously injured.

The minister also confirmed that the incident was being treated as "an act of Islamist terrorism."

The lead suspect had not been known to police for "radicalization" but was arrested last month for carrying a screwdriver, Darmanin added.

Police say seven people have been arrested over the attack. Five of the arrests were made in an apartment "likely to have been used by the main suspect," a judicial source told CNN on Friday.

Although the victims have not been named, they are both employees of French documentary production firm Premières Lignes, according to the company's founder Paul Moreira.

Moreira said the pair were attacked with a "sort of cleaver" in front of the office. Their lives are not in danger but they are in a serious condition, a police spokesperson said Friday.

In a statement on Facebook, Charlie Hebdo magazine expressed its "support and solidarity" to Premières Lignes and "to those affected by this heinous attack."

Annie Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, tweeted that "it is once again freedom of expression that is targeted," while former Prime Minister Manuel Valls said on Twitter that it gave him the feeling of "reliving a nightmare."

The knife attack came during a trial of 14 suspects for their alleged involvement in a series of terrorist attacks over three days in January 2015, which started in the offices of Charlie Hebdo and ended in a kosher supermarket.

A total of 17 people were killed in the 2015 attacks, which were carried out by brothers Said and Chérif Kouachi and their accomplice Amedy Coulibaly. The suspects currently on trial are accused of providing these men with logistical support.

After the knife attack on Friday, Luc Hermann, Director of Premières Lignes, criticized what he said was a "total absence of protection of this building since the attacks on Charlie Hebdo."

CNN's Gaëlle Fournier and Niamh Kennedy contributed to this report.

Looks like indians here are really miffed that a Pakistani male teenager can cause so much havoc. This guy could probably manhandle and devastate 3 indian adult males all by his own bare hands........ :lol:
as a human being condemn this terrorist .
You moron, you have linked Pakistan to this heinous act. I absolve myself of any such link to this individual.

You will notice, when a crime is committed in Pakistan or by a Pakistani citizen acting on orders from Pakistan, I will be the first to condemn. However you have made a spurious link. You would be laughed out of court by the judge for making such a link. So keep jumping up and down like the hindutva you are. Keep condemning other Pakistanis all you wish - it doesn't make them culpable or sharing of culpability in this case.

This is why people like you ban our sportsmen, musicians and businessmen from India, because you genuinely believe they're all "terrorists". Thanks for the laughs.
What a coincident. The same terrorists West uses to spread anarchy in Islamic world. And then these monsters get asylum in west.
So my first point still stands.
he got asylum as an abused child .
Look at all the members making all kind of excuses for a terrorist. Still half of the hypocrites would sell their own mothers for a visa to a western country
Nobody is making excuses for a terrorist. We're absolving Pakistan of responsibility when the defendant himself stated his reasoning for his actions and they had nothing to do with Pakistan. Do you have a problem with that?

Regarding visas, if you're subtly fishing for one let me know.
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